Sweeny Todd


Later that night Sweeney woke to see Azrael nestled against him deep in sleep. Sweeney couldnt help but smile as he stared down at her and couldnt help but think about his Lucy Before all this happened, he couldnt imagine himself with any other woman and yet here he was with Azrael He continued to stare down at Azrael and wonder if she really would stay with him from now on. On the other hand, will things change? He knew that Azrael was nothing like Lucy but in ways, he was grateful for that. He didnt want a woman who would remind him of his Lucy everyday of his life, it was hard enough knowing that him being sent away is the reason why she died. Sweeney will never forgive himself for that, after all, he has vowed to honor and protect her and yet he wasnt able to do either, it scared Sweeney to think of what Johanna will make of him. Will she really love him like Azrael had said she would or will she hate him for his choices, another question popped in his mind and made him wonder would Johanna like Azrael? Sure Azrael was loud and very opinionated and didnt care what people made out of it but in a way that is what he admired about her. Yet, he noticed how much of a compassionate heart she has...
Sweeney often wondered what her life was like with Gerry. He knew Gerry was the complete opposite of him regarding appearances, Sweeney saw the picture of Gerry and knew that he must've been a tall man and had short brown hair and penetrating green eyes, he also noticed that in majority of the pictures that she had of Gerry was that he had nothing but pure smiles on his face. Sweeney remembered a time where he had nothing but pure smiles on his face and knew what it felt like to have a warm loving family to come home to, but he often wondered what it was like when Gerry and Azrael fought. Were they passionate fighters like he and her are now or did she usually win the fights having Gerry coming and begging for her forgiveness Sweeney didnt know why he was so curious on the relationship Azrael had with her late husband but figured it was because he wanted to know if he would be as any good of a partner to her as her husband was with her. It amazed him how much this woman affected him, and it amazed him to think at what lengths he would go just to make sure she was ok or to put a smile on her face. Sweeney knew he was falling into a deeper well with her but just wanted nothing more than to have her here with him.
Just then, the mounts of grief surged through his body; visions of Lucy flashed through his mind and made him see how much he has been neglecting his plan of revenge for her. He knew this wasnt Azrael's fault after all she was stole from him and almost raped by the governor and that alone in itself kept him preoccupied but it didnt mean that he was feeling grief for neglecting his plan. Sweeney sighed and decided to get up and rise from the bed being very careful not to wake Azrael up. Once he was up from the bed he dressed into his black pants, white shirt and vest and decided to go downstairs allowing Azrael to have her well-deserved rest.

Once Sweeney made it down the stairs, he stared out at the window in the bakers shop and watched the cold dark empty roads thinking about the plan that Azrael and Anthony initiated for freeing Joanna he knew it was risky but knew it was the only way to secure his daughter's freedom. As Sweeney was deep in thought, he didnt hear Mrs. Lovett walking into the room with a tray of food for him. Mrs. Lovett gently placed the tray on the table and walked up beside him noticing that he wasnt looking at her "Brought you some dinner dear." She said softly and stops when she realizes that he isnt even listening to her, Mrs. Lovett's heart sank as she stared at the man seeing that his obsession was cloaking over him.
She wished so much to have him love her and would do anything to make this man choose her over Azrael; she didnt understand why Sweeney was so entranced by her and wanted nothing more than to hate her for taking Sweeney from her. However, another part of her couldnt hate Azrael especially after what had happened to her, but she did wish that Azrael was gone so she could have Sweeney all to herself. She also knew that Sweeney has been so deep into his obsession in receiving revenge for Lucy that if he wasnt with Azrael he was shrouded with plans for ending the Judges life. Mrs. Lovett sighed and then looked over at Sweeney "Mr. T, might I ask you a question?" she asked noticing that he still wouldnt turn to look at her but gruffly muttered an "mmhmm..." Mrs. Lovett sighed knowing that this question was going to be really hard to ask but knew she needed to ask it. "What did yer Lucy look like?" she asked noticing that he now turned to look at her but didnt answer.

Mrs. Lovett frowned noticing that he wouldnt speak and gave him a determined look "you heard me can't really remember cant you? Not since Azrael has came into the picture."

Sweeney glared at the woman before him tired of her antics and softly said. "She had yellow hair..." now suddenly having a very distant look on his face realizing that he doesnt really remember what his late wife did look like and then turns to look back out of the window.

