Status: Finished


"She's Waiting In The Room"


I stared up at the ceiling while lying down in my bed, it was around 3 am and I couldn’t sleep. My thoughts were only about Heather and I had a weird feeling in my stomach every time I remembered the hug I gave her. She was changing me that was a fact. She hadn’t done much but maybe she didn’t need to, maybe she was all I needed.

But I had never failed a mission and unfortunately she was my mission and I had to do something. Quitting wasn’t an option because both of us would get killed but doing the mission wasn’t an option either.

I sat up on the bed and went towards the window. The sky was clear and the moon light hit my window, lightening my room beautifully.
Something had to be done.


I found myself sitting in the floor of my bedroom, nothing worried me because the case had ended well but Clive was the only person I could think about. I hadn’t felt like this in a long while and honestly I was scared of feeling something this intense. I had no idea if he felt the same and for starters I didn’t even know him that well to be this in love.

‘What’s wrong with you Heather?” I thought covering my face with my hands, letting my hair fall in front of my eyes.

After a few minutes I stood up and leaned against the window, nobody was outside and the moon looked beautiful. When I noticed something moving and I saw a shadow which made me close and lock my window. I returned to bed with a shiver as I tried to fall asleep.

~~Next morning~~

I gathered some research I had done and grabbed my purse as I exited my house, I was going to meet my dad to exchange some ideas with him because his opinion mattered a lot to me.

As I crossed the street I felt someone join me and to my surprise it was Clive.

“Hello.” He said in that beautiful accent of his.

“Oh hi.” I said feeling heat come my cheeks while my heart shot fireworks just because he was there.

“Are you busy? Well you are obviously… but still would you have breakfast with me?” He asked awkwardly as I opened my car and before I could shove my stuff inside I stared at him.

“You used to run from me and now you are inviting me for breakfast? Is that your way to flirt?” I asked.

“I’m afraid I do not know how to flirt.” He said with an honest smile. “And I’m sorry I wasn’t quite myself back then, please take this as an apology.” He said actually sounding slightly nervous.

“Hm… as long as you promise to never run away from me again.” I said with a playful look.

“I swear.” He said with a small smile starting on his lips.

“Then let’s go.” I said locking my car after shoving everything inside.

Before I could start to cross the road, he grabbed my arm gently as we crossed the road and he started walking with me beside him down the street. And I mean real walking, like if he was showing me around when finally we stopped and he led me inside a small café that looked really cozy.

“Good morning, what are you having?” The waitress asked.

Clive stared at me waiting for me to ask first, just like a real gentleman.

“Well a cup of coffee and pancakes with chocolate please.” I said as the girl turned to Clive.

“Just coffee.” He said without breaking the eye contact between us, he wasn’t even blinking.

I looked away hoping for him to stop looking at me so intensely before I had to say something. Not that I didn’t want him looking at me, I just felt uncomfortable.

“So… what do you do?” I asked casually.

“I’m a financial adviser.” Clive stated with the same expression and look.

He looked so serious I was afraid of saying something wrong.

“And… how old are you?” I asked.

“Are we playing a question game?” Clive smiled which relieved me.

“Well… only if you have questions too.” I said smiling back as the waitress brought our food.

I started eating waiting for Clive to say something as he took a zip from his cup of coffee seeming in deep thought.

“I’m 30 years old.” He said his face softening as he spoke “And you?”

“I’m 25.” I said with a slight blush.

“What is your professional occupation?” Clive asked his eyes observing every move I made.

“Well you can say that I am a writer.” I chuckled and the smile returned to his features.

He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen and he was obviously intelligent and charming.

“Do you have any favorite movies?” I asked trying to keep a light mood and the conversation going.

“Not really.” He replied.

‘He sounds bored’ I said trying to come up with other ways to talk to him.

“Favorite play? Band? Book?” I asked.

“I do love the theater, especially musicals but I cannot choose one. The same regarding music and books.” He said his gaze remained focused only on me.

‘Uau I’m learning so much’ I thought sarcastically.

“I’m sorry if I bore you with my questions.” I said now looking him in the eyes and for a second he seemed a little taken back.

“You don’t bore. I just don’t talk much.” He said and our eyes started battling against each other.

“Thank you for breakfast but I have to go.” I said picking up my things and leaving the café without looking back.

