Status: Comment. Keep or Kill?

Falling For You

Bi-polar Much?

I let my hand rub the back of my neck, a nervous habit I've always had. "Well how do I explain this?" I asked myself out loud. I obviously can't tell her. Elijah would be pissed and I'd rather stay on his good side. Maybe I can find a way around it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a rustling sound. I looked over at Avery and saw her struggling to sit up. She couldn't pull her body up and hold her pillow at the same time so I walked over to help her. I wanted her to be comfortable. "Thanks." Avery whispered. Her face was a little red so I backed up to give her space, tripping over my own feet in the process. A smile played on her lips and she giggled a little. That was so adorable! Damnit! I can't think like that. What's wrong with me today!?

"Hello? Hey person!" Avery whisper-yelled, pulling me from my internal battle.

"Yeah?" I asked, sitting in the uncomfortable blue chair by her bed.

"You sure space out a lot."

"So I've been told." I leaned back a little in the chair I was in and propped my feet up on the end table next to me.

I focused on the colorful pattern of the ceiling, trying to think of what I could say. Avery beat me to it. "So you ready to tell me why you have wings sticking out of your back?"

I looked down at my feet with a frown. I really wanted to tell her, really I did. I was just scared of what Elijah would do. "I can't." I mumbled softly, hoping she didn't hear me. Just my luck, she did.

"What do you mean you can't tell me!? What you can't do is march in here with your wings and expect me not to be curious. I have a right to know. Your in my room and I have no clue who you are or explanation for why your here and you can't answer my one question?! What you can't do is march in here with your wings and expect me to not be curious. You haven't even told me your name!"

Wow I thought. I see someone has their strength back. I chuckled- even though she had just yelled at me- and tried to cover it with a cough. Of course I failed to do that though. Avery looked at me like I'd shot her dog or something. "Bi-polar much?" I tried to hide my smirk but I couldn't help it. It's just so funny when she's mad.

Avery glared at me and I forced myself to stop smiling. "it's not funny. I;m being serious." She looked up at me and stared at my wings for a second before talking again. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't;t mean to blow up on you like that. I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Don't worry about it. As you can see I actually found your little outburst amusing." I smiled at Avery and winked causing her to burst out laughing. Yes, I have been told my wink is weird. It's okay though. It makes people laugh. Exhibit A- Avery.

Finally she composed herself and her gaze went back to my wings. Just like before, she stared a while before talking. "How about we try this again? What's your name?"

"Raphiel." I began twirling a purple flower, from the vase on the table, in my hands. Avery looked at my wings again and I shook them, getting slightly annoyed. I know they're weird to her but she doesn't have to stare at them. "Why do you keep doing that?" I asked, putting my feet on the floor and setting the flower back in its place. I set my elbows on my knees and leaned toward Avery, waiting for her answer.

Avery tilted her head in confusion. Finally she looked at me and asked, "What do you mean? I'm not doing anything."

"You keep looking at my wings and honestly, it's making me kind of uncomfortable."

Avery wiggled her toes and looked at her feet like they were the most interesting thing on the planet. "Sorry. They're just so's a little distracting."

Ignoring the fact that she had just called my wings pretty, I got up from the chair I was in and walked over to the front of Avery's hospital bed. I crouched down by her feet so she was forced to look at me. When she looked up our eyes locked and a pink dust covered her cheeks, causing me to smile a little on the inside. I made her blush! Cool! "Hey, it's fine. I'll pull them in. Just give me a second." I stood up and stretched my arms, making my shoulders and elbows pop with a loud crack. Avery looked up at me with a worried face and I smiled to let her know I was fine.

I folded my wings in and pulled them behind my shoulder blades. I imagine them moving, disintegrating , and turning into my soul. They did just that. An angels wings are his soul. Their soul transforms and shows itself in the angels wings. Depending on the angel's personality their wing size will vary. If they have confidence or strong emotions, like me, their wings will be big. If they are shy their wings will be pretty small. You can also tell a little about an angels death by the tint of color on their wings. Take my friend Seth for example. He drowned, so his wings have a slight blue tint. A lot of the angels my age have red tinted wings though. That is the result of bleeding to death, car crashes, and getting murdered. It's sad really, to know how people died.

I let my eyes slip shut as the tips of my feathers went through my skin and waited for the slits in my back to seal themselves shut. It really isn't that bad pulling them in. The worst part is getting them out again. It does not feel good to have your skin ripped open by feathers. That's why most angels don't like becoming visible to humans. it;s a pain in the ass.

After my wings were pulled all the way in, I opened my eyes and looked at Avery to see her staring at me with her mouth wide open. I smiled and went back to the chair I was in before. "Shut your mouth. You'll catch a fly."

Avery closed her mouth with a pop and I couldn't help but laugh when she rubbed her jaw. After she got her focus back she looked at me with a serious face. "Your an angel aren't you?"

"Well, I-" I was cut off by a doctor walking in the room, Avery's mom right behind her. The doctor began looking at all the monitors in the room and Avery's mom walked to Avery , pulling her into a hug.

I sat uncomfortably, waiting for them to finish their moment. Once Avery's mom loosened her death grip and backed away Avery's eyes shifted to me, causing her mom to look in my direction. "And who is this handsome young man?"

"My name's Raphiel. nice to meet you Ms..."

"Vender. Celia Vender. Nice to meet you too. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

I got lost for a second, not sure what to say and Avery answered for me. "He's a friend from school mom. He was just leaving."

"Yeah. bye Ms. Vender. Bye Avery, feel better." I started walking toward the door and just as I was about to turn the handle Avery called my name. I love the way it rolls off her tounge.

"Raphiel I forgot to give you my number. Didn't you say you got a new phone?" Celia gave Avery a suspicious look but didn't say anything as I walked over. I sat on the side of the hospital bed and pulled a sharpie from my pocket.

"Here, write it on my arm. i don;t have my phone with me." I didn't have a phone at all but I didn't want to ruin the act and make Avery's mom more curious. Plus I was going to buy one today anyway.

After Avery finished writing her number I gave her a small hug and got up. "Don't forget to call me and explain our homework." She said as I walked away.

"Don't worry. I'll see you soon." I walked out of the sterilized room and into the hallway filled with the smell of bleach. I walked to the desk and got permission to use the phone from a snooty nurse. I dialed the familiar number and the phone went to voice mail after three rings. "Hey Seth, I need your help. I know your out of town so find me when you get back. bye dude."
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Hehe sorry this took so long. I worked hard on it. I have 1 and a half chapters written that need to go through the process this one did. Give me comments? I need to know how my writing is. Motivate me guys<3