The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Four- The Dance

Maika, Charlotte, Miki, Sasha sit in a spacious room. Charlotte stares blankly at a wall. Maika sits on a chair as a servant girl combs her hair. Miki frowns as she is getting fitted by a seamstress for a dress. Sasha sits as another servant girl applies makeup. The girls are all dressed, in ball gowns.)

Maika: This is crap!
Sasha: (sighs)
Miki: I agree…under other circumstances, I would love to be pampered…but with Aerian and his sick mind…doing it…tortures me…
Maika: What’s the idiot up to anyway…? Doing us like this?

Charlotte: He is so much like her…so very much like her.

(Sasha, Miki, and Maika look at her.)

Sasha: He’s like who Charlotte…?
Charlotte: (looks at her) Like Aerieus…he’s very much like Aerieus…(She looks away)

Maika: She’s speaking of the former Queen…the definition of evil…
Miki: Not anymore…she’s leader of the Invaders…those people who serve the “Light” or whatever it is…

Charlotte: The Light…(She looks at her feet) Aerian is like his grandmother…Aerieus…the Aerieus we last remember, wasn’t who I grew up with…she was a wonderful child…happy…innocent…I was much older than she was…but…she would always want me to play with her…she would…dress me up…very much like this…and say “Charlotte…you are my doll…” I’ll carry you with me always…and then we would play in the ballroom…and dance…and dance…she loved dancing very much—and then---they took the dancing away…and made her…cold.

Maika: I still can’t believe that you and she are sisters…

Charlotte: Well…in a sense we are…in a sense we are not…

Miki: What does that mean…?

Charlotte: I’m hu----

(The door opens and in rushes Ziana.)

Ziana: (looks at each of the girls) I am sorry girls…that…you are being used for entertainment by Aerian…perhaps the day will come when you will have your freedom.

Charlotte: There is no freedom in the darkness…(She stands up) Let us go, and get this over with…

(All of the girls line up behind Ziana. Guards come out and surround them pointing high-caliber weapons at them. The girls walk toward the door to the ballroom. Charlotte reaches for the knob, opens it and the light from the sun drowns out all of the them)

Flashback…6 years ago

(A three year old Aerieus giggles happily, as Charlotte, (Age 16) spins around with her in her arms.)

Charlotte: (hugs Aerieus) Who is my favorite sister in the world?
Aerieus: ME!!!! (Aerieus kisses Charlotte on top of the forehead.)
Charlotte: And do you know why?
Aerieus: (face looks confused) I nevah know why?

(Charlotte puts Aerieus down on the ground, and kneels down in front of her.)

Charlotte: Because…before you were born…I was alone…I had no one to talk to…or play with…but when mother said…she was pregnant…I knew at that moment…I would have a friend, a real friend for the first time…a friend that can never…ever…be taken away from me…
Aerieus: WEALLY?
Charlotte: Really…
Charlotte: I swear that we will never be apart…

(Aerieus hugs her sisters’ leg.)

Aerieus: YETS DANCE!

(Charlotte and Aerieus begin to waltz around the ballroom.)

(Aerieus giggles happily)

Charlotte: I know that they want to make you Queen…and they force you to do too much…but Aerieus…promise me…just promise me that you will do what’s right...
Aerieus: I WHEEL Char-Char…
Charlotte: (looks at Aerieus with a sad expression) You are so young…I sometimes wish you werent’ as smart as you were…then they would leave you alone—

(The doors to the ballroom slam open. Their mother rushes in.)

Mother: Time for Aerieus to study…!
Charlotte: (Grabs Aerieus) NO! This child has been in books for 4 hours straight, before you gave her this break with me…enough is enough!
Mother: Charlotte what are you trying to do…ruin what we have! Aerieus…is Queen…she’s going to rule this world---
Charlotte: You and father are greedy! You want power….and you are using her, and I won’t stand for it…

(Aerieus looks at both of the women confused.)

