Status: Finished


"I'm Not Alone"

Heather paced around the room she was locked in. Hallway had given her a few minutes to decide and Clive was staring intently at her while her father still seemed to be unconscious.

“So Heather?” Hallway asked.

“I’ll do as you ask. How do you wish to proceed?” Heather asked trying her best to swallow her pride.

“Wise decision.” Hallway laughed a bit, unable to control his ego “You have 48 hours to retrieve all your data about me. Every single piece of paper, recording, research… oh and don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on both your father and Clive while you do that.” Hallway said sarcastically.

“And how do you suppose I do that?” Heather asked with a feeling of impotence.

“Call your dear Lawyer and ask her to send all your documents to the hotel you were in, but no funny ideas Heather. Make up an excuse if she asks you why. Jackson will provide you with a phone.”

“Can I see them?” Heather asked as she tried to hold in her tears. She didn’t want Hallway’s pleasure to increase because of her suffering.

“Alright, but just for a few minutes.” Hallway agreed.

Jackson stormed into Heather’s room and brought her across a hall and pushed inside another room. Heather landed on her knees and Jackson closed the door violently. Heather shivered and stood up still shaking. She ran to Clive, who was tied up to a chair and with a piece of cloth around his mouth. She kneeled next to him and hugged his legs, crying into his jeans. She looked up and his eyes were watering up as well.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to do…” Heather trailed off as she felt her father moan and move slightly, he was waking up. “Dad?” She called softly as she approached him but looked at the floor in shame.

His voice came in a muff, it was incomprehensible. Heather looked up and the tears finally fell down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry Daddy. I didn’t know… I never imagine he could do this to you.” Heather’s tears streamed like a river as she sobbed deeply.

“Time’s up.” Jackson said rudely as he walked into the room, grabbed Heather’s arm and forced her out of the room as she reassured Clive and her father that she would save them.


‘It’s in my hands now. I need to come up with a brilliant idea’ Heather thought as she was lying on the cold tile floor with the phone in her hands. Jackson was sitting on a chair with a gun in his hand, he was watching her.

“Hurry up!” Jackson yelled and Heather immediately sat up and dialed Diane’s phone.

“Hello?” Diane’s voice was somehow a relief, a memory of what was normal and safe but Heather had to control herself so she didn’t ruin everything.

“Diane, it’s me Heather.” Diane exploded with questions. She was worried about Heather, she wanted to know where she was and with who but as she prepared to sermon Heather, Heather had to cut her off. “Listen carefully. I need a favor. Go to my apartment in London and get all my works, all my researches. Go to my laptop and put everything I have in CD’s alright?”

Diane continued to question her, a bad feeling was beginning to grow inside of her chest.

“Listen, this is very important. I need you to send this to an address that I went text you later. I need it in two days, it’s vital.” Heather said, hoping Diane would get the hint or just realize that something was wrong.

Diane finally agreed and Heather put the phone down. Jackson stood up and pushed her to her feet making their eyes meet.

“You know, Heather, we still have a conversation to finish.” He hissed as the grip in her arm got tighter and she tried to hide the pain it was causing her.

“Leave me alone. I’m doing my part of the deal.” Heather replied back with disgust in her voice.

“Nobody is here to protect you anymore. Your dear Clive is on the other side of that glass wall, he can see us and hear us.” Jackson stated as Heather’s eyes widened and he grabbed her hair, pulling it behind her head making her scream. Then he threw her to the ground, like if she was a rag doll.

He put his weight strategically on her, so he rolled so she was lying on her belly and couldn't move or fight back. He used his legs to keep her in place and then grabbed her arm pushing it slightly back, making her weep slightly “You punched on the nose, so I’ve decided that I should probably break your arm because you don’t need it here.” Jackson said sadistically as he keep pushing her arm behind her back but slowly, so the pain rose and Heather suffered more.

“NO! NO!” She yelled as the pain was beginning to becoming unbearable. “LET ME GO!” She yelled again as she tried to struggle but the more she struggled, the more it hurt. Suddenly she felt her arm shift from its position and she cried out in pain. Her arm was dislocated and it hurt more than she ever imagined.

