Status: crashing against the waves



The ship rocked and shaked as the waves crashed against its sides. Ginger didn't really know why she was there; it had been a last moment scenario. Ginger looked out into the sea; different shades of blue could be seen everywhere. Electric blue. Sea blue. Sky blue. It was a beautiful sight and yet Ginger felt absolutely nothing. She never did feel anything. She was empty inside. A massive hole so big but can't be found. Ginger tried filling that void with shopping and treating herself to only the best of life. Her hair whipped around her face as the winds picked up. Maybe they'd carry the ship away. Ginger placed her arms on the railing and sighed. She felt nothing. No sadness, happiness, nothing.

It's an odd feeling to feel nothing. It's like getting your hair cut, and your head just feels strange. Ginger didn't know why she didn't feel a thing. She concluded she felt nothing because she just couldn't feel. Ginger didn't like the empty feeling. She just wanted to feel something – anything. She was missing something.