Status: Finished


"What Could I Do?"

“Are you sure that no man checked into this hospital about two weeks ago?” I asked again.

“Miss nobody matches your description and your date I’m sorry.” The nurse said walking away.

I sighed and scratched the hospital’s name from my list leaving no more hospital names which was odd, my hero didn’t go to any hospital after he saved me. Maybe a private clinic? I thought to myself but then forgetting that theory. All I wanted was to know his name but finding that out was being extremely difficult. When suddenly my phone started vibrating, the ID read Diane.

“Hello Diane.” I said unlocking my car.

“Hello Heather, the court session was passed to one o’clock this afternoon.” Diane said.

“What? That’s in half an hour!” I protested starting the engine waiting for her explanation.

“I guess Hallway can’t wait to see us.” Diane said but I can bet she was smirking.

“Oh and your dad is here.” She said before I could answer.

That immediately brought a smile to my face.

“Alright I’ll be there in a couple minutes.” I said hanging up.

Hallway was a politician that has sued all of my books but all of his complains have failing which means I’ve won all the cases and I was praying that this time it wouldn’t be different because what he asked was way too much for me to take: he asked the judge to forbid me from writing and on top of that he wanted me to become a journalist in his behalf and therefore write about what he wanted and how he wanted. I groaned at the thought of working for Hallway as I parked my car and immediately saw my dad on the top of the stairs to the court waiting for me with his hands in his pockets.

“Hey daddy.” I said hugging him as soon as I laid my eyes on him.

“Hello pumpkin.” He said hugging me back just as tightly.

My dad always came to these trials not just for me but because he had also been a journalist and a personal enemy of Hallway so he wasn’t letting that ‘old egocentric madman’ ruin his daughter’s career.

“Let’s get inside, Diane is already there and so his Hallway and his three lawyers.” My dad said with disgust.

That’s right Hallway had three different lawyers and somehow there were all allowed to intervene in the trial. I felt confident because Diane was used to this but tired of the pressure it carried since we had spent the last 3 years in and out of trials with Hallway. But it was not just due to my books, it was also due to my dad, ever since he retired that Hallway has attacked me non-stop which made me want to dig even more into his miserable life and then publish everything and the more Hallway insists the more I would publish about him.

I took a deep breath as two guards opened the big wooden doors and I stepped inside walking straight to Diane’s side as my dad sat in the row behind us. Hallway turned his head to me and analyzed me before whispering something to his faithful assistant that took a phone out and sent some kind of text. I raised an eyebrow as the judge entered and we all sat. The usual talking began with Hallway’s lawyers calling up witnesses including the own Hallway and even his assistant and after the accusation was done, Diane started her magic. She first called me up to testify, then my dad and finally my book publisher that had been threatened by Hallway every time he knew a new book of mine was coming out.

“Mr. Hallway and Ms. Peterson I’m taking half an hour to decide. Be here at 2.30pm sharp.” The judge said standing up and leaving for the back.

“Thanks Diane.” I said hugging her.

“It’s not won yet.” Diane said with fear in her eyes.

“I have a good feeling about it though.” I smiled as my dad joined us and Hallway approached.

“Gabriel Peterson it’s has been a few years.” He said.

“It could have passed a few more.” My dad said giving him a hateful look.

“It’s a shame your daughter followed your steps. She could have been so much more than a silly journalist that writes books.” He said trying to mock both me and my dad.

“I’m fine as I am Mr. Hallway.” I said stepping up before my dad could answer and probably cause a fight which was what Hallway wanted. If there was aggression he would win, it wasn’t the first time he tried to tease my dad just to win a case.

“Heather, Heather… so young and so naïve.” Hallway said shaking his hand.

“Let’s see who’s naïve next November.” I smirked.
Hallway’s eyes widened as he growled and walked to the exit. I tried to calm my dad down as he sat back on the bench.

“I better stay here for a while.” He said his blue eyes looking into mine and I knew I shouldn’t question him.

I nodded my head and gave his shoulder a light squeeze before exiting the court room with Diane beside me. When I turned the corner for to exit the building for a few minutes my heart stopped, my mystery man was right there. I pushed myself back and pressed my back against the wall as Diane started awkwardly and with a concerned look.

“What?” She asked as I crawled to the edge of the wall and watched my hero talking to
Hallway, well they seemed to be arguing by the moves Hallway did with his hands and the way my guy was listening and his hands were clenching into fists.

“What are you doing?!” Diane spat as I took a cup of water from a machine and started walking towards them.

He had saved me once, now it was my turn to help him out. When I was close enough I closed my eyes and pretended to trip sending my cup flying all over my hero.

“OH-MY-GOD! I’m so sorry!” I said widening my eyes realizing my plan had turned over itself but smiling a little bit at him.

He looked pissed off but shocked to see me.

“Clarisse get him something.” Hallway said rolling his eyes.

“We’ll talk later… Clive.” He said with despise while walking back to the court room.

“Clarisse, don’t. It was my fault I’ll help him.” I said my eyes locking with Clive’s.

“I’m really sorry.” I said.

“You did it on purpose.” He replied coldly.

“Yes but it was for a good reason!” I said hoping for him not to be mad at me.

“Splashing water all over me has a good reason?” He said as small drops of water fell from his hair.

“It has. I thought he was yelling at you or something.. I just wanted to help you of that situation and since he hates me I couldn’t just come and talk. Sorry once more.” I said turning to walk away when I felt his hand grab my shoulder.

I felt my heart give a jump and heat invade my cheeks as I turned around embarrassed.

“Thanks.” He said quietly seeming to be lost in his own mind.

“You’re welcome.” I answered in the same tone.

“Heather!” Diane called.

“Oh that’s me.” I said biting my lower lip not really knowing what to do.

When suddenly Clive snapped out of his state and placed his arms awkwardly around me, like he had never hugged anyone before, and he hugged me close to his chest.

“I just thought you needed one in there.” He said looking at the floor.

“Thank you…” I said feeling completely charmed at him.

“HEATHER!” Diane yelled now completely stressing.

“I’m sorry but..” I started.

“Just go, I’ll see you around…” Clive said waving as he left.

I turned around and took a very deep breath trying to stop my heart’s flips and turns.

“Who’s that guy?” Diane asked as she grabbed my arm and forced me to walk faster.

“My hero.” I said as she stared at me with a shocked expression and we entered court.

I was never a person to admit that I was in love and I was never a person to talk about love or men but here I was head over heels thinking about mysterious Clive.

“This court room as decided in favor of Heather Peterson.” Was I heard from what the judge said.

In the minutes after I just felt my smile grow and I held tight onto my dad and onto Diane, we had won again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long with this update guys! I've update the character's page and I think Hallway's look will surprise everyone!
Please comment and let me know what you think!