Mother: (Grabs Aerieus by one of her arms) This is my daughter! Not yours!

Charlotte: And she is my sister! You don’t love her! But I do!

Aerieus: (begins to cry) Pwease…stop fwighting! Char-Char…I wheel go stwudy…

(Charlotte looks at Aerieus sad.)

Aerieus: Dwont cry! I wheel stwudy, so I can be Qween and gib you ewything in this wuld….you aw my dwall and I want to gib you ewything!!! So I wheel stwudy vewy hard…fo you…

(Charlotte let go of Aerieus.)

(Aerieus grabs her mothers hand and leaves the ballroom. She looks back at Charlotte waving.)

Charlotte: (whispers) I don’t want everything in the world…because…you are my world…

Back to the Present…

(Charlotte, Miki, Maika, Sasha and Ziana walk in, an ochestra plays. Aerien, Bill, Phoenix also dressed in ball apparel. Aerien smiles at all of the ladies.)

Aerien: You clean up well…(winks at Maika) especially you…my beloved rose…
Maika: (Frowns) You are an urchin…
Aerian: Gosh, I love your hate…its so…how would you say it? Ah, refreshing…

(He examines all of the women. He pauses by Charlotte.)

Aerian: (smirks) You…are very different…

Charlotte: (Looks at him, and looks past him.)

Aerian: I know about you…I shall have conversations with you…you knew my Grandmother…will you tell me thing about her…about her rule…

Charlotte: (looks off.)

Aerian: I know you have…special gifts…I know…you have a secret…have you told your secret to your friends?

Charlotte: (lips trembles)

Aerian: Well perhaps you will…or maybe I will…

(He walks away.)

Aerian: I brought you ladies here, to have a great time…I’m in the mood for a dance, so we will have one. Do not feel at all special, for you aren’t my only guest…I’m in the mood for a family reunion also so----(He claps) Bring them in!

(Tom, Gustav, and Georg are brought in. They are also dressed in tuxes.)

(Bill glares hard at Tom. Tom glares back.)

Aerian: My uncle Tom, and his friends…yes, we couldn’t have a dance without them!!!

Phoenix: (holds King Bill’s hand) This should be interesting…

Aerian: Now…we will all dance…Maika…my dear…you are with me…let’s see…Tom, with Sasha, Miki with Georg, and Charlotte with Gustav…

(Guards force each girl with the assigned guy.)

Aerian: We will dance until I say stop…if you stop dancing before I say stop…you will be shot in the head---now, begin…(He forcefully grabs Maika towards himself) Hello my dear…

Maika: I HATE YOU!!!!

(The couples dance.)

(King Bill and Phoenix also begin to dance.)

King Bill: I don’t agree with Tom being here…

Phoenix: You granted our son his wish---no times for regrets now is it…

King Bill: Something in my past I rather not see…

(Tom looks at Bill over Sasha’s shoulder.)
(King Bill looks away from him.)

Sasha: This is terrible…

Tom: (Looks at her) I know…

Sasha: (a tear comes in her eye)

Tom: Save your tears…they don’t seem to work well in this place any more…

Sasha: (sniffs) It just makes me so sad…being held against our own will…being puppets for this psycho child.

Tom: Perhaps there is some purpose for all of this---I for one…didn’t use to be optimistic…however, I think that this will all change…we’ll get out of here…and actually live.

Sasha: It’ll change for the worse…

Tom: Things have to get worse in order to get better…

(Sasha just looks at him.)

(Georg and Miki dance awkwardly, Georg steps on Miki’s feet.)

Miki: OW! That’s my foot! Are you a klutz!?

Goerg: Sorry, sorry…rude aren’t we?

Miki: (She frowns) I’m not rude…but you are clumsy…

Georg: I said sorry…!

Miki: (sighs) This is stupid…! (Aloud) THIS IS STUPID!

(Aerian glances at her smirking.)

