Status: updating often...maybe...

This Heartache Called Love


"You what?!" Kay screams at me.

"I think I might have a crush on," I stop talking as Evan passes us, "your brother." I repeat looking down at my feet.

"Carrie!" Kay shouts and slams her locker shut, "What do you mean, 'you think'? Do you not know? How do you not know if you have a crush on someone? I mean, really?! Gosh, Carrie, what's up with you lately?"

"Thanks for the support, Kay!" I scream in her general direction as I turn and run for the nearest bathroom. Tears begin streaming down my face. I don't care if I'm late to Spanish 2. All I want to do right now is bury myself in a hole and die.

"Carrie!" I hear Kay behind me as I reach for the bathroom door. "Carrie, I'm sor-" She's cut off when the door shuts.

I crumple into a heap and start sobbing. I thought I could trust Kay not to make a big deal out of this. i'm not planning on telling Evan anytime soon and I thought that Kay would understand. I mean we've known each other forever and I know so many secrets about her and just about every single one of her crushes since third grade.

I quickly take out my cell phone and text Kay to tell Senora Stelmacher that I'm crying in the bathroom so I might be late. I know she'll see it because she always has her phone on and she checks it before each class.

"Okay, and I'm really sorry Carrie. I won't tell Evan if you don't want me to, Alright?" She replies.

"Thanks, kay," I type quickly, then add, "Please don't tell him. I will when I'm ready." Sending the message I stand up and try to compose myself.

When I walk over to the mirror I gasp at the horror which is my face. ALL of my make-up is running in streams down my face.

Quickly, I open my backpack searching for my make-up bag. I wash the old mess of what I call make-up off my face and dry it completely. Then I begin the tedious task of reapplying all of my make-up.

Starting with my foundation I put a thin 'starter' layer over all of my face. Then comes the eyes. First I have to add the accent of eyeliner, a line along my lash line. After I add the green eyeshadow and black mascara. Then and only then I add a small 'pop' of shimmery pink lip gloss.

I collect all of my make-up and put it back in my backpack. Then I leave the bathroom and head towards room 2997 for Spanish class.

When I arrive at the door I hear singing. I politely knock quietly, but when no one opens the door I bang louder, Senora Stelmacher opens the door.

"Hola!" She says loudly, "Are you feeling better?" She includes quieter.

"Si, gracias," I reply with a smile.

"Muy bien."

I spot Kay and sit down next to her. I quietly ask her what we're singing. The elephant song. I groan. That song is so annoying.

"Carrie are you still sleeping over tonight? Or do you think it will be too awkward?" Kay asks me pretending to sing along.

"I'm still sleeping over but can you promise me something?" I ask looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah, sure, what?" She says looking away and organizing her take home folder.

"Can you make sure that Evan doesn't suspect that I like him? Okay? Kayleigh!" I say hitting her with the eraser of my pencil.

"Okay, Will do Carrie," Kay promises with a wink.

When class ended I took out my phone and I had a text. From Evan! "Oh, no." I thought, "What could he possibly have to tell me?"

I open the text and almost faint. "Care, I don't know what you want to tell me but I have news! Cindy asked me out! I of course said yeah. Isn't it great?" It said.

No, no. This can't be happening. Why now Cindy? This is the worst possible time for this to happen. I quickly replied to Evan. "Congrats! That's great news!" I type with tears in my eyes. Is this a dream? This can't be real.