Mrs. Lovett frowned and then placed her hand on his shoulder "You have to leave all this behind you know. She's gone... you keep looking down into the grave, you're never gonna look up. And life will just pass right away... Life is for the alive, my dear." Sweeney still didnt answer her so she continued. "We could have a life we two... I know you have this odd interest in Mrs. Rowena but eventually you know and I know this infatuation you have for her will soon phase away. We can fully be together... it might not be what I dreamed, maybe not like you remember... but we could get by." Sweeney glared at her and then turned to look back at the window, Mrs. Lovett then gently placed her hand in his and gave him a small smile. "Come away from the window." She said softly, Sweeney allowed her to pull him away and was starting to follow her out to the sitting room until suddenly Sweeney sees the men he has killed standing there glaring at him relentless and accusatory with blood pouring down their necks.
Sweeney jumped from the sudden vision with a look of shock smothering his face and had the sudden need to get away. "I need to go check up on Azrael... she may wonder where I am..." he muttered and then quickly ran up the stairs, not noticing the disappointed look that was crossing Mrs. Lovett's face.

Once Sweeney made it up the stairs and into his room he saw that Azrael was now fully awake, fully dressed in new clothing, and was sitting in his barbers chair holding the portrait he had of Lucy and Johanna. Sweeney walked in further into the room and saw that Azrael finally looked up from the picture, she gave him a soft sweet smile and then rose up from the chair and walked up to him still holding the picture. "She's beautiful..." she whispered.
Sweeney softly smiled and gently took the picture out of Azrael's hands. "She was my entire reason for living her and Johanna..."
Azrael knowingly nodded at him and gave him a hopeful look. "Will you tell me about her?" she asked softly.
Sweeney looked up at her completely surprised by her question. "Why would you want to know about her?" he asked completely confused by her question, Azrael shrugged and gave him a sheepish smile. "I figured that since you know a lot about Gerry that you could tell me a little bit about Lucy... after all she was a huge part of your life." She muttered realizing that this question might be a little uncomfortable for him. Sweeney softly smirked at her and pulled her along with him, sat down in the barber chair and pulled her down to sit down on his lap, he then placed one arm around her waist to anchor her there and used the other hand to hold the portrait.

As Sweeney stared at the picture, he couldnt help but smile "She had a smile that could outdo the sun and when she sang lullabies to Johanna she would have the voice of angels... I remember waking up every morning to see her beautiful eyes staring back at me and I'll be honest it would feel like heaven. Words could never describe how much I loved her, nor will they ever... her hair smelled of roses and her lips were always red and sweet. And when she was baring Johanna she never looked more radiant, knowing that my child was within her made her even more beautiful than she was she was an Angel Azzie a beautiful angel who lit up my life to a thousand volts. And during all my days in that prison I would dream of coming home to a wife and child... I spent 15 years dreaming of her beautiful face and now I can barely remember it. All I remember is that her hair is yellow like wheat and that she was my everything..."

Azrael smiled as she stared down at the picture now resting her head against his. "She sounds like a miraculous and wonderful woman."
Sweeney nodded and continued to stare down at the woman he devoted his entire plan of revenge too. "She was Azzie she was" he then looked up at her and gave her a very serious yet sincere look on his face. "And yet so are you..." he said softly and then pushed her against him to give her a needy kiss, Azrael smiled against his kiss and gently broke it now tangling her fingers into his hairs. "We should really start initiating the plan to get Johanna out of there." She said staring into his deep dark brown eyes. Sweeney frowned knowing that in some ways Azrael will be in danger for going along with this and couldnt help but ask "Are you sure you want to do this Azzie, it is dangerous." Azrael nodded giving him a small smile "More than ever now you go and get up and write the Judge a letter regarding Johanna, and me and Anthony will go and break her free while you're busy with the judge." Sweeney nodded and allowed her to rise up from him and then rose up himself and then picked up a piece of paper and started to write down his letter to the Judge while Azrael went and placed the portrait back.
Just then, Mrs. Lovett walked into the room seeing Sweeney writing in an extravagant manner and softly said. "Dear I wonder if" she was then cut off by Sweeney who was giving a very stern look. "Fetch the boy." He muttered darkly, Mrs. Lovett sighed and gave him a concerned look. "Mr. T dont you think that..." she was then cut off again noticing the dark glaring look on Sweeney's face and gritting his teeth out of anger. "I said get the boy" he said in a dark grim tone, Mrs. Lovett gently nodded and ran off to grab Toby.
Azrael frowned when she saw the way Sweeney was treating her and gently walked up to him while he continued to write the letter. "Sweeney dont you think your being really hard on her?"
Sweeney quickly turned to look back at her giving her a very grim look. "She refuses to do what I say so she has to be reprimanded." He stated sternly. Azrael frowned and then placed her hand on his shoulder "Sweeney she's just looking out for Toby the lad is a good boy and doesnt mean any harm, I dont understand why you seem to think he is such a nuisance." Sweeney sighed starting to get very irritated "Azrael... The boy will one of these days create trouble for us all... now enough of your talk I need to finish this." Azrael then glared at him. "Your gonna kill him arent you? After all of this is through you're gonna kill the boy..." Sweeney sighed, placed his pen down once again, and then turned to look at her. "Azrael enough of this." Azrael then shook her head "No not enough of this Sweeney tell me are you planning on killing that boy?" Sweeney once again sighed and slowly shook his head. "And if I am what are you going to do or say about it?" he said in a dark manner and then turned back to his letter; Azrael frowned and slowly looked away from him. "Nothing I suppose but it almost makes me wonder what are you going to do with me once this is all over..." Sweeney violently turned around and glared at Azrael. "Are you implying that I'm thinking of killing you once my revenge is finished?"