Georg: (Covers her mouth) Are you an idiot!? Do you want to die? Keep those remarks to yourself---

Miki: (Muffled) Get your hand off of my mouth…

(Georg removes his hand.)

Georg: I don’t want to die today…so lets continue this dance…and then it’ll be over…

Miki: Whatever…

(Aerien twirls Maika around.)

Aerian: I know that you are excited!

Maika: (snaps) About what you roach!?

Aerian: In a few more weeks…I’ll be all grown…Can you believe it…I’m 17 already…3 weeks…I’ll be 20…my aging is coming along quicker than I expected…

Maika: I’m not excited for anything---I hate you---can’t you see that!?

Aerian: I love your hate…you don’t get it do you Maika? Hate…is love to me…! Everything is opposite in this world…I don’t want your passion…I want your hatred…that’s more appealing sweetheart!


Aerian: You will be…you’re going to love life with me…or should I say “HATE” life with me…I plan to make your days very, very miserable…I’ll give you the world…and crush it constantly in your face…you’re my personal torture toy…

(Maika pulls away from him, but he forcefully grabs her.)

Aerian: In this kingdom…it has always been about you women…My grandmother Aerieus…Queen, and before her, were Queens…I never could understand that…but now…it has become clear to me…women…well of this day…have somewhat become stronger than the man…that’s even clear when it comes to my own mother…when has your gender received such power…you can create life…and then dictate it…? I’ve done research on you Maika…you are no different…and would make a fitting Queen for Babylon…(smiles) But things are going to be different…I’m going to break you…I’m going to break your spirit…and then…you’ll submit to me…and not only you…but the rest of your friends…that was why I killed your brother…he was a pathetic excuse for a man…because if he were any smarter…he would have shut all of you girls mouth up long ago! He would have been the leader…I’ll do that for him…

Maika: YOU DON’T SPEAK OF MY BROTHER!!! (She begins to cry.)

Aerian: (smirks) I’m showing you and the rest of your friends what a man really is…but don’t feel special…you all are my guinea pigs…a test…I’m going to rule this world in the same manner…harsher, colder, with unlimited power…I’m going to bring everyone to their knees…Aerieus had the chance…but failed…she was a woman…I’m…I’m going to succeed.

Maika: You will fail…!

(Aerian laughs.)

Aerian:We will see my love, we will see…

(Gustav and Charlotte slowly dance.)

Gustav: Do you talk?

Charlotte: (looks at him, and then a way) I don’t really have much to say…

Gustav: Welcome to my world…

Charlotte: (sighs) I have so much on my mind…

Gustav: You and me both…I’ve found that…its best to talk about such things…instead of having the thoughts torment you later…

Charlotte: You are right…

Gustav: I’ll begin…I had a good life once, and now…as I exist now…I realize that I took it for granted…now everything is bad…and the life that I once loathed before at times…I wish I could get back…

Charlotte: Regrets…are painful things aren’t they?

Gustav: Yes…so how about you?

Charlotte: I’ve never really lived.

Gustav: (confused) I don’t understand.

Charlotte: I’ve always known this type world…I grew up around this…pain…sickness, death…I’ve seen this up close…and…it is quite normal for me…I…I know that its strange to say…sure I’ve seen happier times---but I’ve never really seen them, I know of them so to speak…I should like to one day experience happiness…but…I fear that, that is impossible…for someone like me.

Gustav: Happiness can be experienced by everyone…

Charlotte: Not everyone…not everyone truly.

Gustav: You speak so strangely.

Charlotte: I know…I know…

Flashback 4 Years ago…

(A five year old Aerieus sits on her throne, she has advisors gathered around her, with scrolls)

Aerieus: Increase humanoid productions…

Advisor #1: My Queen…harvesting has reached an all time low, there is shortages of human donors…

Aerieus: Shortages!? How can that be? Aren’t they procreating?

Advisor #2: Yes, yes ma’am…birth rates are rising, but the adult population is decreasing…

Aerieus: (frowns) This isn’t good…this slows progress!!!! What can we do? I’ll come up with something…what other issues are there?

