The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Nine- Discovered!

Humanoid Bill and Aerieus enter a sewer.)

Aerieus: If we go through here, we should be directly under the palace, and can enter into my lab…

Humanoid Bill: I’m just glad that this humanoid’s live in this city, and don’t use the bathroom…this would have been completely disgusting to be going through…

Aerieus: (laughs)

Humanoid Bill: When we get to the lab, then what?

Aerieus: I have another battery that can function as your heart…than we’ll take Bill’s heart store it, find him, give it back to him…and hopefully take off---

Humanoid Bill: Why do I have the feeling that it isn’t going to be that easy?

Aerieus: Because it will not…we have issues to confront…

(They walk.)

Aerieus: One major issue…is explaining why I took his heart in the first place…another issue…is what I will do if he refuses to accept the heart back, seeming as he is happy with his life as a “humanoid”…thirdly, if we encounter Phoenix and Aerian…what they will think---though…Phoenix…was responsible for my death in the first place.

Humanoid Bill: It won’t be a happy reunion---

Aerieus: No…especially with Aerian…that abomination!

(She points at a door.)

Aerieus: There! We are here Bill!!!!

(She opens the door.)

(Inside there are scientific equipment around.)

Aerieus: This is my underground lab, I have another above ground lab above this one.

Humanoid Bill: Why did you need two?

Aerieus: This lab…is more special than the other, of which you are familiar with---

Humanoid Bill: It looks exactly the same…

Aerieus: It is not…(She goes into a closet in the room, she shuffles around in it.) I predicted that I would one day die…and there are a lot of things about New Babylon…that I hid here…

Humanoid Bill: Like what?

Aerieus: (she drags a chest out of the closet)

Humanoid Bill: What is that?

Aerieus: The KEY to everything…well, at least a copy of the KEY.

(She opens the chest, and pulls out three large books.)

Humanoid Bill: What are they…?

Aerieus: I call them…the Humanoid Diaries…

Humanoid Bill: Humanoid Diaries?

Aerieus: Bill…everything…about everything are in these books…every sliver of information, formulas, ideas…research…I documented everything from before I became Queen…to my rule…up until my death…

Humanoid Bill: Wow…

Aerieus: You are correct in saying “Wow.” With this knowledge…I subjected the entire world! It was wrong of me…but these books were the KEY to how I did it…(She picks up one book) But this book…this book is different…I didn’t write this one.

(Humanoid Bill takes the book from her.)

Humanoid Bill: (reading the cover) The Prophecy of Zenith…

Aerieus: I found it…years ago…that guy was some type of Prophet…of the Light…He predicted my rule, my death, and Phoenix rule...and even contains elements of Aerian’s potential rule…He was where the idea of “Saviors” came from, concerning Bill, his brother and his two friends…

Humanoid Bill: The lie that I believed---

Aerieus: It isn’t a lie Bill---everything Zenith had predicted…his visions…are coming true…they fall in line with the Light’s Book of Revealings…

Humanoid Bill: (Flips through some pages of the book) What does this have to do with me…?

Aerieus: It proves your humanity Bill!

Humanoid Bill: I’m not human…

Aerieus: You were written about long ago…Zenith saw you…you had significance…

Humanoid Bill: (chuckles and hands her the book.) Whatever…

Aerieus: (she takes the book) I am glad no one else has found this…you thought I did damage…whoever as has these books…would make my actions pale in comparison.

Humanoid Bill: Why don’t you just burn them then…if they are destroyed---

Aerieus: These books must never be destroyed…it would be better for them then to fall in the wrong hands…then to be destroyed…especially Zenith’s Book…it is too important! (She looks at the book.)

Humanoid Bill: (sighs) Okay…I’ve heard enough about books. Can we just come for what we are here for…

Aerieus: Ah! Yes!

(She rushes to a cabinet. She pulls out a small black box type thing.)

Aerieus: It is a charger…you should be able to survive on it for a little while longer…I don’t know when it will die---

Humanoid Bill: A battery…all batteries die---

Aerieus: It would only be temporary until I can find a permanent way to keep you alive…I can’t allow you to die Bill…

Humanoid Bill: (looks at her deeply) Why?

Aerieus: Because you are my only friend…I can’t let…and refuse…to let a friend like you die…I gave up my sister…I regret that…but I can’t let it happen again with you…I know it is hard for you to believe…but I love you Bill…I really love you.

Humanoid Bill: You seem as if you mean that…if I were truly able to love…I would believe that…

Aerieus: (she rushes to him and hugs him.) You are my family Bill…I---

(The doors to the lab busts open and in rushes humanoid guards. They point high caliber guns at Humanoid Bill and Aerieus.)

2 Hours Later…

(Outside on the Palace Balcony.)

Maika: (sighs)

Tom: I wonder what is going to happen now…?

Bill: Maybe…I can convince Phoenix---

Charlotte: She won’t listen to you anymore…

Bill: (Looks at her) I am her husband.

Charlotte: You never were her husband. You are merely a placeholder…sadly. You are human…be glad of that…

Sasha: You act as if you have feelings for that monster---

Bill: (drops his head) How could I not? When you are with someone…for a long time…and they comfort you…you love them. I had no one, but Phoenix…and my son.

Maika: Your son is evil!

Bill: I see that now.

Miki: I wonder if they found out where that plane is---

(Charlotte begins to hum. She then stares blankly into space.)

Georg: What’s wrong with her?

