Status: updating often...maybe...

This Heartache Called Love


I can't believe I can't be trusted. Why can't she trust me? I walk to gym and I get changed. Walking out I see Cindy is standing in my attendance spot.

"Hey, Cindy you're in my spot." I say as I walk up to her, hoping I didn't sound pushy.

"Oh, Am I?" She says looking around her surroundings. " Sorry, I'll move." Her friend and her walk away, almost all the way to the other side of the gym. I wonder what that was about?

"Everybody get in your attendance spots." The teacher yells. Way ahead of you pal, I think to myself.

He takes attendance and tells us to find a partner. What's with partners today, anyway?

"I need a partner. You want to be mine?" Cindy asks walking up to me.

"Sure. Why not?" I say not making a big deal out of it.

"Every one grab a volley Ball and work on some catchs." The teacher orders as he walks out of the gym.

As Cindy and I throw the ball back and forth I show her a few extra ways to help her throwing.

"You're really good at this." She smiles.

"Nah, Well, I've been throwing footballs and such with my dad since I was little." I shrug my shoulders.

"Well, My brother doesn't have that opportunity because both our parents are away on business a lot. We're usually home alone." She sighs.

"That's really sad. I know how it must fell because mine are gone a lot too. You know if you ever need someone to hang out with I'm sure Kali and Carrie would love to hang with you, that is if you want to hang with them of course." I say looking over at her.

"Yeah, or maybe you and I could hang out sometime." She offers.

"Like?" I prompt.

"Do you think you'd go out with me?" She smiles shyly.

"I don't know. Let me ask myself." I turn around and consult with myself or so Cindy thinks. I"m really thinking about my problems with Carrie though. "Self says yeah." I turn around smiling.

"That's good." she laughs. "Want to do something tonight?"

"Sorry, I can't Carrie's sleeping over. You can come too if you want I'm sure her and Kali won't mind. They might even be happy that there's another girl there. " In my head I add "I hope."

"Okay. I'll be there." She asks for my number and retreats to the girls locker room.

I wait until I'm basically the only one in the gym and whip out my phone to text Carrie the news.

A few minutes later while I was in the locker room I get her reply. "Congrats! That's great news!" It said.

I don't feel that great though. I feel empty like something's missing.

As I walk home with Kali It's quite silent. She asks what happened with Cindy. I told her. I ask what's up with Carrie. This is how it went:

" What was up with Carrie this afternoon?" I asked.

"I'm not supposed to tell you. " She looks around, "But I will anyways," She says.

"Aha, What this it?" I am annoyed. Should she be telling me and betraying Carrie? Well, at least I'm going finally going to know, right?

"It's something she doesn't want you to know about." She laughs.

" Jerk." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey, It isn't because she doesn't trust you, it's because it's about you." She shrugs. "She'll tell you in time."

"Jez, Thanks for making me feel better." I roll my eyes.

When we got home we started setting up board games in the living room for when Carrie came, that is if she planned on staying in the same room as me. The doorbell rang like twenty times.

"Just come in!" Kali shouted knowing it was Carrie.

I text Cindy to tell her she can come over now and give her my house address. This should be an awesome evening. My girlfriend of a few hours and my so called best friend who won't even talk to me will be here. Don't forget my sister. Fun. Fun. Fun.

The doorbell rang " I wonder who that could be?" Kali says getting up to answer the door.

"I'll get it." I said, " It's Cindy. I hope it's okay if I invited her, she didn't want to be home by herself."

I see Kali and Carrie look at each other and then Care says through her teeth, "No problem." and I somehow know there will be a problem.