Clive was fighting like mad against the ropes that kept him tied tightly to the chair. He had to free himself, he had to save Heather. Jackson was hurting her and Clive had promised that that would never happen. With all the struggling Clive ended up making his chair fall but his ropes were slightly loose. Jackson noticed all the noise and left Heather crying in pain in a room and when he entered the other room Clive was on his feet.

“What drugs have you been giving me?” Clive hissed as he tried to seem confident, but he felt dizzy.

“Just something to keep you calm.” Jackson smirked “I wouldn’t try to be a hero Clive. Her arm is already broken.” Clive’s hands closed into fists as he glanced at Heather and she was on the floor shaking just as Jackson had left her. “Now just between us. Why did you fall for Heather? You used to be so merciless, you would even kill a child if you were paid to do it.” Jackson said.

“You will never understand.” Clive smirked as he approached the glass window, at the same time Heather was trying to sit down and Clive bit his bottom lip, regret filling his heart ‘Maybe, I should’ve killed her. This is all my fault’ He thought. “You see Jackson, unlike you, I wanted to change. Heather was the guiding light. She was never afraid of me, she was always friendly and she took the first step, she never asked me questions, she respected me and waited for me to tell her the truth. The fact that she treated me like a person made me fall in love with her instantly. To her, I wasn’t and I’m not a killing machine.” Clive said as he placed his hand over the glass and took a deep sigh as Heather glanced at him while holding her arm in pain. “Just let her go. I’ll stay and won’t fight back.” Clive requested.

“That’s all very beautiful and romantic but no. I’m not finished with her yet.” Jackson teased. Clive turned his face to him in a second, Jackson knew exactly what to say to make Clive furious.

Actually, Jackson met Clive about 6 years ago. Clive has been an Assassin for longer than Jackson, but Jackson was always very competitive and wanted to take Clive’s place the harder way: he wanted to kill Clive himself. The thing that, even though, Clive was older he was also smarter. He knew what Jackson’s goals were and he wasn’t going to let him win.

“No come backs? Are you softening old man?” Jackson laughed.

“I have never heard so many nonsense come from the same ape’s mouth.” Another male voice spoke, Gabriel, Heather’s father.

Clive smirked “What did you call me?!” Jackson yelled outraged.

“An ape. You are tall, you have muscle but apparently little brain. You can only break Heather physically. Mentally, her ideas will never change, she’ll fight you until she dies. I also know what you both are, you are Assassins but apparently you love my daughter.” Gabriel spoke referring to Clive. Clive nodded at him “Very well, I shall learn more about that story later on.” Gabriel said and then turned to Jackson “Now you, you little smug, I witness what you just did to my daughter and I can assure you that I will kill you myself for touching her. When the time is right, I will kill you painfully you little scum of society.” Gabriel spoke coldly but without an hesitation. He meant what he said but Jackson didn’t take him seriously.

“Enough of this bullshit.” Jackson said impatiently, taking his gun from the back of his pants but, at the same time, Clive stormed towards him and grabbed his hand, both of them battling in strength to get the gun. “Goodbye Clive.” Jackson smirked as a loud noise started on the whole building and four other man entered the room taking Clive off of Jackson.

“LET ME GO!” Clive demanded as he struggled but they hold him down, handcuffed him and started to beat him.

“I’m going to win Clive. One way or another.” Jackson smirked. “Oh Heather!” He called as he went back to the room where Heather was.

She had watched the whole scene with tears streaming down her eyes. Jackson grabbed her by the healthy arm “Look at me!” Jackson yelled at her and Heather’s eyes met his.

“You monster.” She mumbled as he smirked and forced her to kiss him.

“See Clive? This is how things will end. I will win, you will die and then I’ll get to decide what happens to her.” Jackson spoke coldly as he dragged Heather from the room. She went with him crying silently as he took her to Clarisse “Get a doctor to fix her arm.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Update! I hope you like it!
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