The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Two

Somewhere in Africa...

(Byron drives his SUV quickly across the desert.)

Byron: Are you sure that this is necessary---the humanoid may have deteriorated by now…

(He turns and there is now an 11 year old Aerieus holding a silver box.)

Aerieus: We have to try---

Byron: Perhaps you should forget about your past now---ever since you’ve been marked---you’ve undergone a change—Isn’t saving the Humanoid the equivalent of wanting things the back the way they were---

Aerieus: (sighs) I don’t know…I mean, now that I have changed---I don’t want to go back---but just because life changes---you can’t forget the ones you care about---granted, I did commit a trespass against the Light---to create Bill…however…I made him, he’s like…a child of mine---and I can’t leave him---even if there is a possibility that I can’t bring him back… (She pats the box.)

Byron: How do you think that the others will react---? You think that they are going to welcome this humanoid to our sect---someone who isn’t marked---? Someone who can easily be on the other side…in the darkness…

Aerieus: I know not how they will react…but after all the atrocities I’ve done---they accepted me---accepted the fact that had indeed been forgiven---so perhaps it is faith, that makes me think that they will accept my humanoid---after all, Bill is different---entirely different from what Lou Cepher has concocted---Bill is one out two Humanoids that have created “innocence” in…he is good…

Byron: Or so you think! Aerieus…he isn’t real…he isn’t human, you would subject him to a false life…?

Aerieus: No! His life would not be false---besides…this heart…must be returned to its owner---and only the Humanoid can support it properly---

Byron: Are you blabbing on about King Bill…? He’s a tyrant! You would give him that back?

Aerieus: I must…he is the way he is now, because of me…He accepted the fact that he’s “Humanoid” though he is clearly human---and so---when you are around barbarians, you will fall into the lifestyle…However---you and I know…that he is virtually nothing---the real problem is that son of his…Aerian…he’s the “False One”…

Byron: Why is that Aerieus…? Okay, we understand that he is the product of Bill and Phoenix…but how is that he ages over a short period of life…?

Aerieus: It is a strange process…you see he is robotic…but can hold human DNA…not it isn’t like the cycle in our bodies, its kind of as if he’s a chamber…but the DNA of a human is strong enough to effect a humanoids system, I created an advanced program…think of it as software being loaded into a computer---and so…Aerian functions that way…He has Phoenix’s software in him---and Bill’s Data…and so he is both…but clearly evil….because he was created by them---and not by me---which makes him unpredictable---I don’t know what he’ll do---

Byron: Aerieus…you were mad…! Insane!

Aerieus: (nods) That I was…that I was…I should have used my knowledge…for something else----

(Byron points straight ahead to the building.)

Byron: There it is!

(He pulls the vehicle to a stop.)

(Aerieus jumps out holding the box.)

(She throws open the door.)


(Tom, Georg, and Gustav sit alone in white room.)

Tom: We have to get Babylon----we have to get to Bill…

Georg: Give it up Tom…I hate to say it…but that Bill…isn’t our Bill…

Gustav: (yawns) Look what he did to us…threw us in here---a prison---!

Tom: He’s just confused…I mean…a lot of things happened…I mean…look at what we’ve all been through…!

Georg: That’s no excuse…! And you are his brother---and he slapped you---and called you a fool---and said that he didn’t have a brother!

Tom: (grimaces)

Gustav: That was low---really low---and he showed no remorse---or emotion---you would think him to be Humanoid…

Tom: Its because of that Phoenix! She has his mind warped…!

Georg: She has something over him…he cowers before her…and…his son…

Tom: My nephew…he’s so odd…why is he so old…so fast…?

Georg: She’s humanoid---he’s human…case closed…some special effect of Aerieus...she released this explanation in the latest circulation of I .News…

Tom: I know…that she has changed---and is committing to correcting her wrongs---but---I’m still angry---her ideas---lost me my brother! (Tears form in his eyes) That I cannot forgive…

Gustav: (sighs) I don’t understand why you all listen to I. News…its all useless political rhetoric to me…to me…you all are virtually worshipping Aerieus again…for the sake of belief in…a “light” or someone you’ve never seen…

(Tom and Georg look at him.)

