The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Three: Aerieus' Story

(The SUV speeds through the desert. Behind the SUV a swarm of black jeeps follow.)

Aerieus: Oh my God! (She looks back frightened.)

Humanoid Bill: Who is after us?

Aerieus: “The Opposers…”

Humanoid Bill: The Opposers!?

Byron: If we make it over this hill we will be back in our territory…they can’t touch us there!

(Byron swerves the SUV, and it barrels over a hill flying in the air. It lands hard. Near the hill are grey buildings. People watch the vehicle blankly.)

(The Jeeps stop just short of the hill.)

Aerieus: We made it! (claps) That was so close…

Byron: I don’t know how many close calls we’ll have and survive…

Humanoid Bill: Why were they chasing us?

Aerieus: (She points to her arm) Because of these markings…because…we are “The Chosen Ones” of the Light…!

Humanoid Bill: (looks at her confused) Chosen ones of the Light…I don’t understand…

Byron: (jumps out of the vehicle) You feel him in Aerieus, while I go and prep the others for the introduction of this---(He looks at Bill annoyed) Humanoid…

Aerieus: (nods her head)

Humanoid Bill: (looks at Aerieus) Go on…and tell me…

Aerieus: As I told you Bill…a lot of things happened since you have been offline…a little over a year has passed, and I must say…things have change immensely…on the day I shut you down….Byron locked me in a lab…forcing me to cure his sickly family member---when the most remarkable thing happened…this little girl…his family member…was close to death…dying…a rotting living corpse…and all of a sudden…she spoke to me…grabbed my arm…Saying that “You must carry on the work for the Kingdom.” A light surrounded us, and she disappeared…and I was left with this marking…Byron…also had this marking…and I would find that many others have it too…

Humanoid Bill: What does it mean?

Aerieus: I have read “The Book”…”The Book of the Light”….at first…I thought it was an abomination…but now…I understand…in the final book of “The Book” which is called “The Revealings” I learned…that these markings are seals from the Light…to separate us from the enemy to come…you see…the Enemy…or “The Anti-Light” will come…and he will also mark his followers…in preparation…for the final battle…”Operation Megiddo…or Armageddon” which will the be the end of all battles…between Good and Evil…The Light is going to come…not in peacefulness as H e had thousands of years before…but as a mighty warrior…and He will face this “Anti-Light” for this world…

Humanoid Bill: This is fascinating---but you’ve always opposed the Light Aerieus…why is He choosing you now---

Aerieus: I wondered that also Bill…it seems…that the Light…came to the Earth once…and…He became a scapegoat…for Humanity…He took in Darkness that was in humanity, and filled humanity with Light…in other words, I am forgiven…however…in this dark world---I will still have to suffer from the mistakes I’ve made…My life is constantly in danger---because I am doing the work of the Kingdom…by warning others against the “Anti-Light”…and what he is about to do---

Humanoid Bill: Who is this “Anti-Light”?

Aerieus: A most evil being…more evil than I had ever been…He is going to deceive this world---make himself a Diety…unchallenged…He will enslave Humanity…turn his followers into mindless puppets…

Humanoid Bill: He sounds a lot like you were---

Aerieus: (She looks down sadly) I thought previously…that this was all about me…but what I would eventually find…is that the things that I had done…the government I had built…the Chaos I constructed…the Humanoids---Technological advancements…I was merely preparing the way for him. He is going to use…my work…to do his will! It is frightening Bill…very frightening…

Humanoid Bill: Who is he?

Aerieus: (shudders) That Bill…is the scary part of this whole thing…the “Anti-Light” is the result of Phoenix…and your human counterpart…!

(Humanoid Bill’s mouth drop.)

Humanoid Bill: (shocked) WHAT? The human Bill…is the father of the “Anti-Light”? How can that be? He’s human…she’s humanoid…

Aerieus: It is possible…I feared that this would happen…a great sin had been committed between them at the birth of this child…!

Humanoid Bill: And does the human Bill know?

Aerieus: He knows who he is at this point---He knows he’s human…

Humanoid Bill: And? He has to be upset?

Aerieus: At first he was…but even he now…is accepting the fact…He now is basically denying his humanity…he is slipping into the Humanoid lifestyle…became a somewhat dictator…but he isn’t a great ruler---he’s weak…and incapable of running a city…New Babylon is collapsing…and the world, has pretty much gone back to its own ways before my rule. I thought that perhaps the Human Bill would be the “Anti-Light” but I think that he is merely a placeholder until the child grows---the child will be an Adult in 6 more months.

Humanoid Bill: What? How can that be? A child be grown in 6 months…

Aerieus: It’s a rapid growth cycle…the Humanoid data with the Human DNA…the baby ages quickly…Aeriean…he’s growing…and then---plans to overthrow his father…Phoenix…is going to help him…

Humanoid Bill: What will happen to Bill…? I still have to give him his heart back!

Aerieus: I do not know…but you are correct…we have to give him that heart back, perhaps it is the thing that will return him back to his humanity…He’s become to electronic and cold now…

Humanoid Bill: Now what does this have to do with you?

Aerieus: I am the Leader of the “Invaders” the ones with the markings…New Babylon and also…”The Opposers” led by a Humanoid I created named “Lou Cepher”…are constantly against us persecuting us…they haven’t started assassinating our group, yet because it isn’t time---but…the day is coming where the “Invaders” will be tortured, imprisoned and massacred…for the sake of our belief in “The Light.” “The Opposers” are the future army of Aerian…and will be how he will control this world…and cause devastation. They hate “The Invaders”…and as you just witnessed…will kill us if we are in their territory…the world is no longer divided by borders…and we all have different sections…where we are allowed….to get you, we had to go over into their territory---but I am glad we did…because there isn’t any telling as to what they would do with you Bill…!

Humanoid Bill: This is a lot to take in…

Aerieus: It will be clear in time, my friend…very clear…very real…and very scary…darker days are ahead…for all of us.