Azrael then shrugged. "I'm not implying anything Sweeney but I cannot help but wonder if you are willing to kill an innocent child who is nothing but curious about the people he looks up to then why would you hesitate to give me a second thought."
Sweeney gritted his teeth, strode up to her, grabbed her arm, and yanked her towards him, their faces merely inches away from each other's. "Because I would never kill a woman I care for... and if you cannot see that Azrael than it is your fault not mine." Azrael looked into Sweeney's eyes and had tears in hers. "I want to believe you Sweeney but how can I when you have no problem killing a poor innocent boy." She said softly, Sweeney frowned and then wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his forehead against hers. "Azzie I have given you no reason not to trust me... and if you dont want me to kill the boy I wont. But please dont say you dont trust me... I need you to understand that I'm trying to do this to regain my revenge but it's not only for that now" he said softly looking into Azrael's eyes, Azrael saw the sincerity in his eyes and couldnt help but give him a confused look. "It's not?" she asked softly, Sweeney smirked at her and gently shook his head. "No luv... I'm doing this for you as well. Azzie if the judge finds out the truth about you killing his cousin he will condemn you to death and to be honest Azzie I cannot live with that. I'm doing this to regain my wife's revenge but I'm also doing this to protect you."

He then gently kissed her on the lips. "Ever since the Governor I have secretly sworn to myself that I will never allow another man or creature harm you again and I plan on keeping that promise Azzie. So please just give me some trust I need it from you luv, I really need it."
Azrael sighed, then closed her eyes trying to regain her composure falling even harder for this man, and then slowly opened her eyes to stare into his and couldnt help but kiss him. "You have it completely." She whispered and kissed him again, the kiss was soft and sweet at first but it became more needy from the two showing each other how much they both care for each other or maybe even love. But what they didnt notice was that Toby came in seeing the two embraced in a very passionate kiss and then softly closed the door to get their attention.

