
Around February 2009, I began to develop marks like animal bites on my lower legs. Although they didn't itch, I found it extremely difficult to resist the urge to pick at them (recently I've discovered a condition called Dermatillomania, which I believe may well be the reason why this was). However, as I did this more and more, all I found was that more developed, and the old ones bled, then became scars. As time has gone on, they've only got worse. After a number of hospital visits and tests, I was diagnosed with vasculitis, an inflamation of the blood vessels, however the exact cause of the original marks is still unknown. My legs, to this day, are covered in scars, some of which are unlikely to fade for years, if ever.

I wrote this story, all of which is true, not to attract attention and sympathy, but to prove a point. I read in alot of places that people believe all their confidence issues will be solved if they were thinner. Even though this may be true in some cases, I want people to know that weight isn't the only thing that can seriously affect a person's self esteem. I know a number of larger people with gorgeous bodies that they are happy with, and some thinner people who, like me, have severe issues with certain parts of their bodies. What I want is for people to lose the illusion that lower weight equals greater happiness.

The image in the banner is of my own legs.

I want to dedicate this story as well. It's for all people who suffer from low self esteem, and to everyone with scars.

And for all of you, I hope someday you will realise that you are beautiful, flaws and all. I try my best to find something beautiful about everyone, and that soon you can realise this in yourself. Please also take a look at The Self Love Campaign.