Status: updating often...maybe...

This Heartache Called Love


This sucks. We just got beat to the ground. We ate dirt. 0-3. We sucked.

When we were walking back I saw Cindy with her mom leaving the school.

"Hey Evan!" She shouted. I turned around to make sure they're were no other Evans' around before I walked over to her.

"Hey, Cindy. What you need?" I was acting cool, but inside my heart was thundering.
"Can you give this to Mrs Ruedinger for me? She smiles at me.

"Sure, No problem. I say grabbing the sheet of paper from her.

'Thanks. See you around." She winks and gets into the car.

When I got into the English room no one was there but the teacher. I walked over and put Cindy's paper on her desk.

"Cindy asked me to give this to you. She left with her mom." I dig into my bag. "Here's mine."

Carrie must have walked in around this time because she tapped on my shoulder. "How was your game?" She asked.

"We got beat to the ground. " I said sadly.

"Ah, that sucks." She says squeezing my shoulder.

Carrie gave her sheet to Mrs. Ruedinger. That's when Kali walked in along with everyone else.

"Nice to see you!" I walked to my desk. I got a glare. When don't I?

"Where's my assignment?" She questions. She looks at me and puts out her hand. That's when class starts. "Well, Where is it?" She whispers.

"I gave it to you. I do the homework. Your job is to bring it to school and turn it in." I quietly say and turn to listen to the teacher.

"Today you will be working with partners." Mrs. Ruedinger tells us. "You can't be with anyone who you sit by though."

I wonder who'll be my partner. I see Carrie and wave to her hopefully catching her attention enough so she comes over here.

"Do you want to be my partner?" I ask when she walks up. "Kali sits too close to me. I don't want it to be like you're second best to me against my sister, but she just picks."
"I'll be your partner. No worries." She says with a smile.

"Okay class sit down with your partner. I'm gonna hand out these sheets of paper and these blind folds. You choose who writes and who's blind folded."

"Do you want to be blind folded, or should I?" I ask Carrie.

"You can." She smiles.