Status: Finished


"You Never Show Your Face"

Heather’s P.O.V

On the next day I woke up lazily knowing that I had an interview that afternoon but that was normal to me by now. I got dressed and I was preparing some waffles when my door bell rang which was unusual.

I opened up to see a man a little taller than me standing there with glasses, curly, short and messy dark brown hair, a white shirt, black pants, black shoes and one of my books.

“Good morning.” I said opening the door a little more.

“G…good morning.” He replied looking at the floor but with his hands shaking.

“How can I help you?” I asked trying to be nice, he obviously was nervous.

“Are you Heather Peterson? Author of..” He said showing me the book.

“Yes I am do you want an autograph?” I smiled as he nodded and opened the book.

I signed the book patiently and then gave it back to him waiting questions or maybe something else. This was the first time a fan found my house but I wasn’t going to freak out, people had the right to say what they liked and if this man chose this way well let him be.

“Anything else?” I asked.

“Can you tell me about your next book?” He asked now looking into my eyes his were blue just like mine.

“Well I’m sorry but I can’t, it’s just inside my head for now.” I smiled honestly as he blushed.

“Then thank you.” He said.

“You’re welcome.” I said as I was about to close the door but he approached the door again.

“Would it be too rude to ask for a glass of water?” He said shyly.

“Of course not come in, sorry for the mess.” I said still trying to be nice and not send him away.

He entered unsurely at first but then followed me to the kitchen, I took a glass out and gave him some water. He drank slowly and then just sat there observing me take my waffles.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

“No, I’m just observing you I’m sorry.” He said.

“No that’s fine.” I said sitting in front of him.

Honestly I was crazy for having a stranger in my house but in some awkward way he made me feel really good though he didn’t talk too much. I ate quietly when he suddenly stood up fixing his shirt.

“I have to go, I’m sorry.” He said.

“That’s alright, nice meeting you.” I said as he stormed off.

Clive’s P.O.V

When I knew I couldn’t be seen I threw the glasses of my face and ran my hand through my hair in an attempt to mess it more. She had nothing to do with the file description and what was this feeling in the pit of my stomach?

I had disguised myself as a fan to approach her and I wasn’t expecting her to be so approachable because nobody would be. She just made it very easy.

I sat on a chair with my elbows on my knees and my hands supporting my chin. For the first time I couldn’t understand what was going on inside someone’s head, I couldn’t figure her out.

I took my laptop from the nightstand and I turned it on, I searched for a specific program and I turned it on an image of Heather’s front door appearing, the camera was working correctly. I smiled rubbing my hands against each other waiting for anything to happen.


Heather’s P.O.V

I dressed a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of silver heels and a silver top with some shining stones in the fabric. I combed my hair letting it fall straight into my shoulders and I searched for my white necklace and its matching earrings.

I put everything I needed inside my purse and took my car keys as I closed the door behind my back. I waited for the elevator and I was outside in less than 5 minutes, I was already running late but my friends were used to that by now.

Dinner was really nice and fun and it made me relax and enjoy my time for once, but around 1 am everyone started leaving because tomorrow we all had to go to work.

I hugged Natalie and Phil, her husband, at the door and left towards my car that was parked across the street. I got in and took off towards my apartment quickly sense all I wanted to do was sleep. I arrived in less than 15 minutes and as I locking the car I felt observed. I looked around but I couldn’t see anything, not even a car passing by or a dog on the sidewalk so I tried to shake that feeling as I searched for my keys on my purse when I felt my arm being pushed back taking me along.

My back collided with the cold wall and a man stood there in front of me with his head covered and all dressed in black.

“Give me the purse.” He spoke quietly but I could see the shining knife in his hand pointing at my stomach.

I blinked trying to calm down as I took my purse from my shoulder and threw it towards him. I did my best to not show him fear as he smirked at me.

“The watch.” He said as I tried to move without touching him since his body was practically smashing mine against the wall so I couldn’t move.

“Leave me alone.” I said when I felt him approach.

“It’s such a shame that you’re so pretty.” He said almost in a growl.

I flinched at how close he was but at the same time I felt the knife still there against the fabric of my top barely touching my skin.

“LET ME GO!” I yelled pushing him off me and as I tried to escape he jumped on me making us fall on the floor, my head hitting the floor painfully.

“Bitch!” He yelled punching me in the face once, twice until another voice echoed.

“Hey you bastard, get off her.” The voice was manly and unfamiliar.

Suddenly I saw the thief being pushed by the collar of his shirt as I kept breathing quickly while my nose kept bleeding all over my clothes.

I didn’t dare move, my fear was enabling me from doing anything and I had let panic take control. I closed my eyes while taking deep breathes while sobbing uncontrollably when I realized I couldn’t hear anything.

I opened my eyes reluctantly and I found myself alone laying on the sidewalk, I got to my knees still sobbing while I gathering my things searching desperately for my keys, to just enter my house and forget all about this.

I locked my apartment’s door behind me sliding down the door with my back against it. I pushed my knees to my chest and screamed trying to get all that fear out of my system, once that was done I looked for a mirror and my nose looked horrible. I took my clothes leaving them behind me like a trail and got into my bed, I crawled into a ball and I eventually fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who can resist Clive even with those glasses? *.* xD

So who was expecting this? Any ideas on what might happen next? :D

Please comment and let know me your thoughts!

And THANK YOU Tara and Anne for the comments, they mean a lot to me *.*