Status: One shot only

Must Be Dreaming


Slowly taking each step back Lumia in her pure silk white dress now wet and soaked in the water that went up to her waist, soon hit the stone wall behind her, trapped. His rough but gentle hand touched her skin setting fire to it as it cupped her cheek. His thumb made circles on her milk white skin and she closed her soft blue eyes and moaned softly as an arm slithered around her waist and lips of passion and heat kissed and sucked on her naked neck. Her moans grew deeper as the man before her had found her one spot and sucked harder and harder. 'Solus' she moaned his name, taking his lips from her skin he moaned her name just before he claimed her full lush lips.
His kisses hard and commanding leaving her lips raw and slightly bruised, her soft and gentle hands upon his hard chest and his around her delicate waist. Fire and butterflies danced within her as his touch amazed her more and more. She opened her eyes a tad as he returned to her neck and she watched how greatly his muscles moved as his hands massaged her when she noticed her tattoo; a sign. 'You're . . . Capricorn?' she gasped and Solus chuckled lightly. 'Just as you are the Diamond' his deep voice responded as his hand brushed down her back sending chills down her spine. 'Then you were telling the truth, we are . . .' she mumbled softly 'you didn't believe me? I gave my word to you on that day that I would never lie to you' he reminded her and she realised that they were breaking the law more then just once.
'Solus I-I can't' she hesitatingly pushed him back and he stared at her in understanding and went to kiss her but she moved her head so he would kiss her cheek instead. Ignoring this he continued down and began kissing her neck again. She moaned helplessly again 'why is it that I can not resist you?' she begged and she could feel him smirk on her skin. 'Maybe it's the same reason why I can't resist you' he replied and looked at her directly in the eyes.
'How is it that you torture me una knowledgably? How is it that I can not refuse the urge to touch you? I have seen so many women in my time, all in my reach! All except for one; you. By law we aren't even allowed to touch each other much less see one another. Yet on that day, your innocence saved my life. And I am filled with sinful thoughts of what I urge to do with you, but I fear for your precious innocence' he said as he brought her close to him. 'You; the Diamond of Innocence, one of the 12 Gem Virgins that hold the Balance. I could not bear with myself if I were to take that innocence from you, what that could do to you. I don't want to crush your fragile form beneath my weight'.
'Then this means . . .?' she looked up at him 'I'm letting you go, I want you to live a full and happy life not one crushed' he brought a strand of her hair and breathed in its scent. 'I will confess Lumia; I want you in more ways then one, I wish to claim you as mine and temptation isn't making it easy on me. But if it were to have would create your demise in any form or way, I will let you go' he whispered as a lone tear escaped him and she brought kissed his forehand and held his head in her arms soothing him silently and she breathed him in. 'What of you?' she whispered after a moment of silence. 'I will do as I must and support you in secret from my generals and comrades, what will happen to me will never matter-' 'it matters to me' she cut him off and he smiled at her 'pure as always' he whispered and brushed back a strand of her dark golden hair behind her ear. He gazed down upon her form and slowly kissed her, savouring everything of her; her scent, her taste and all. 'Before you go' she began and used his knife to cut a lock of her hair 'take this to remember me by' and she gave it to him, Solus accepted it in understanding and kissed her one last time before disappearing in thin air.
Lumia looked down at the dark water that reflected the moon as tears spilled down her face'my happy ending' she laughed in sadness unknown to her that she was being watched by a gaze of sadness and despair, the eyes of her best friend, the virgin of the moonstone; Pearl, from the depths of the darkness of the tunnels.
Leaning on the walls of his deep dark stone fortress for support, Solus groaned out of sadness and anger. Finding it hard to control himself from the temptation of killing the fates for the pain and suffering they were putting him and Lumia through. He slid down the wall unable to stand even when leaning on the walls no longer and silently endured the beginnings of his pain from being away from Lumia. Then his strong senses heightened and he sensed a presence nearby. He stood up silently on guard and waited and listened when he saw a woman with white hair and in a similar dress to Lumia. She was young probably a year or so older then Lumia but strangely she held the gaze of a mother in sadness and understanding towards him.
'Do not fear' she said 'I bring no harm but unuderstanding'. Solus looked ta her confused and reached for his sword 'I know of the relationship between yourself and Lumia and I wish to only assist' she said calmly 'assist?' he repeated in confusion and the woman nodded. 'Yes, I don't want to have to watch see Lumia in pain, I wish her only happiness' but this made him even more suspicious and he watched her carefully 'how can I trust your word?' 'I'll be honest with you and say that only you can decide. My name is Pearl and as my name states I am the Moonstone Virgin of the 12 Gems' and she showed proof by showing the birth mark of her sign, the crescent moon. Realizing that she was indeed telling the truth he put his sword away and stood casually.
'Commander Solus, the Capricorn of the Zodiac Commanders, do you know one of the main reasons why the Diamond, Lumia is the most forbidden Virgin of Innocence?' Pearl asked 'because she is the representation of innocence itself' Solus answered simply and she nodded her head half-heartedly but frowned.
