Sequel: Leah Imprints

I Exist; This Is My Story -Rachel Black

Jake, is that you?

The first person I saw when I arrived at the airport was my father and a huge dude close to him. As I got closer I recognized him.
"Holy s****, Jacob, is that you?"
"The one and only." His voice got deeper but cockier than ever.
"What the hell happened kid? Last I saw you you were about my size. You grew faster than "Jack's Beanstalk". I said still shocked.
"Just eating right and exercising well." He said calmly but he looked rather uneasy.
"Well hello Rachel, won't you give your old man a hug?' I hugged him.
"Sorry for ignoring you dad."
"It's fine, lets go home."


A while later we arrived. When I got out of the car I contemplated the house, the house where I grew up in. Everything was almost the same except for a few details like a wheelchair ramp leading to the front door, Jake probably built it. I turned around and saw Jake carrying my 3, 1 ton, suitcases; they were freaking heavy and he doesn't even look winded.
I followed him inside and he put the suitcases on my old room, now his. He then went into the living room.
"I'm melting." He said sitting down on the couch as he took of his shirt. Holy mother f***** when the hell did my kid brother get an eight-pack, no, not a six-pack, a freaking eight pack!
"Are you running for Mr. Universe Jakey boo or for bodybuilder?" I said annoyingly "cause Arnold Schwarzenegger already beat you on both."
"So nice of you to notice." He got up and went outside throwing the door behind him.

I ignored him completely, went into my room, got my bath supplies and took a nice long bath.
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