Gustav: (Sarcastically) She who massacred millions---is now some “Great Prophet”…working on behalf of the “Light” to warn others…preparing the way for some “Hero”…or “Savior.”!? Have you forgotten, that we were told that we were “Saviors”? Can you tell me who we saved? It was a lie…this is a lie…

Tom: Gustav…I understand having an opinion…but you were there…there must be some truth to this “Light”! We were murdered…dead…and somehow…we were saved…!

Gustav: Perhaps we dreamed the whole thing…hallucinated…!

Gustav: How can I hallucinate getting my heart ripped out of my chest!? I felt the pain…! (He points to his wrist) And how do you explain these markings? Huh? Everyone of the “Invaders” in I.News has one just like us…!

Gustav: (sighs) Well…since you guys were “marked”…can you explain why I wasn’t? Hmm…?

(Tom and Georg look at each other concerned.)

Gustav: What’s going to happen to me? Since I don’t have what you have…? I’m eternally ****ed to the darkness? I’ve read your little pamphlets…rubbish…

Georg: Maybe you won’t be…but eventually you will have to chose a side Gustav…

Gustav: The only side…I chose…is my side…! (With that he turns away from them)

(Tom and Georg shake their heads.)


(Aerieus wiped tons of spider webs from Humanoid Bill. Dust was everywhere. Aerieus smiled. Humanoid Bill still looked as beautiful as he was when she had left him.)

Aerieus: (whispers) Bill…I never forgot about you…there is so much that has happened since I left you---this world is entirely different---

(She lightly touches his hair)

Aerieus: I’m going to try to bring you back okay…?

(She presses a button on his chest cavity. It opens and she is looking at various hardware inside of him.)

Aerieus: Now…let’s see if I remember…(She starts pushing buttons quickly) Uh…233456 alpha…89546231…

(There is a humming noise from Humanoid Bill’s body.)

Aerieus: (smiles) Yes! So you are still there!!!! Okay! (She grabs the silver box, and pulls out “Human Bill’s” heart. It beats calmly in her hands.)

(She places it gently in the chest cavity. And hooks various wires to it. With that she pushes a small red button behind the heart, and shuts the chest cavity.)

Aerieus: Okay Bill…please wake up for me…

(There was this loud screeching sound coming from the Humanoid.)

Aerieus: You can do it…

(The Humanoid’s eyes begin to flutter, his hands begin to open.)

(She leans in closer to it, her nose touching his.)

(The Humanoid Bill’s eyes open. He looks wide at her.)

Humanoid Bill: Aerieus….why are you…this close to my face….?

(Aerieus squeals in delight and hugs him tightly)

Aerieus: My friend! You are alive!

Humanoid Bill: Why wouldn’t I be? So you finally figured out a way to get the heart back working---took you long enough---how long have I been knocked out---a few days…?

(He sits up.)

Aerieus: Actually….you’ve been down a year---

Humanoid Bill: (Shocked) A year!? How---?

Aerieus: There is so much I have to explain----things have changed Bill---

Humanoid Bill: What do you mean? And? What about returning this heart to its owner---

Aerieus: One thing at a time---you must understand that things aren’t the way they were since you fell asleep---

Humanoid Bill: (He looks at her) And you…you look so much different…---and what’s up with the duds…and the tattoo--- (He points to her arm)

Aerieus: That’s the problem-----

(Byron rushes in.)

Byron: We have to go! NOW! The forces are here!

(Aerieus grabs Bill, and they both run with Byron out the SUV, and hop in.)

Aerieus: We have to leave before they kill us!

Humanoid Bill: Who’s going to kill us----

(The SUV speeds off.)