'But that isn't the only reason. In the universe all living entities have what is called a 'Ghost'' she began ''Ghost'?' Solus repeated and Pearl nodded. 'When a living being dies their Ghost is released carrying the memories of it's past until it is reborn' ''reborn'? But how?' he asked confused 'by being reborn into a new entity, a new body' she explained. 'Everyone has it even you however we the 12 Gem Virgins, whom are to live for all eternity do not. But for some odd reason Lumia does' Solus' deep blue eyes were in deep shock 'Lumia is mortal?' and Pearl nodded.
'Knowing this the Immortals panicked for fear of the Balance of the Zodiac tipping so they went to the Fates and agreed on a law that stated that all mortals were forbidden to see or even come into contact with the 12 Virgins. But this wasn't enough for the Immortals' 'what!?' Solus gasped 'the Immortals decided that Lumia would live with the virgins in the mortal plane until her 21st birthday, the day when she would be taken into the Heavens to live out the rest of her days and keep her Innocence and so the Immortals could give birth to the new Diamond' Solus couldn't believe of the future laid out for Lumia by the Immortals, but then again he couldn't blame them from taking such serious steps for Lumia's safety. 'Lumia's birthday is in two days time; tomorrow will be her last day on the mortal plane' Solus' eyes widened 'so soon?' he asked. 'After tomorrow you won't even have the slightest of a chance of seeing Lumia ever again' She finished and let the information sink deep into Solus. 'I don't think I can last so long without her, I'd go insane. I know I promised to let her go but I assumed that I would still be able to see her, but . . .' Solus spoke softly 'I know' Pearl said out of nowhere and he stared at her 'I know for sure that you will grow insane especially since your tarot card is the Devil' she explained once again. 'Knowing this I have set up a plan-' 'I don't want her to remember me' he suddenly cut her off and she nodded, knowing the reason why and began to explain her plan to him.

The next day Solus set out prepared for the military. This was the reason why he didn't want Lumia to remember him and after today she wouldn't. Today Solus was to set out for war against a rivalling nation but if he were to die and knowing Lumia whom had saved his life but attaching her soul him, sharing his deepest emotions, he knew her soul would be left shattered. An empty shell would what she would become, he didn't want that for her nor did he want to live a life without her. And after this day, all she would remember him by is a sinner of betrayal.
Solus leaned on the walls of the deep maze like tunnels in the water of the gigantic bridge of stone, the very place he was before with Lumia. His fellow commanders not far from him, searching desperately for him, in wonder of where he could be. Then she came; Emerald. One of the 12 virgins, a close friend of Lumia, but unknown to everyone she was far from a virgin. Every female envied her grace and beauty but those who were carefree and all males except for those promised to another fell for her charms. And because of this and her crush for Solus, he was mush hated and despise even among his comrades.
Emerald walked down the steps and into the water with her all charming flirtatious smile upon her lips as she gracefully walked up to him. But her charms didn't work on him, he had already fallen for someone; Lumia. Emerald wrapped her arms around Solus' neck and pressed herself against him and smiled innocently. 'Like what you see?' she asked sliding her leg up his. And in one sharp move he took her arms and harshly pushed her on the stone wall making her gasp in pain and surprise. But to him it was a mere spect of his disgust and hatred towards her. How could she betray her friend and so easily and care freely? It disgusted him but he was also disgusted with himself at what he was about to do.
'Let's get this straight Emerald, I feel nothing for you except for negative and I mean negative emotions, to me you are a mere tool of a slut do you hear me?' he sneered in anger and glared harshly at her but all she did was giggle in delight. 'Do you really think that I care? The only reason why I was 'friends' with Lumia was because of how she attracted the best of the best males!' she laughed and he knew that she was right. Innocence was cursed to have even the strongest of men fall for them unknowingly, Solus was just another example. But this just gave him even more reason to despise Emerald. Solus held her in position and readied himself for the sickest sin he was about to commit knowing that his comrades were near. 'Now you listen to me; I'm just gonna make this quick and simple and trust me when I say this; I won't even come close to enjoying it the slightest bit' he spat and before her smirk could grow wider and her twisted tongue could lap words, Solus, in one hard thrust of pain broke through Emerald.
In the deep spring of the great grand garden of Lantic Pearl heard Emerald's scream of pain and unfortunately; pleasure. Lumia looked up at her best friend from the water of the spriung and saw her friend's deep expression. 'What's wrong Pearl?' she asked concerned and out of site Pearl let a tear roll down her cheek and she closed her eyes in guilt and pain. 'I can not say anything but only direct' Lumia looked at her friend confused 'go to the tunnels of the Grand Bridge and you shall know all' Pearl answered in a shaking voice and turned away unable to face Lumia for the sin she had committed and disappeared among the roses. Not knowing what else to do Lumia did exactly as she said.
