Sequel: Leah Imprints

I Exist; This Is My Story -Rachel Black

The Beach

I packed my beach bag and headed outside to meet Lara. We were going in her new car, a sleek red Honda. As soon as I got in she sped towards the beach.
"Why in such a hurry? Meeting someone?"
She blushed while saying "No"
"OMG! who is he? Is he cute? Spill!"
"His name is Ryan, and he is adorable, also a total hunk!"
"When and how did you meet him?"
"A day before you arrived in a party."
"Why hadn't you mentioned him before?"
"Cause it isn't official yet." She said shyly while leaning into the steering wheel a bit.

We parked in the beach five minutes later. A really hot guy came running towards us, in one swift move he hugged Lara and carried her while she started giggling. I smiled happily at them. When he finally put her down she lightly pecked his lips. She turned to face me holding his hand,
"Ray, this is Ryan." She said blushing deeply.

Ryan started talking but I unfocused my attention from him, something in my peripheral vision had cut my eye. I focused on it and saw that it was a man, well his back anyways. He had broad shoulders and a nice athletic figure. I saw him starting to turn to my direction and I averted my gaze. Ryan was still babbling. I felt his look on me and I blushed and slowly stole a glance. I looked at him and suddenly the world came to a stop, even from a distance I could see his dark intense eyes, so compelling. He started walking towards me and unconsciously I started walking toward him to.
"Where are you going?" Lara said but I didn't pay any attention to her, I was focused on the man coming towards me.

The short walk felt like miles. We finally reached each other and now I could clearly see his beautiful deep brown eyes.
"I had been waiting for you." He said with such tenderness and passion that it didn't seem strange that a total stranger greeted me like that. What I felt has only one description: 'Love at first sight'.
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Sorry it took so long but I had a a lot of school work.

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