Once Sweeney and Azrael heard the door close, they quickly broke apart from each other and turned their heads to look at Toby in surprise. Toby hesitated at first mostly worried for Mrs. Rowena fearing that she maybe forced to have a relationship with Mr. Todd but didnt say anything other than. "Mr. T, Mrs. Rowena?" Sweeney glanced over at the boy obviously irritated with him storming in and then picked up his letter and handed it to him. "Do you know where the Old Bailey is?" Toby gently nodded his head "Oh, yes sir not that I have ever..." he was then cut off by Sweeney. "Take the letter and seek out Judge Turpin. Repeat that..." he then noticed that Toby hasnt said anything and started to grow impatient. "Repeat. That." He said grimly, Toby looked at him wide eyed and quickly repeated Mr. Todd "Go to Old Bailey. Find Judge Turpin." Mr. Todd nodded and then pointed at the letter he handed to Toby "Put this into his hands. Only to him. You understand?" Toby gently nodded and then looked up at Azrael giving her a hesitant look, he saw that Azrael gave him a sweet smile and couldnt help but be a little bolder. "Yes, sir, and while I'm out mind if I stop by the grocer and pick up the..." he was then cut off by Sweeney who practically pounced on the kid like a panther slamming him into the wall "DO NOT CHATTER, BOY! You are not to stop!" Azrael then was quickly at Sweeney's side pulling him off of Toby "Sweeney stop! Leave the lad alone!" She shouted finally getting Sweeney to move off of the young boy. Toby stared at Sweeney in shock noticing that Sweeney was gritting his teeth while Azrael had her arms wrapped around his waist preventing him from moving. "You are not to speak! You are to deliver the letter DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Sweeney shouted. Toby slowly nodded still terrified of the man before him for this was the first time he has seen this side of Mr. Todd and actually feared for Mrs. Rowena's safety with this man.
He then bolted out of the room leaving Sweeney and Azrael alone in the room, Azrael glared at Sweeney and slowly shook her head "Honestly could you treat the boy any more cruelly than you just have?" Sweeney sighed and moved away from her. "Azrael the boy needs to learn some discipline and learn that he is supposed to do what his elders tell him" Azrael then scoffed at him. "And threatening the boy scaring him out of his wits is really making the boy feel safer and more willing to do what you say eh?" Sweeney then groaned. "Azrael enough about this boy why are you so hyper about how I treat him?"
Azrael then frowned to herself and gently started to walk away from him. "It's not important right now I need to get ready to go with Anthony." She said softly and started to walk up towards the door, but she then felt Sweeney grab her and forcefully turn her to face him, seeing a grim look on his face. "If there is something wrong Azrael you may as well tell me it right now."
Azrael then gently shook her head knowing that his mind was shrouding over his revenge right now and knew she should just leave him be with that. "It's not important right now Sweeney. We'll discuss it when all of this is over with." Sweeney sighed and then bowed his head and shook it, and suddenly within a flash he has Azrael's back slammed up against the wall, his body severely close with hers. "your not planning on leaving me after all this is through are you?" he asked in a grim yet seductive voice as he placed his lips next to her ear and then gently nipped her earlobe.
Azrael gasped as she felt his hands wandering further down her sides and reached down to her hips and started to pull her skirts up so he can graze his hands on the flesh of her thighs "No you know I wont leave unless you want me to."
She said softly arching her back as she felt his lips attack her neck and softly nipped and sucked on it. "Then why suddenly are you more and more sketchier with me? You know I'll never harm you like the Governor has..." he whispered and then moved his head so he can look directly into her eyes. Azrael frowned and then placed her hand on his cheek "I know you'll never be like Demetrious Sweeney. I know you'll never try to harm me but I just" she then starts to burst into tears. "I'm scared Sweeney what if not everything goes according to the plan What if the Judge kills you or even kills me? I dont think" she was then cut off by Sweeney. "No! I will not allow the Judge to come anywhere near you Azrael. And things will go according to plan" he then gently kissed her forehead. "So no more worries out of you Azzie. Just know that once this is all through that you will never have to worry that someone is out to get you or I ever again." Azrael slowly nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. "Promise me nothing bad will happen," she whispered. Sweeney sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist making an even tighter embrace. "I promise..."
Just then, the door begins to ring causing Azrael and Sweeney to break apart, Sweeney then quickly turned around to see Anthony. "Sorry Mr. Todd, Aunt Azrael are you ready to go?" Azrael nodded and then walked over to a chair and picked up her cloak. "Yes Anthony let's go." She said softly and then felt Sweeney turn her around slowly seeing the look of apprehension on his face. "Be careful..." he said softly. Azrael smiled and gently nodded. "I will no worries." And with that she walked out of the shop and down the stairs towards the coach. Anthony was about to follow her until he heard Sweeney call for him causing him to turn back to face Sweeney. "You make sure her and Johann are safe alright?" he said in a very stern tone. Anthony nodded and gave Mr. Todd a small smile. "I'll guard them with my life Mr. Todd." Sweeney nodded at this and watched the boy run off.
Meanwhile Toby finally made it back to the bakers shop and saw Mr. Todd stare out his window intently before he went in, through the whole entire time he was gone he couldnt help but think about that kiss Mr. Todd and Mrs. Rowena were sharing. He feared that Mrs. Rowena was being forced to be Mr. Todd's lover and wondered how he could help her, but also wondered if Mrs. Rowena was willingly with Mr. Todd. He couldnt understand why a respectable woman like Mrs. Rowena would want to be with a man like him. A man who does nothing but intimidates and creates fear among people, and treats he and Mrs. Lovett so violently and this is what made him fear for Mrs. Rowena even more.
As Toby walked into the shop he saw Mrs. Lovett shuffling about the shop just cleaning things up, once she noticed that Toby finally came back she quickly looked over at him.
"Where you been lad? We had quite the luncheon rush! Me poor bones is ready to drop"
She then noticed the dark look that as masking on Toby's face and then frowned looking at him with concern. "What is it Toby?" Toby frowned at Mrs. Lovett and slowly walked up to her. "Mr. Todd sent me on an errand and on the way back I went by the warehouse. And I was thinkin but if it wasnt for you and Mrs. Rowena I would be there now. Or someplace worse." He then gently sighs. "Seems like the good Lord sent you two angels for me." Mrs. Lovett then smiled at the young boy and then patted him on the shoulder. "Oh, love, I feel quite the same way" she was then cut off by Toby. "Hear me out; mum you know there's nothing I wouldnt do for you or Mrs. Rowena. Say, if there was someone bad around, someone bad, only you two didnt know it" Mrs. Lovett then looked at Toby with concern. "What is this? What are you talking about?" just then Toby started to sing.
"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around. Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around."
Mrs. Lovett then arched her brow. "What do you mean someone bad?" Toby then continued to sing.
"Demons are prowling everywhere, nowadays, I'll send 'em howling, I don't care, I got ways."
Mrs. Lovett sighed and then pulled Toby into the sitting room so Mr. Todd won't hear him. "Darling, hush now, there's no need for this." Toby then frowned and shook his head.
"No one's gonna hurt you, No one's gonna dare. Others can desert you, not to worry, whistle, I'll be there. Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time... Nothing can harm you not while I'm around..."
Mrs. Lovett then frowned. "What is this foolishness now? What are you talking about?" Toby sighed and then sat down beside her on the loveseat. "Little things wot I been thinking About Mr. Todd I saw him and Mrs. Rowena kissing and I fear that he his forcing her to be with him I fear that he is going to harm her and then come after you" he then continued to sing.
"Not to worry, not to worry, I may not be smart but I ain't dumb. I can do it, put me to it, Show me something I can overcome. Not to worry, ma'am..."
Mrs. Lovett frowned knowing the relationship that Mr. Todd and Mrs. Rowena had and couldnt help but become even more jealous of the fact that even after the whole situation with the Governor he still wanted that Irish No Good Siren. She then noticed that Toby leaned into her, so she then places her arms around him but the expression on her face was clearly showing that she was troubled and depressed that Mr. Todd was still with Mrs. Rowena She had hoped that after he had what he wanted from her, he'd be through with her now but it only seemed that they were growing even closer. If only there was a way to make it look like that Mrs. Rowena was the bad guy if only she could sway Mr. Todd away from Azrael. But how? She pondered, sure she still felt horrible for what had happened to the young woman but this was regarding her love and she refused to sit back and allow this woman to take the man she's worked so hard to have trust her. Just then, she heard Toby starting to sing again.
"Being close and being clever Ain't like being true I don't need to, I would never hide a thing from you, Like some..."
Mrs. Lovett sighed as she nervously comforts him, fearing that he is now realizing what they were up to. "Now, Toby dear havent we had enough of this foolish chatter?" she then rises up from the love seat and picks up a purse that was on the table and pulled a coin for and showed it to Toby. "Here, how about I give you a shiny new penny and you can fetch us some toffee?" Just this Toby recognized the purse. "That's Signor Pirelli's purse!" Mrs. Lovett then quickly shook her head. "No, no love this is just something Mr. T. gave me for my birthday" Toby eye's then widened. "See! That proves it what I've been thinking!" he then starts to pull on Mrs. Lovett's hand. "We gotta go ma'am, right now we gotta find Mrs. Rowena and get her and the Beadle and get the law here!"