The commanders of Leo, Aries and the Gemini twins soon came to a stop as their search for the Capricorn Commander came to a close. Mad'ox the Arian commander couldn't help himself but went to ring Solus' neck out of anger of breaking the most greatest of laws. But the twins acted quickly and stopped him and fought with all their strength to bring him to the generals saying it would be better to tell them of Solus' betrayal while the Leo kept watch. Leo couldn't believe at what he was seeing and worst of all watching what his best friend was doing, such a sin Solus' had committed, there was no redemption. A sin born in the waters of the grand tunnels with an immortal. Then he saw it, a glimmer of white and silk, the Diamond Virgin in her luminous grace. She stood in shock and horror at what had unfolded before her but unlike the Arian commander she was a quick thinker and masked her horror with a calm looked and quickly walked away as if nothing happening. But Bar'dusk knew the virgin even though he had never met her all too well, she was broken beyond unknowingly repair. She was upset and angry and far from calm just like Mad'ox.
Emerald hand already came to her climax and soon Solus came. Groaning he took his hand off her mouth, he had put it there to prevent Emerald's so called 'scream of pleasure' to alert more then he could handle when she climaxed. In a hard and painful move Solus ripped himself from her causing her to gasp at his most unfriendly movements but held a look that he was so tempted to rip off her face. Solus leaned a hand on the wall beside Emerald's head and glared at her as harshly as he could and sneered 'I've given you your sick 'pleasure' now it's your turn to pay'. Emerald sighed and snapped out of her dreaming gaze and gave him a brown bag. Opening it he found very old but greatly decorated chess pieces but he knew all too well what they really were; explosives. Looking up he found that Emerald had gone but he wasn't finished with her yet, no far from it.
In the spring Lumia hid herself near the waterful with her closest friends while acting as if nothing had happened, if only that was true. And she'd laugh half-heartedly with her friends and kept quiet to herself until Emerald returned. She stepped into the spring and sat opposite of Lumia and leaned her head on a rock as she held a dazed and dreamily look. 'Oh my! What have you been up to Emerald?' they asked 'I just had the best moment in my life!' Emerald sighed but her gaze held more as they stared at Lumia in satisfaction. Unable to bear her presence any longer Lumia silently disappeared in the waterfall and ran in despair from her friends as they begged Emerald to spill the beans. Hurt, angry, upset, betrayed, sad, depressed all sorts of emotions ran through her as she tried to run in a desperate attempt to hide from reality but in the end she came to the one place she never thought she'd come to again.
Bar'dusk watched from a distance as Solus summoned his most trusted assassin; Ugar, and sent it's hideous form on a mission. Bar'dusk knew Solus wouldn't break the law over a simple sin of lust; Solus could never fall for the virgin who had fallen for him, but why? Why did he do this? Bar'dusk went to question him before the generals came but was forced to come to a stop when an unknown force stopped him. Searching the walls and pillars he found the source; gemstones, moonstones. The sign of his once beloved and still beloved Pearl, Solus wasn't alone. Bar'dusk now understood everything and walked away whispering a farewell to his fallen comrade.
Emerald came to her hide out after her little 'gossip' session when suddenly she was overshadowed and she was suddenly gagged and forced to face her attacker, a hideous creature like that of death itself smiled cruelly down at her. Emerald scream but her voice was muffled by the gag and the creature chuckled a dark and deep chuckle. 'Master said you deserve every type and kind of pain' it smirk and it began it's little torture session with Emerald being it's new found toy, delight filled it's eyes as Emerald continuously screamed until she had a lost her voice. Soon after a while the creature sighed in disappointment but in joy as well as it's little fun ended and left the Emerald bloodied and wounded beyond anyone's imagination as Emerald's life came to a slow and painful closed of loss of blood.
Standing before her was the very man that was her first love, the one she thought was her last and only love but there he stood, his back turned toward her. Lumia wanted nothing more then to run away but her body refused to obey and before she could do anything at all he turned to face her. 'Lumia' he whispered softly but not in shock or surprise and began to walk towards her softly calling her name. But she clasped her ears tightly not caring for the pain, crying and shook her head endlessly whispering for him to go away but he didn't, he did the exact opposite and embraced her. Letting her hit him in the chest as hard as she could but he welcomed it knowing all too well that he deserved pain for the sin he committed the pain he had caused. 'Hate me, please' he begged in a low voice and Lumia stopped in surprise at his words and in out of nowhere he kissed deeply 'live life and be reborn in my arms'. And then sounds of rushing water could be heard 'SOLUS!' the voices of the generals yelled and he just merely looked at them and kissed Lumia deeply again 'Solus?' she whispered in confusion and the gigantic clock above the bridge stroke 12 and Solus threw her into the portal to heaven behind her. Her last view of her once lover throwing something on the ground and a huge explosion eruption broke through everything and destroyed all but her as Lumia screamed his name. Lumia lived out her days in confusion, anger and loss in heaven until she died as a virgin and was reborn.