The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter One

One Year Later....

(Phoenix bowed before the throne at the feet of a 12-year old boy. The little boy smirked.)

Boy: (smiles) Mother…please…that is quite unnecessary…
Phoenix: (gets to her feet) My son, my king!
Boy: (smiles even wider) I am not king yet---

(He frowns.)

Phoenix: But you will be! You will be king!
Boy: That puissant…ignorant…father of mine…refuses me his throne…
Phoenix: (scowls)Bill? He’s a human fool…he doesn’t understand---

Boy: He’s greedy for power…he’s not fit to rule this city…the people hate him! I hate him!

Phoenix: (She comes up to her son) That will change…in six more months…you will be an adult---and you will then take the throne…
Boy: I cannot wait---and my first duty as king…will be to hang him! Bastard!

(He slams his fist on the arm of the throne)

Phoenix: Aerian…you must calm down…it is not good for you to be upset…

(Aerian sighs.)

Aerian: Mother…I just know…that I would be a great king…Bill…that fool…is so concerned with New Babylon, that he ignores the rest of the world….you want to know what’s happening? The society that Great Queen Aerieus…had conquered---well, they are going back to primal times…they are rebuilding societies, making governments, kings…queens…New Babylon…was the center…now…look at it…we are merely a city now…disregarded…and the other rulers of this world…mock father…calling him a weak king…and he is…he couldn’t even get the humanoid factories working properly…he didn’t have the right man power to fully enslave the humans, they revolt against him---and destroy humanoids daily---now…the humans are leaving for these other countries…leaving New Babylon barren...our city is virtually bankrupt…and we owe money…Aerieus would be ashamed right now…

Phoenix: (shakes her head)

Aerian: But all that will change mother…once I am king…I will hold this world in my hand…

Phoenix: You will! You will! You will my son!

Aerian: I will not only take this world…but the universe…I will be worshipped as god!

Phoenix: Yes! Yes! (Cries out in Joy) Hail King Aerian…

Aerian: And that is another issue…these…”Invaders”…the ones…that…follow…”The Light”…they are becoming thorns…I fear that they will multiply…

Phoenix: They are nothing---one of the simple rebel groups that have formed---like…the Invisible Ones…
Aerian: Ah yes…the Invisible Ones…! Speaking of them! (He claps) Bring them in! I’m in the need for…some…entertainment…

(A group of guards come in they hold spears and are pushing in the Invisible One’s Miki, Maika, Kirsty and Sasha. )

Aerian: Women…

(The girls look evilly at Phoenix and Aerian)

Aerian: I cannot wait…to be an adult in six months…then I will be a man…and I’ll make all of you my wives…

(The girls start yelling obscenities at Aerian at once. The guards push them all to the ground.)

Miki: I’ll never marry you!
Sasha: Sicko!
Maika: You little creep! We’re going to make you pay for what you have done to us!!!! There will be blood…
Aerian: (chuckles) Maika…I love your attitude…its slightly attractive…perhaps I’ll chose you as my wife!
Maika: Over my dead body!!!!!!
Aerian: Or your brothers….

(With that he bursts out laughing)

Kirsty: You are wrong for that Aerian…! Have you no heart?
Aerian: I have half a heart…but that is meaningless…

(He walks from the throne and up to Maika. He then stoops close to her ear)

Aerian: (whispers) Remember….the look on Bryans face…when I beheaded him---
(Maika spits on Aerian. A guard grabs her and slaps her to the ground.)
Maika: (starts sobbing uncontrollably) Bryan---


3 months earlier…

(The Invisible Ones stood before King Bill, Phoenix, and the now 9-year old Aerian)

Bill: What punishment…is befitting for your crimes…?
Charlotte: There are no crimes---
Bill: Silence…and answer my question…
Maika: We did what we had to do!
Bill: You kidnapped Ziana---

Ziana: Bill…sir…I am okay…I was not harmed…
Bill: I know that…however, these renegades…have been wanted for a long time…they have done many sins against New Babylon…
Miki: New Babylon---isn’t anything!

Sasha: It is filth…New Babylon has committed more sins against this world---than what can be counted…and you…”King Bill” should realize that more than ever…you are human…you saw what the humanoids did!

Bill: (looks off)

Sasha: You are human---what about your friends---your brother---?

(Bill looks up.)
Bill: They are dead…simple as that…I have excepted that…and I also…have excepted my role…as king here…I may be human physically…but my heart is robotic…I have no heart now…it is dead…my feelings are dead…I am humanoid…
Charlotte: He has spoken truth…he is dead…sadly…He will forever be dead…as long as his “sin” lives…

(With that she glares at Aerian.)

(Aerian smiles an evil smile at her.)

Phoenix: My son…is not a “sin”…
Ziana: (Drops her head)

Charlotte: (looks at Phoenix) Your beloved son---is a sin---and you will one day realize that…and so will this world---he is going to do more damage---than you can imagine---he will even destroy you!
Bill: SHUTUP! SHUTUP! I’ve heard enough…Aerian…come here…

(Aerian walks up to Bill.)

Aerian: Yes father?
Bill: What do you think would be a perfect punishment…?
Aerian: Slavery…is too kind…(smiles) I think…we should…execute…
Bill: Hmm…

(Ziana eyes widen in fear.)

Bill: Fine…! An execution it will be! They all die at noon.
Aerian: No father! Not all of them…just one of them…
Bill: Why only one son?
Aerian: Because…with the death of one…all of them will have to live with the pain…and the memory of the loss….there is no worse punishment than the heart and mind itself…I consider it mental slavery…
(Bill claps.)

Bill: You are so wise…it will be as you have said…now…who will die…?

(The Invisible Ones tremble in fear.)

Aerian: (looks at Charlotte) Do not take the seer…I want her…she knows…a lot…

(Charlotte looks at him in anger.)

Aerian: (he points at Maika) She’s beautiful…I want her to live…
Aerian: (looks at Sasha and Kirsty) They are also full of beauty…fair…
Aerian: (looks at Miki) She is also the same...yes! Preserve the woman…destroy the man!

(Bryan face fills with fear.)

Bill: So be it! Kill him!
(Guards apprehend Bryan)
Maika: (Screaming) NO! NO! Take me! Not him! Not my brother!
Bryan: (Crying) Maika no! I’ll do this! You have to lead the team to finish the cause----
(Aerian grabs an ax from a guards hand. He rushes to where Bryan is and raises the ax.)

Aerian: (smiles) Goodnight!

(The ax came down, and death came for Bryan. The Invisble Ones let out a bloodcurtling scream. Bill and Phoenix clap.)

(Aerian then looks at Maika tauntingly.)

Back to the present…

Maika: I….will…make…you pay…I’m going to kill you the same way you killed my brother!
Aerian: We’ll see about that…we’ll see….!
♠ ♠ ♠
Make sure you read the other parts of this series before you continue this one, so you may not get confused at what will happen...or characters! :)