Status: updating often...maybe...

This Heartache Called Love


Algebra was interesting we learned about word problems. Mrs. Writer was cool today and let us work with partners. When class was over I collected all of my things and started walking to band. I play B flat bass clarinet. I sit next to Evan who plays the Alto Clarinet. Kali plays percussion.

On my way to class I pass Kali standing with Jimmy at his locker. They are doing the usual thing for those two, they were locked together at the lips. I grab her by the bag and pull her away saying "We have band Kay."

"But Carrie." She stomps her feet pointing back at Jimmy who is just chuckling and smiling at her.

"Do we really have to do this everyday?" I ask groaning. "You know I'm gonna do it anyways."

"Yeah, But,"

"No, You'll never learn will you?"

She sighs, "I guess not."

"Exactly, Now let's get to band before Mr. Manka flips out on us again." I say dragging her down the hall.

When we get to band I get to my spot and put my B flat bass clarinet together, noticing that Evan isn't here. I go to Kay. "Where's Evan?"

"Soccer?" Kay says sarcastically.

"Ha, Oh yeah." I laugh and return to my seat.

As the clock turns Mr. Manka walks into the room and tells us to warm-up, and then we play our music for show band. Then we practice our concert band music, we then pack up and leave.

I walk with Kay to our lockers and then we got to our Advanced English class with Mrs. Ruedinger. When we walk in Evan is talking to the teacher. Of course, He is her already he's always the first one everywhere.

"So Evan," I begin tapping him on the shoulder, "How was your game?"