Status: Finished


"I Feel Everything"

I woke up in the next morning greeted by the sun rays that invaded my bedroom through my light purple curtains. I was sleeping on my belly and once I glanced better at the floor I noticed that there were clothes everywhere. I remembered last night and I smiled instantly however thoughts of how wrong it was came to my mind and I became scared as I wondered if Clive was still beside me.

I decided to turn around slowly with my eyes shut and I opened them reluctantly, in front of me was Clive’s beautiful green eyes staring right into my own, a wide smiling playing in his lips, my fear vanished immediately.

“Good morning.” He said as I smiled and he pressed his hand to my cheek, kissing my lips softly.

“Hi…” I said blushing after we pulled apart.

“What do you want for breakfast?” He asked sitting in the bed, his voice was excited but deep as I loved it.

“Anything, I’m starving.” I said as he laughed and grabbed my hands.

“You’re beautiful, do you know that?” He said leaning in slowly.

I started breathing quicker as he kissed my lips sweetly and caressed my face.

“I’m going to get something, I’ll be back.” He whispered as he stood up, got dressed and left my house with the same huge smile.

Somehow he seemed like a new man.

Clive’s P.O.V

A smile was glued to my face, last night was going to be in my memory forever. Now I knew that Heather was meant for me as I was for her, I knew she was the only one who could help me escape.

Suddenly my thoughts drifted to Hallway, I had been summoned to his office, I wasn’t going to show up but then he could someone after me another assassin and if he did, I knew who he was going to pick and that was way too personal to handle. So I had to make a decision but Heather was my priority, she came first now.

Heather’s P.O.V

I changed, made the bed and set the table anxiously waiting until the door bell rang and I opened it, outside Clive was holding a bouquet of light pink tulips, coffee and bags.

“For you.” He said “Roses seemed so cliché and you’re special so I picked tulips… I hope you like them.” He finished holding the bouquet for me to hold.

“I love them!” I said excitedly accepting the bouquet and proceeding to put it inside a vase with water.

I hadn’t received flowers in years, I hadn’t had a romantic breakfast in years, I hadn’t felt like this in years and strangely I wasn’t afraid, I trusted Clive and deep down something told me that even if all of this was rushed and he was a stranger, he was right for me.

“What did you bring?” I asked curiously trying to peek inside the bags, but Clive was taller than me so he blocked my view.

“Don’t be so curious.” He smiled as he took cookies and even a cake.

“All of that? Are you trying to make me gain weight?” I joked as he turned around and placed his hands on my hips.

“That’s rubbish. You’re perfect and you’ll always be.” He said honestly as I stood in my tippy toes to reach his lips and kiss him tenderly.

A few minutes later the table was set but Clive noticed that I was a little bit uneasy.

“What’s wrong Heather?” He asked.

“I just… I loved last night, I love all of this and I might even… be falling for you but I don’t know you.” I said honestly.

Clive smiled “Ask me what you want, I’ll answer anything… but I want to ask back.” A small smirk grew in his face.

“Fine.” I said glaring playfully “Where are you from?” I asked.

“London, I was raised by my parents there. I studied there my whole life and then I moved to America for more job opportunities. You?” He asked.

“I noticed your accent. I’m American I was born in Washington but I moved with my dad to New York after my mom died.” I said trying to avoid that sad topic.

“What happened?” Clive asked as I lowered my head biting my lower lip.

He stood up, crossed the table and pulled a chair, sitting next to me. He used his hand to lift my chin and he was seemed so sad.

“Please forgive me… I just… I want you to trust me but I shouldn’t force you to.” He said hesitantly grabbing my hands.

I grabbed onto his tighter as tears threatened to leave my eyes.

“It’s not your fault. It’s just a hurtful subject…” I sobbed, Clive pulled my head softly against his shoulder as his hand moved up and down my back softly.

“I’ll tell you someday, I promise.” I said looking up, our eyes locking again as the tears went down my cheeks.

“When you are ready.” He said tenderly, wiping my tears with his thumb. I smiled against his touch.

“When is your birthday?” I whispered.

“February 5th. Yours?” He whispered back.

He seemed so calm and patient, like if nothing affected him.

“June 17th. Do you have any siblings?” I asked.

“No, I’m an only spoiled brat.” He laughed “And you?”

“Guilty for being a daddy’s princess.” I said raising my hand making us both laugh again “Favorite movies?” I asked.

“Hm… that’s hard… Just to name a few: 300, Top Gun, Star Wars, Need for Speed…” He said almost absently “And yours?”

“Well I love comedies so anything with Jim Carrey, I also love historical movies like Braveheart, Troy and so many others. Sometimes I get really cheesy and I watch romances but that’s very rare, I promise!” Clive and I cracked up laughing again.

“You’re a gift in a box aren’t you?” I asked and Clive smiled.

“Only if that box is for you.” He said, my eyes lightening at the sweetness of the moment when his cell phone started to ring.

Clive groaned in frustrated trying to pretend it wasn’t happening.

“Clive pick up the phone, it’s alright I won’t eat the whole cake I promise.” I giggled as he chuckled. Before standing up he kissed my forehead deeply and then he took the phone to my room.

Clive’s P.O.V

Hallway was calling me yet again, I didn’t want to answer but out of rage I picked up because I wanted to be straight-forward.

“Clive where the hell are you?!” He yelled from the other side of the line.

“Hallway this is over. I’m no longer a killer or an assassin that is over.” I said seriously, trying to be convincing so he let me go easily.

“Are you crazy? I paid you and I want the job DONE!”

“I’m more sane than I ever was in my whole life. The money is mine now too.” I said coldly and with a hint of a smirk.

“Then you’ll go down with her.” He said bitterly.

My hands closed into fists “Don’t you dare threaten me you piece of shit that sends other people to your fucked up jobs!” I yelled “If you send anyone after me or Heather I’ll fucking kill you, do you understand?”

“Oh so now Heather is a priority? Now she’s to be kept alive? Ha ha Clive give yourself away so easily.” Hallway laughed.

“I’m a man of my word. Cross me and you’ll regret it.” I meant every word I said.

“Just wait Clive, you’ll regret every single word you’ve said.”
Before I could reply to his threat the phone was already dead. I took a deep breath, Heather couldn’t see me like this and Heather could never know, I would risk my life if I had to, so she could be safe.

Heather’s P.O.V

“What could be taking so long?” I thought to myself as I stood up from the table and debated whether to enter my room or not, I cautiously walked to the door and leaned my head against the door, everything was silent.

I opened the door slowly and I peeked inside, I found Clive staring out the window. I entered the room without a noise and I slowly placed my arms around his back, hugging him from behind. He jumped slightly but when he recognized me he relaxed and turned around.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to be nosy but I was just worried… you were taking so long…” I trailed off in explanations.

Clive looked serious but his mouth quickly formed a sweet smile as he embraced me.

“It’s alright. Thank you for worrying about me.” He whispered against my ear, a shiver going up my spine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone!
So I have started to use Polyvore so it's easier to show what my characters are wearing, tell me what you think!