Status: Finished


"I'm Gone"

Clive took another deep breath as he double-checked his watch. He was suited up, his hair was perfectly combed and he felt good about himself, he only hoped Heather would like what he was wearing. He had talked to the local priest and the ceremony was going to be held at 6:30 pm.

Clive had prepared the whole day, he had tried to make it as special as possible. Suddenly he remembered Francesca and the fact that seeing her didn’t bother him. He smiled and felt relieved, he was finally over her and with a woman who was far superior to Francesca. But he knew that Francesca meant trouble. That’s why, he had planned to run to another place with Heather.

Suddenly, he heard commotion coming from inside his room and the door unlocked. Heather peeked outside and she was blushing but also smiling brightly. She stepped out carefully wearing an extremely pretty dress. Her hair was straightened and she was wearing a crown of flowers.

Clive looked at her in astonishment. She was so incredibly beautiful and all he managed to do was smile back at her, hold back his tears and offer her his arm.

“Oh wait!” Clive said before they exited the hotel. “Close your eyes.” He whispered in her ear. Heather giggled but closed her eyes and kept her sweet smile in her face.

Clive went behind her and without stepping on her dress, he guided her carefully forward. Heather noticed that he smelled more wonderfully than usual, that made her smile even wider.

“Open your eyes.” Clive said with antecipation in his voice.

Before Heather was an Aston Martin . She placed her hands in front of her mouth, muffling her hysterical yell as she walked to the car taking in the beauty of it.

“I love it! It’s so beautiful!” She said running her hand on the door and then peeking aside.

“Please allow me.” Clive said with a smirk as he opened the door for her. Her eyes sparkled and a small excited yell came from her mouth as she sat inside of the car.

Clive went into the driver’s seat quickly and drove to the nearest church. The car was truly amazing. When Heather stepped out, the sun was shining brightly and they weren’t late.

“Are you going to wait for me inside?” Heather asked.

“If you’d like or we can walk together inside.” Clive smiled never letting go of her hand.

Her eyes started to fill up with tears. Happy tears because of the fact that they were getting married, but also sad tears because she wished her father was there to walk her down the aisle.

Heather gave him a reassuring look and he placed her hand on his arm and he started to walk down the aisle with her on his side. The priest was already waiting for them, with a smile across his face.

The ceremony lasted for about 45 minutes and after exchanging wedding rings and sealing their marriage with a long, sweet kiss Clive took Heather to a park near a lake. There, under a giant tree, was a table set for two with roses all around, candles on the table and food.

“I can’t believe you did all of this…” Heather was so surprised that her mouth was hanging open.

On the other hand, Clive was feeling very proud of himself. He had worked hard to make this day special for him and for Heather. He just wanted to make her happy.

“Come. Let’s enjoy.” Clive said lightning the candles because the sun was starting to set.

He helped Heather seat and when the time was right, little lights went on around them, like thousands of candles with petals around them, making the park look beautiful and it was all theirs.

“Oh Clive, this is all so beautiful.” Heather said with a big smile as she stretched her arm and grabbed his hand, that was resting on the table.

“You deserve the best.” He said smiling back at her as they enjoyed their meal and then their miniature wedding cake.

“I have something for you.” Clive said “It was my mother’s.” He said taking Heather’s wrist gently in his hand and placing a beautiful bracelet around it. Then he kissed her hand as she was looking at him softly.

“Thank you.” She said pulling him closer so she could hug him tightly.

He took this opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist and he started moving slowly, taking her along.

“Are we dancing?” Heather laughed looking up at him.

“We are trying.” Clive chuckled as Heather stopped them. She took her shoes off and placed one of his hands on her hip, one of her hands in his shoulder and grabbed his other hand with her hand. Then she nodded at him and she let him lead her as they danced in the grass.


“But where are we going?” Heather asked as she finished braiding her hair.

“Away, we can’t stay at one place for long.” Clive said as he finished packing his suitcase and kept walking around the room, making sure they didn’t leave any clues behind.

“Fine.” Heather said as she folded her wedding dress carefully.

“You can’t take that Heather.” Clive said coldly.

“What do you mean? I bought it and it’s my wedding dress, I can’t throw it away.” Heather said with a hurt tone.

“It’s going to make your luggage heavier.” Clive stated, he wasn’t going to back down from that decision.

“I’m carrying my luggage, so I decide what’s inside of it. And the dress is coming with me.” Heather said stubbornly, she wasn’t going to back down either.

Clive’s eyes met Heather’s and he knew she was serious.

“Love, you can’t take that with you. We need to be discrete and since you love it so much, we can send it by mail to your father. He can keep it.” Clive suggested.

“We need to be discrete? And that’s why we’re travelling in an Aston Martin?” Heather replied ironically.

Clive gave her a dangerous glance and she glanced back at him just as intensely.

“I better start taking everything outside.” Clive said brushing past Heather and closing the door violently behind him.

