Status: Active!


Chapter Three

Yesterday it had been the leader of the werewolves. Today it was the leader of the vampires. It was exhausting running all around meeting with different people. Everyone wanted him on their side -- and some of them had even said they would settle for sharing his alliance. He was one of -- if not the -- best warlock or witch around. And he knew that. The problem was that he had so many decisions to make because of being in that position. It made him feel important, but it meant so much work when he could be doing something fun instead. There were a lot of warlocks and witches that went around solo -- looking for the best profit to themselves that they could. And yet a lot of others that sided with their own kind. He wasn't too sure half the time where he stood himself. He just worked with everyone. It was less risky (well, sometimes) and way more fun.

His own kind had of course expected him to work with them. He'd had a meeting with them around the beginning of the war. As the best of their kind, they had said so firmly, he had a duty to work for them and his loyalty was looked forward to and expected. The following month the elves had contacted him and he'd gone there. It was hard to negotiate with an elf. They were too strategic to outsmart -- even for himself. Either way he probably would have said yes, though. And then the demons had gotten at him. Another yes. They liked to use fear as a method to negotiate. He didn't like them, honestly, but it was as hard to say no to a demon as it was to an elf even if it the reasoning behind that was something completely different. It'd been another few months and then the werewolves had sent him a message requesting a meeting. At that point he knew he'd be assisting each race in the war in turn. All he had to do was be careful. The demons wouldn't be happy with him if they found out. The elves would be pissed, too. He wasn't quite as scared of anyone but the demons, though.

Now it was the meeting with the vampires. If there was one species he liked the most (excluding his own, for obvious reasons), it had to be the vampires. In his opinion they were a lot like warlocks. And a lot more into having some good ole fun the way he liked to have fun.

It would have taken a few good days on horseback to get from his house to the main vampire coven, but luckily he could get there with a snap of his fingers. It was a little dangerous for new or unskilled warlocks, at least, but at this point it wasn't a problem for him. If you didn't know how to teleport right, you could wind up losing some small bit of you -- a duller shade of hair or a missing eyebrow, perhaps; or something huge -- he'd heard of missing arms, legs, bodily organs. And after you lost it (if you hadn't died) it was damn hard to get it back from . . . whatever it was you teleported through. Maybe it wound up in a sparse forest in elf territory; maybe it was forever lost in the strange nothingness of teleporting. Either way: teleporting was something no smart warlock messed around with. He, on the other hand, turned and looked in the mirror to do a last check, and snapped his fingers. With a puff of wind he disappeared from his house.

And, within a few seconds, he had landed exactly at the place he had been picturing in his mind as he stood in front of the mirror.


The boy he'd landed behind had noticed his sudden appearance as a floorboard creaked under the warlock. He whipped around and the warlock smiled crookedly -- earning an annoyed frown from the vampire -- with a little wave. "Good night to you, as well." He loved vampire jokes. Well, when directed at vampires. And ones who wouldn't tear his throat, at that.

"What are you doing here?" The voice was curt and blunt. There was very (and he meant very) rarely any messing around with the brunette boy in front of him.

"Why, meeting with your lovely leader, of course."

"Does this look like the house of Thane to you?"

He watched the boy huff, pulling a strand of long brown hair behind his ear so it was no longer hanging in front of his hazel eyes. "And I was certain you knew I can only travel to places I've been before, dear boy." The playful smirk grew wider, and he could tell it was at much annoyance to other. He loved watching the boy squirm, though. It was adorable.

"Fine. I'll show you to Thane's." With that and a few mumbled curses the warlock's ears could only just pick up on, the brunette stood and started walking from the drawing room of his house. The two boys walked past a few other members of the vampire's little 'family' before they walked outside. It was dark, of course, considering the meeting was with vampires it can't have been during the day. They walked through the vampire town, bustling like any other would during daylight hours, until they reached a gorgeous mansion. "Don't tell me you need me to escort you in, too, please."

"Oh, Terran dear, would you be so kind?" he asked endearingly. The boy had to use a good amount of self-control not to laugh, especially as he watched the adorably annoyed expression flit across the brunette's face.

"I honestly don't know why I put up with you, Keir."

But there were no more objections than that, and the vampire led the way to the stairs and up, into the house where Keir would be meeting with Thane: Lord of the Vampires. Not that he would call him that out loud, in fear of ticking off the much stronger, older creature.