Status: updating often...maybe...

This Heartache Called Love


"Evan, Over here!" I shout waving my hand to grab his attention. It is now our lunch period at Fondy High. We have the 2nd or split lunch.

As Evan spots me he smiles, nods, and waves back I sit down next to my other best friend Kayleigh Hoover. Evan and Kay are twins, but Kay is always bragging that she's older because she was born at 11:58 P.M on March 23rd and Evan was born at 12:00 Midnight on March 24th. Kay is texting her boyfriend Jimmy the head quarterback for the Sophomore team.

"Kay, We're not supposed to have our phones out, And how are you texting him anyway isn't he in class?" I ask her as I take a bite of my chicken patty.

"Yeah, But I know that his teacher is really nice this hour. He doesn't care as long as it's while they are working on homework or classwork. I always text him while we're at lunch, You know that." She smiles quickly and then looks back at her cell phone.

"Whatever, But you already got your cell phone free pass taken by Mr. Flasch so next time they are taking your phone away you know." I say and eat a french fry.

"Hey, guys, how are the two best girls in my life today?" Evan says with a smile as he sits to my right.

"Hey little Bro." Kay looks up and says with a wink.

"Ha, Very funny Kay, Hey Evan." I say and take a swig from my water bottle.

"Two minutes younger, Kali." Evan points out. He takes a large bite from his pear.

"Alright you two." I put my hands up. "Can we all just eat our lunch now?"

"I guess." Evan and Kayleigh chorused together.

"I've known you guys forever and that whole," I gesture with my hands. "talking at the same time thing still gives me the creeps." I confess

"Wow, Carrie, That's funny" Evan says laughing. His laugh is so awesome, It's like a breathy, sighing, sorta thing.

Oh, I forgot to explain myself. I'm a freshman at Fond du Lac High School in Fondy, Wisconsin, Duh! You already know my top two best friends; Kayleigh (Kay) and Evan Hoover. My favorite color is purple and you will almost always see me wearing purple anything. I have most of my classes with at least one of the Hoovers and I have both in my English class. I hate long reddish-brown hair and purple braces.

"Carrie? Hello? Did you hear me?" Kay asks me snapping me out of my trance-like state when I stare into space.

"Huh? Sorry, What?" I reply.

"I said, Are you coming to our house for our sleepover tonight?" Kay asked me again.

"Huh? Oh, Yeah I am I'll have my dad drop me off around 6:30-ish" I say.

"Well, see you then, I guess" She says standing up and packing up everything.

"Is lunch over?" I look around.

"Umm...Yeah?" Evan answers.

"Oh, Okay see you guys in band." I say with a wave and walk towards the math pod at the high school.