“Heather!” I heard Clive call behind my back.

The fact that he was chasing me surprised me.

“Heather!” He called louder and he sounded closer.

Even so, I didn’t stop walking.

“HEATHER!” Now he was shouting.

Suddenly I felt my arm being pulled back and I turned the whole way around colliding into Clive’s chest.

“What?!” I asked looking up at him.

“I’m sorry. I… don’t know how to do any of this.” He said sincerely.

“Look Clive I don’t know what your idea is but you act strange. What do you want from me?” I asked now getting angry at him.

He froze in his spot and since he wasn’t going to say anything, I shook my head and started walking off again. I finally reached my car, put my things inside and when I was about to open the door to the driver’s seat Clive’s hand rested in the window right beside me. I rolled my eyes and I looked at him.

“Take your hand off.” I said impolitely, getting extremely impatient with him.

“Ouch that was rude.” He replied sarcastically with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to answer him back but he cut me off by pushing me against the car and with his strong hands securely holding me, he kissed me roughly.

I took a minute to adjust to all that was happening but the kiss was intense, long and Clive made sure to leave it clear that he was in charge of the kiss. That he was taking control.
I pushed him off eyeing him confusedly.

“I don’t understand.” I said trying to regain my air.

“There’s nothing to understand.” He said grabbing me again into another fierce kiss, which I tried to give back but he was overwhelming.

This time I couldn’t push him away but when he eventually pulled away from me he just whispered one thing into my ear:

‘Tonight I’ll be there.’
And then he was gone.


I spent the whole day thinking about Clive. I couldn’t lie to myself, I loved that kiss I wanted it. But I didn’t understand what Clive wanted from me and why he acted so strangely.

Apparently I was getting some answers tonight.

“Pumpkin?” My dad called as I moved my head towards his voice.

“Yes?” I asked.

We were in my father’s apartment.

“Are you alright? You look distracted.” He said sitting in front of me.

“I’m fine. Just tired, I’ve been working a lot.” I said and my dad smiled.


It was 23 am and I couldn’t even eat anything or watch a movie. I was nervous, I had no idea of what was going to happen and if Clive was really coming. I sighed sitting in my couch drifting into deep thought again.

I didn’t want to fall in love with him but I did. His mysterious way of being was captivating me so fast it made me flinch.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

Clive’s P.O.V

During the time I had been away from Heather I could only think about her. Hallway had spent the whole day calling me and I didn’t answer him, I was tired of being someone else’s puppet and for once I was taking control of my life.

Heather was my start, she was the opportunity I needed to redeem myself and have a normal, safe life.

Heather’s P.O.V

I peeked through the hole in my door to find Clive outside with his hands in his pockets. My heart started racing and I hesitantly opened the door but made him stay outside.

“You’re not getting in until I understand what the hell is going on.” I knew I could be brutal but I wanted him to be honest with me.

“Good evening to you too.” Clive smirked trying to find a way to enter my house but I didn’t let him pass, even though he could have just pushed me because he was physically stronger than me.

“Come on Heather…” He said with a soft smile bending down slowly, his lips barely touching mine as he kissed my exposed neck.

“Stop it… I want to know what made you change.” I said trying to hold my hormones in place, if I didn’t think straight I would just let him in and take all his clothes off.

“You. Satisfied?” Clive replied, his smirk widening while I became more upset.

I knew he was hiding something.

“You’re not telling me the truth, are you?” I said out loud.

“That was the truth.” Clive said calmly pushing the door back and entering.

He walked pass me and I closed the door behind his back. When I turned around he was watching me intensely again.

“Look, stop looking at me like that Clive. It’s uncomfortable.” I said with wide eyes while walking to the living room but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

“I can’t stop looking at you. I haven’t felt this…” He started placing my hand in his chest “In a long time.”

I couldn’t help but blush and he smiled taking the chance to pull me into a soft kiss. That kiss was different from the ones earlier today, he didn’t seem desperate he just seemed sweet.

His hands travelled to my lower back, his arms wrapping around me as I rested both of my hands in his chest. I deepened the kiss with passion and Clive’s lips smiled against mine.
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Writing this chapter made me happy, this story is finally reaching the point I wanted! I know the chapter is long but I think it's worth it!

What do you think?

Thank you for everything guys!