Status: Finished


"Should've Turned Around And Left"

I woke up the next day feeling my head hurting, reminding me last night’s nightmare but then I realized I had no idea who my hero was, after all someone had grabbed that jerk off me. I shook my head trying to forget that last night had ever happened and just continue with my life.

I made some cereals and sat in front of my laptop researching for my next book, this time I was going for slavery in our modern times and right under our noses. Meanwhile I turned on the TV and the news was on.

“And now for the breaking news. Last night a body was found near Yellow Flower Street, the victim is a male who was shot and whose name was Michael Biter. The police haven’t released a formal speech yet about suspects or motives for this death but it all indicates a vengeance.” The male reporter said as a picture of the victim showed and I felt my whole body shiver.
It was thief from last night, he was dead. ‘Whoever saved me.. killed him?’ I thought my head spinning as I took a step back and started thinking about a logical explanation for this because nothing was illogical. Everything had a reason and I had to be wrong, the guy from last night probably just got himself punched and he’s at home now. Right?

Clive’s P.O.V

I pressed the ice more against my right’s hand’s knuckles I didn’t regret anything I had done last night. If I hadn’t showed up she’d probably be raped or dead by now so she would have to thank me before I killed her. Truth be told that guy could have saved me lots of trouble but I didn’t want him ruining my carefully planned mission, I hadn’t come here for nothing.
I looked at the computer and realized Heather hadn’t left her apartment yet which was strange because she spent most of her days out of the house. I stood up and I put my jacket on as I saw Heather’s apartment building coming closer as I walked towards it but suddenly the door opened and she came out of it. There I realized how beautiful she was but how bruised that asshole had left her, her nose looked horrible and she was in pain for sure.

She was holding a couple of books and her bag was over her left shoulder as she searched for her car keys while crossing the street. I kept observing her when I realized a bus was coming towards her.

Heather's P.O.V

I kept searching like a maniac for my keys while cursing at myself for never knowing where I put them when I heard someone yell.

“LOOK OUT!” I looked around and saw a two stored bus coming right in my direction.
My body froze as I felt something collide with me and send me flying, after that I landed on the floor with a man holding onto me. I felt myself shake in panic and the man looked in panic too, his eyes were wide and he seemed to be having trouble breathing but for some reason he seemed familiar. My eyes locked with his and I stopped feeling and hearing everything it was like if time had just stopped. His face was absolutely stunning, his blue eyes were deep that I felt like if I could get lost in them, his hair was black and with small curls which I found cute and he had just saved my life.

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” A woman said approaching us along other people when I noticed the bus had stopped and my things were being picked up by a teenage boy.

“Thank you…” I said weakly my whole body shaking and I breathed quickly and looked the man in the eyes, he looked confused and in an inner battle.

“You’re bleeding!” The same woman said with a horrified face making me look at her and then take my hand to my forehead realizing that she was right, I was bleeding.
When I turned to look at the man he had stood up and was already getting mixed into the crowd.

“Hey wait!” I yelled trying to stand up but failing ending up being caught by a man that was around me.

“Please stay still, 911 is coming.” He said making me stay on the ground in a sitting position.

“But that man just saved my life!” I protested but no one listened to me obviously and half an hour later I was lying in a hospital bed with a nurse stitching my forehead.

“Ms. Peterson?” A male doctor said approaching me.

“Yes it’s me.” I said giving him an upset look.

“Your injuries are nothing serious, you have to come in a week to take the stitches and you will simply have a very small scar.” He explained filling some papers and then handing them to the nurse.

“Did any man come in after me?” I asked.

“Not that I know of, why?” The male doctor replied.

“Oh nothing, thank you.” I said grabbing my purse.

Clive’s P.O.V

I went up into Hallway’s office and I knew what was coming, he was going to ask about Heather.

“Clive it’s been a week, is it done?” He asked turning in his chair, his cold eyes meeting mine.

“Not yet.” I replied just as coldly.

Something was changing about me, I had saved Heather twice, in the past I would just let her die but for some reason I didn’t want her to die.

“Why not? Aren’t you the best?” He said standing up.

“Yes I am sir.” I replied trying not to get too nervous, this guy didn’t scare me, I could kill him in a blink of an eye but he was very influent for me to do something so stupid.

“I expect it done by tonight Clive.” He said glancing towards the door.
I nodded silently as I walked out of his office with my twisted mind thinking of thousands of ways to end this quickly. I got into my black BMW and I returned to my so-called apartment to decide what I was going to do.

That night

I walked up Heather’s door and placed my hand inside my leather jacket feeling the gun resting in the inside pocket against my chest. I took a deep breathe before preparing to kick the door down when Heather opened the door with a wide look as she was holding her garbage bag.

“Yes?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

My mouth closed as I cleared my throat nervously.

“Sorry wrong door.” I said clumsily.

“Don’t I know you?” She asked eyeing me suspiciously.

“I’m afraid not…” I said turning my back to her.

“You saved me!” She yelled coming after me as I started walking faster down the stairs and she chased me down.

“Why are you running?!” She yelled sounding frustrated.

I stopped in my tracks and she almost collided with me. I turned to her our eyes connecting immediately as we were both breathing heavily.

“I just wanted to thank you.” She said quietly.

“You’re welcome.” I said feeling warmth invading my chest especially my heart.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I thought looking away as Heather took a step forward embracing her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug.

“What are you doing?” I felt completely lost and my arms didn’t move I hadn’t received a hug in years.

“Hugging you, you look like you need one.” She whispered against my neck making a heat go to my cheeks.

Am I… blushing? I thought taking a deep breath as I slowly pushed her away though my guts told me to hold on to her forever.

“I better go.” I said walking off before she could say anything else.

Heather’s P.O.V

I sat down on my couch, allowing my body to sink in as I sighed dreamily at my hero. He was exactly has I remembered him but at the same time very mysterious. What was he doing in front of my door earlier? I thought as a flash of his eyes come to my mind making me smile. But more importantly why did I hug him all of a sudden? I never approach people like that and we are pure stranger...

He could be mysterious but something made me instantly like him or better something made me almost instantly fall in love with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third chapter!! I hope everyone likes it so please comment or message.

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