Kirsty: (to Charlotte) I think she is having a vision---

Sasha: (startled) Charlotte…what is it?

Charlotte: He’s here…

Maika: Who’s here.

Charlotte: The “false side” of the king.

Miki: The Humanoid…Bill’s humanoid is here?

Bill: My what?

Tom: This is creepy…

Charlotte: I see them…

Georg: What exactly is going on.

Kirsty: Charlotte is special…she has unique powers…knowing now that she is humanoid, perhaps it is clever programming by Aerieus…however…from time to time…she has visions of things…everything she sees comes true.

Gustav: Like a fortune teller?

Kirsty: Maybe…but not actually.

(Charlotte holds out her hands. Tears pour down her face.)

Charlotte: (whispers) Can’t you see them…? I see them all. The two queens…the future king…the “false one” with the beating heart.

Maika: They are all together…

Gustav: The two queens? Phoenix and someone else…what other Queen?

Georg: There’s only been two queens in New Babylon---

Miki- (gasps) Phoenix…and Aerieus!

(Everyone gasps.)

Tom: Oh man…former Queen of New Babylon…leader of the Invaders…

Bill: I thought Aerieus was dead? Her being a live was just a rumor.

Georg: Aerieus has been alive…a miracle from the Light brought her back. She explained it to all who believed in the Light. All the Invaders---

Bill: Invaders---?

Charlotte: (whispering) The two queens…one will close their eyes forever---

Maika: I think she means that one will die---

(Humanoid Guards rush out to the group, and grab them.)

Humanoid Guard: You have all been summoned to the Throne Room…

(They drag the group from the balcony.)

In a Bedroom…

(A dozen maids surrounded Aerieus. They were dressing her up, in royal attire.)

Maid: (excited) Oh dear Queen…it is good to see you again.

Aerieus: (sadly) Is it? I killed many of you all’s families.

Maid: (Looks down) Your Highness…you are wise in your infinite wisdom…you were correct in what you did…

Aerieus: (grabs her by both shoulders) I wasn’t right---and I am sorry for what I’ve done…I know that sorry…isn’t sufficient for my sins…

Maid: (looks up with tear filled eyes and a smile) Thank you dear Queen…I believe that you are…

Aerieus: I did a lot of evil things…but I tell you all…that I am changed.

Maid #2: Then is it true…? Your Highness…that…you are an Invader now?

(Aerieus nods.)

Maid #2: (Gasps) But Your Highness…they are against everything that you’ve created---They worship the Light---

Aerieus: The Light is real…I know Him now…and am better for it…my hope is that…perhaps with my knowledge of Him…I can bring some change to New Babylon…correct my wrongs.

Maid #1: (grabs Aerieus hand) But Aerian…Your Majesty…He is writing a law, outlawing any opposition to New Babylon---meaning…opposition will result in death.

Aerieus: Is this so?

(Both maids nod.)

Aerieus: Although I have changed… death still does not scare me.

(Another maid comes up to Aerieus and places a crown on her head.)

Aerieus: Apparently I still have power here…in New Babylon.

Maid #1: Yes ma’am…you do…and you are still worshipped…

Maid #2: Your Highness…might I suggest something…
Aerieus: Go on…

Maid #2: Please do not reveal that you are an Invader now…Aerian would slaughter you…and thus kill your cause…

Aerieus: Hmm…so what do you think that I should do?

Maid #2: Pretend to be the same way that you were…He loves you for who you were…entertain him…and in your intelligence…you will formulate a plan on how better to address him.

Aerieus: You are correct. I will do as you say…GUARD!

(A guard comes in.)

Aerieus: I am ready…and is my Humanoid ready?

Guard: Yes ma’am…

Aerieus: Then let’s go…

(The guard and Aerieus exit.)

(The two maids look at eachother. All of a sudden a bright light feels the room. All the other maids disappear, and the two maids were transformed into two angels, Xavier and Logan.)

Xavier: (sighs) I hate being a maid!

Logan: You think she will do as we told her?

Xavier: She will…Gabriel assured us of this.

Logan: I cannot wait for this city to be destroyed…all the iniquities in it…is sickening.

Xavier: There are still some to be saved…the Light wants those saved. Then New Babylon will fall.

Logan: Alright…

(They disappear.)

Outside of throne room…

Aerieus: So for this plan to work I have to pretend to be evil again---

Humanoid Bill: (sighs) You are asking a lot out of me Aerieus…how can I be evil…? I’m so different from the humanoids that you made before…

Aerieus: I know that…but for your survival…and mine, and also the Invaders, this must be done…this is an opportunity that has fell into our laps…we have to use it.

Humanoid Bill: (sighs) Okay…alright…I’ll do it.

Aerieus: (grabs his hand) Remember…you are a machine…you feel nothing…you hate humans…you are obedient to me and to New Babylon…you must be cold…

Humanoid Bill: In other words, I must be dead…

Aerieus: Yes, inside…as I had made it in the beginning…I called Byron, and informed him of what is going on…so there won’t be in confusion…if and when…I show myself again in New Babylon as a villain…I am loyal to the Light.

Humanoid Bill: And what about my human counterpart…

Aerieus: He is here…and you will meet him…and I expect curiosity from his end…but you absolutely musn’t show any emotions towards him…as a matter of fact…carry on as if you hate him.

Humanoid Bill: A part of me already does---

Aerieus: Everything will work out…I promise.

(The doors to the throne room open.)

Aerieus: Okay Bill…let’s go…

(They walk hand in hand into the room.)