Sequel: Leah Imprints

I Exist; This Is My Story -Rachel Black


Days passed and a strange tension grew in my home. Jake started to say something but dad cut him off looking at me and viceversa. At night, when they thought I was asleep, I heard them murmuring like two women with hot gossip. I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Jake was moping around the house because Isabella Swan,'the love of his life', was getting married soon. I find that rather odd, she is 18, probably a prego marriage. I remember when we were kids and used to play making mud pies.

I had been here only a week. I got bored of the tension so I went to Seattle to buy some books and I visited my old friends. Lara, my childhood best friend, became my BFF again and we hung around together a lot.

I noticed that Quil and Embry, Jake's friends, like him, had grown a lot since my last visit. What was the weirdest part was that they all looked a like and were always walking around shirtless with only faded jean shorts. Much to my 'dismay' I saw that they also had 8-packs, I know that they are younger than me but excuse me for staring since they look like if they were on their twenty's.

Tomorrow I'm going to the beach with Lara. I feel that something big is coming my way.