Heather took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, she ran to the door and opened it “I’m sorry Clive, I…” Her eyes widened in terror as Jackson placed a hand around her mouth and pushed her inside the door, locking the door behind his back.

“Hello Heather.” His voice came as a whisper as he pointed a gun at her chest and walked around her, making sure she was alone. “Clive hasn’t learned anything. He left you all alone, knowing Francesca would tell me you were here.”

Heather raised an eyebrow, Jackson smirked amused at her confusion and pushed her on the floor with brute strength.

“Let’s see, how can I start… Francesca and Clive had a thing a few years ago, she’s an Assassin too. You can’t stand a chance against her honey,…” Heather was starting to get extremely pissed off “right now she’s downstairs flirting with him. Do you want to bet that he’ll fall for it?” Heather kicked his leg, making him lose balance and release her mouth.

“Shut up, you asshole!” Heather yelled as she pushed him off her and tried to kick his gun from his hand but she was too slow and he caught her leg. He sent her to the floor with a big impact and he pointed the gun at her head.

“Be quiet, you little bitch!” He hissed pressing his hand against her throat, just enough to hurt and scare her.

“Clive won’t… fall for it.” Heather said almost out of breath, tears building in her eyes and panic taking over her body. She had to knock him out somehow.


Damn you, Heather Clive thought as he rubbed his temples with the tips of his index-fingers. He picked his glass with whiskey when suddenly he recognized the perfume resounding him: Francesca.

“Hello bello.” Francesca said flirtatiously and she walked seductively around Clive.

“What do you want Francesca?” Clive asked impatiently.

“Such a silly but easy question. I want you Clive. You are mine.” She said approaching him, placing a hand on his thigh.

He pushed her away and glared at her “Don’t you touch me.”

“So cold… Has that girl changed you this much?” Francesca asked slightly shocked.

“No, she brought me back to life. You were the one, who nearly killed me with a stab on the heart and on the back. Because of you I turned cold and did nothing else but kill.” Clive pressed angrily as he stood up abruptly.

“Clive, that’s part of the past. Bello, we could be so happy.” Francesca said caressing his face.

Clive grabbed her hand and squeezed it with strength, to purposely hurt her. “I told you: Do NOT touch me. After what you did to me, I could never forgive you. And now leave me alone, the next time I see you I’ll kill you.” Clive said turning his back to her and heading back to his hotel room.


Jackson was now grabbing Heather’s throat with both of his hands, he was strangling her and she was starting to feel dizzy.

“What makes you so certain? He keeps lying to you, he won’t ever be completely honest with anyone. He doesn’t even love you.” Jackson whispered with poison in his words.

“YOU’RE LYING!” Heather managed to yell as she moved around, kicking and screaming. She was able to bite Jackson and he released her and then she used her ring to punch him in the nose, making him bleed a little.

Heather ran from out of his grasp and tried to open the door but the key was nowhere to be found.

“It’s over, you little bitch.” Jackson snarled as he came towards Heather and pushed her against the wall violently, kicking her and punching her repeatedly in the stomach and in the face. Then she fell to the floor, crying and groaning with pain.

“Heather? HEATHER?!” Clive’s voice sounded from outside the door.

“Clive…” Heather whispered “CLIVE!” She yelled crying as the pain seemed to be too much to bear.

“He won’t save you. Goodbye.” Jackson smirked as he took his gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Heather’s brain.

She closed her eyes and suddenly the door flew open. Clive sent Jackson to the floor and punched him repeatedly until his hands were bloody and Jackson was unconscious.

“Heather?” Clive whispered and Heather opened her eyes “Oh my God… what has he done to you…” Clive said moving her shirt a little, her body was bruised and he face was worse, he had even managed to make small cuts on her skin.

Heather was able to faintly grab his hand before she passed out.


Heather opened her eyes still frightened to find herself in a hospital bed. Beside her was Clive, looking at her intently.

“Clive.” Heather broke into a fit of tears as Clive hugged her tightly against his chest, running his hand along her hair as he cried too.

“It’s all right. He disappeared and we need to go too. We’re here because the hotel manager heard the commotion, Jackson was arrested and you came to the hospital… He won’t hurt you anymore, I’m sorry I didn’t protect you. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” Clive whispered.

Heather grabbed him tighter against her, his frame was larger and stronger but Clive was also as scared as she was but for different reasons.

“It doesn’t matter. It wasn’t your fault.” She said pulling away from him, her face soaking wet.

Clive used his sleeve to clean-up her face gently and then he kissed her sweetly.

“I’ll help you dress.” Clive said and for the first time Heather noticed that her body was bruised and that it hurt to just move.

Jackson had beaten her almost to the point of killing her. Heather promised herself that that wouldn’t happen ever again, if Jackson ever crossed her path she would kill him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment and let me know what you think of the story so far :)