Status: Finished


"I Can Hardly Breathe"

Clive and Heather had a change of plans and ended up taking a flight to New York City. There they tried to make up a plan so they could go back to their lives. Clive’s wound was practically healed and Heather’s bruises were much better.

Suddenly the hotel’s phone started ringing both Heather and Clive stared at it blankly, until Clive picked it up and sighed with impatience.

“What do you want?” He asked rather rudely.

Heather and Clive had concluded that Francesca and Jackson were working together to get them and by the tone of Clive’s voice, Heather started to suspect that it was Francesca on the phone.

“Do you suppose that I will believe you?” Clive spat as he stood up and paced around the room and then suddenly hanged up the phone.

“Was that Francesca?” Heather asked as she was sitting Buddha style on the floor.

“Yes…” Clive said as he sucked deep breaths furiously and paced, running his hands through his black hair.

“Clive…”Heather patted the space next to her “Calm down and talk to me.” She said gently, giving him a genuine smile.

He sighed and laid on the floor with his head on her lap. His eyes were wide open and focused on her face as she remained silent and her hands wandered in his hair, relaxing him.

“She said that she wanted to help us. How can she expect for us to believe her? It’s a trick for sure!” Clive’s face was starting to grow red and Heather tried to calm him down, because they relied mostly on him to make a plan.

“But what did she say exactly?” Heather asked.

“That Jackson was going to use someone you loved and that she could help us.”


Hallway was enjoying a glass of whiskey inside of his office. He was smirking from ear to ear while he waited for a call.

“Mr. Hallway?” Clarisse asked as she opened the door of his office reluctantly.

The fear in her voice turned him on.

“Clarisse.” He called gesturing for her to come closer to him. He was standing near the window, observing the pouring rain.

When he felt that she was close enough, he tilted his head to the side just enough to be able to see her.

“It’s almost over Clarisse.” Hallway stated.

“What, sir?” She asked in complete oblivion.

Hallway loved when people gave him the chance to explain his plans. And why did he share them with Clarisse? First, he didn’t have anyone else to share them with. Second she was his accomplice, even if she didn’t want to, she already knew too much of all the bad things he had done.

“My plan to take the Peterson’s out of my way. I need to win the next elections.” Hallway smirked. Clarisse was now standing a few centimeters behind him and he turned around so they were face to face.

She became more intimidated as he was standing right in front of her. In all honesty, she loved him. He was a monster but she believed that, like everyone else, he had something good inside of him. She believed that a small piece of his heart was good and would love to have the courage to search for that piece and bring it to life.

“I’m glad for you Sir. It’s been a long battle.” She said with a small smile in her face and she knew she was blushing.

“After all these years, six if I’m not mistaken, you still call me Sir.” Hallway laughed as he ran a hand through a piece of Clarisse’s blonde hair. “Tell me Clarisse, in all these years I’ve never seen you go out on a date or receive flowers at work. Is your boyfriend a bastard?” Hallway asked with a suggestive work.

“I don’t have a boyfriend Sir.” Clarisse said bluntly, barely believing what was happening. His hand was cold but she didn’t mind, his simple touch was making her feel happy.

“Isn’t that a shame? Such a lovely, young woman.” Hallway said leaning in, planting a small kiss on her neck. He felt her shiver but trying to hold her excitement. He knew she had feelings for him and he would take advantage of that, every time he could.

“Mr. Hallway… I…” Clarisse bursted as she was about to step away from Hallway, he gave her a determined look and used his hands to grab her face and kiss her forcefully.

Clarisse was caught by surprise, a thunder of ideas going through her mind. She tried to kiss him back but he was too dominating, he pressed her against his desk and climbed on top of her.

“I need a favor from you.” Hallway whispered as Clarisse stared intensely into his eyes.

“Anything…” She moaned as he kept kissing her neck and smirked, knowing that he was holding her in the palm of his hand.


“What should we do?” Heather asked as she wrapped her arms tighter around Clive’s torso.

They were lying in bed and both of them were feeling very exhausted.

“I must be honest. I don’t know. On one hand I’m curious to know how Francesca can help us but on the other hand, I’m afraid that she’ll betray us.” Clive said as he ran his hand along Heather’s back.

Heather sighed while her eyes got painfully heavy.

“I’m getting sleepy. Good night honey.” She said softly pecking Clive’s lips as she fell asleep with her head resting in his bare chest.


Heather woke up the next morning and Clive was still fast asleep. She kissed his chest but he didn’t react, Heather grinned and bite him softly but still no response from him. She moved up and kissed him but nothing. She felt the panic overcome her as she kneeled and grabbed Clive’s shoulders, shaking them as she called his name.

“Clive! Clive!” She called louder and louder.

Suddenly the light started to fade and she noticed that he was terribly pale. She placed her ear against his chest and his heart wasn’t beating and he wasn’t beating.

“No…” She whispered as tears slipped her eyes like a river “Clive! Please, don’t. NO!” She yelled as she hugged his body and kept crying.

“CLIVE!” She screamed as she opened her eyes and found herself in a poorly lit room. She raised to her feet and saw nothing but darkness and walls around her. “Clive! Clive!” She called louder.

“Hello Heather.” Hallway’s voice sounded from the ceiling.

Heather shivered and looked up, she was terrified. “Hallway? How did you find us?” She wondered as she hugged herself.

“It was very easy to ask Clarisse to slip a few sleeping pills into your dinner and then it was even easier to squeeze Francesca for information, she knew where you were all along. She’s a very good ‘detective’.” Heather noticed the irony in Hallways voice as she grew concerned about Clive. “Indeed Heather, finally my plan comes to its conclusion.” A very strong light went on, almost blinding her. When her sight adjusted, she saw two people tied up in separate chairs but with pieces of cloth covering their heads. From the forms of their bodies, she could guess that they were both males.

“You will be faced with an impossible choice. But you chose this path.” Hallway said as Jackson entered the room “I wish you had the easier path Heather. I wish you would’ve done what I wanted.” Hallway continued as Jackson uncovered the heads revealing Gabriel and Clive, both beaten almost to death.

Heather’s eyes widened as she ran nearer to them but stumbled upon a glass wall. She cried because of the impact but she punched the wall, insulting both Jackson and Hallway repeatedly.

“What do you want?!” Heather spat, clenching her hands into fists.

“All your manuscripts, researches and pictures that may lead or speak directly about me. Also, I want you to write a public statement saying that your previous books are false and take them of the market. Aside from this, I want you to be my private journalist. You will write for the public, only about me. You will tell the world all the great things I do.” Hallway said ironically.

“What? Have you lost your mind? You’re asking me to spit in the ‘face’ of real Journalism!” Heather yelled, in complete shock.

“Well you can always say no and both of them will die, as so as, you. Clive is too weak to protect you and you can’t stand a chance against Jackson.” Hallway stated.

“If I do what you ask, will they be free and unarmed?” Heather bit her bottom lip as Clive seemed to wake up and was looking into her eyes.

“Yes, as so as, yourself. But if you step the line, you all die. No exceptions.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I update the Character's page.
I'm planning to end this story very soon, I'll probably write only 3 more chapters.
Please comment!