Status: Finished


"I Had A Job To Do"

“Heather as your lawyer, I ask you to please stop writing about this.” Diane said.

“Why? I’m a writer I have the right to write about what I want or don’t we live in a democracy?” I smirked pushing my script towards me again.

“You know what I mean! People don’t like to see their lives in a book.” Diane replied.

“Well then they should think twice before doing certain things.” I said picking up my laptop with a smile.

Diane and I were facing a court order against my books which made me sick because in my last book I had brought up politics. Deep politics and a lot of people didn’t like what they read.

For me that didn’t matter, I would write about whatever I wanted and no judge could tell me otherwise.

“Heather, I’m serious! Consider at least writing about other things.” Diane yelled.

“Like what? Sci-fi, Romance, Drama? Don’t get me wrong I love all those kinds of writing, I actually read them but I like to write about true facts, I think people need to know this stuff.” I replied leaving her behind without a second thought.

My ideal of writing came through my father, a nation known journalist who always taught me to show people the truth and nothing else besides it. People often told me that Journalism was my ideal career but I loved books and this was my way to continue my father’s legacy.

I opened my apartment’s door and closed it after I got in and I put the laptop in the small table in the entrance. I took my jacket off and walked to the living room to find it empty like always. I loved my job but unfortunately I lived for it and it sliced my heart into pieces when I got home and I had nobody to talk to.

I had friends but most of them were married or had boyfriends and I was the one with fewer worries on getting married but to be honest I missed having someone just for me, someone that I could call mine.


“I want it done.” A brown haired man dressed in a business black suit said turning in his chair.

“How much in for me?” Clive asked looking at the man sitting in front of him.

To Clive that man was nothing but someone who needed his services, he could die in the next 10 minutes that Clive wouldn’t care. He was cold, he had forgotten a lot about compassion, love and all because he had been trained for that. He had been trained to be the best assassin anyone had ever seen, nobody never saw him, no fingerprints, no fabric from his clothes, no footprints, no hair, nothing was left behind. Of course the FBI was always up to track him but it was useless, Clive was the best and nobody could deny it.

“A million split in half, the first I’ll give you right now and the rest when the job is done.” The man said.

“Done, any special requests?” Clive said taking the file with all the info he needed on his victim.

“Do it fast.” The man ordered as Clive turned his back to him and left the building.


I took a long shower and didn’t bother drying my hair, I dressed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt when my phone started ringing and I ran to get it, it was my friend Natalie.

“Hey there sweetie.” She greeted.

“Hey Nats, what’s up?” I said placing a bowl with soup in the microwave to heat it up a little.

“What do you think of dinner in my house? This Friday.” Natalie said.

I bit my bottom lip as I walked to the living room and opened the curtains a bit.

“Sounds fantastic, I’ll be there at 8 as usual.” I smiled.

“Alright honey, have a good night.” Natalie said.

“Bye Nats.” I said hanging up.

What Heather didn’t know was that when she pulled the curtain she showed Clive all he wanted to see, her. He had his plan all build up perfectly and he almost felt bad for killing her since what she did was right and seemed smart. But a job was a job and he never failed one.
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So first chapter, I know it's small but this story is an idea that I've been developing very slowly and carefully because I have way too many ideas.
I'm going to try to put lyrics from John Mayer's songs in every chapter title in a way that it matches what happens.
The character's page is updated!
Please comment and let me know what you thought ♥