Mrs. Lovett then grabbed Toby and pulled him to sit down with her, her mind racing as she held him. "Hush now, Toby, Hush Here you just sit next to me nice and quiet how could you think such a thing of Mr. Todd, whose been so good to us? Now with that incident with Mrs. Rowena, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding Mr. Todd would never force her to be with him Mrs. Rowena is just a very lonely woman and seeks for companionship my dear and maybe she figured to seek it with Mr. Todd but do not worry for her she is only out for herself my dear. Honestly Mr. Todd would be wise if he made her leave"
Toby then frowned. "I dont think of Mrs. Rowena that way she is very kind and I dont see her as a woman who seeks for companionship in the nights I worry that Mr. Todd is forcing her to be with him, after all why else would he always be with her? He keeps a close eye on her all the time and whenever Mrs. Rowena speaks with another man, Mr. Todd has this very dark, grim look smothering his face I fear he's holding her captive." Mrs. Lovett the sighed and gently shook her head. "Do not worry Toby, Mrs. Rowena will be able to handle herself" she then starts to make a dangerous decision and starts to sing to Toby holding him closely to her.

"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around. Nothing's gonna harm you, darlin', Not while I'm around..."
She could feel Toby starting to calm down in her arms and suddenly had tears in her eyes and continued to sing.
"Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while, But in time... Nothing's gonna harm you, Not while I'm around..."
She then smiled knowing that Toby completely calmed down on accusing Mr. Todd of anything for right now and then softly said. "Funny we should be having this little conversation right now 'Cause I was just thinking, you know how you've always fancied coming into the bakehouse with me to help make the pies?" Toby then nodded. "Yes ma'am."
Mrs. Lovett then quickly dried her eyes and turned him to face her. "Well No time like then present"