Advisor # 3: Executions madam…

Aerieus: What of them?

Advisor #3: Of the traitors your Majesty..what mode of death do you see fit for them…

Aerieus: (rubs her chin) I want very hot water…and I want their bodies hovering over a chamber of boiling hot water----lava hot water…and at my cue, I want them dropped in it, and scalded alive…publicly of course…I want to make an example out of them---and any fool that would attempt to kill me!!!!

(Charlotte rushes in.)

Charlotte: (tears streaming down her face) Aerieus! Aerieus! Please
(Falls on her knees before the throne.)

Charlotte: Stop this madness sister…

Aerieus: Why are you acting like a raving lunatic lately Charlotte? Stop what madness?

Charlotte: You have gone to far---with the harvesting---and the killing---I watched a toddler gunned down in the middle of the street simply because he laughed…he was a baby…

Aerieus: His parents should have told him the rules---

Charlotte: The Light will show wrath on your evil sister!

Aerieus: (laughs) The Light!? Sister…you are the one who’s mad…concocted this fairytale of a person…

Charlotte: You must stop.

Aerieus: I am QUEEN! You don’t tell me what to do!

Charlotte: But you are wrong---

Aerieus: Wrong? (She stands up) Charlotte…look at what we have! Look at what I’ve created for you and I! This world…we are rich sister…I give you…everything…

Charlotte: I don’t want wealth---at the expense of innocent people’s lives!

Aerieus: Innocent!? I think not…they are humans, humans are flawed.

Charlotte: You and I are humans!

Aerieus: We are different…we are not like them---and the humanoids I make are superior to them---sinless….

Charlotte: You are not God.

Aerieus: I will be.

Charlotte: (frowns) You blasphemed.

Aerieus: (laughs) Get out of my face Charlotte---your antics are beginning to annoy me…I’m growing weary of your whining…

Charlotte: You are hurting me---what happened to the Aerieus I once knew…the one I loved…the one that I use to dance…and sing---and play---and be close with…

Aerieus: I’m queen now…and I’ve learned to put away…childish things…I have more things to worry about than to be your playmate…

Charlotte: Do you even love me still?

Aerieus: (looks at Charlotte) Love is a sin in New Babylon…

(Charlotte face drops, she runs out weeping.)

(Aerieus stares after her, and then back to the advisors.)

Aerieus: (Clears throat) I am sorry about that---she has always been mental…now where were we---?

At that same time…

(Charlotte runs into her bedroom, crying uncontrollably. She begins to mentally break down.)

Charlotte: (weeping) I’m sick of …I’m sick of the pain! I’m sick of the killings…! I’m sick of this world---I have nothing to live for anymore…my Aerieus is dead…we are no longer sisters! I will be done with this…

(She reaches in her drawer and pulls out a vile of liquid.)

Charlotte: Maybe now…she will miss me…

(She drinks it, and begins convulsing, foam comes from her mouth as she goes in a state of seizures.)

Charlotte: Remember me…

(She dies.)

(There is a knock on her door an hour later, Aerieus peeks her head in.)

Aerieus: Charlotte…? Charlotte? I…I want to apologize---

(She walks in, and notices her sisters lifeless body.)

Aerieus: (starts screaming, and weeping) CHARLOTTE! CHARLOTTE! (She falls on Charlottes body, shaking her.) WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

(She notices the vile.)

Aerieus: CHARLOTTE! (Crying) WHY? WHY?

(Guards run in.)

Guard: Your majesty…

Aerieus: (Crying) She’s dead….Charlotte…(she hugs her sisters body) Why?...why would you leave me---why do you do…such things…?

Back to the present….

Aeriean: You may stop dancing…!

(Everyone lets out a sigh of relief.)

Aeriean: I’m in the mood for a bit more entertainment….(He looks at Tom.) Dear uncle…

Tom: (frowns)

Aerien: Come, come now uncle! (he grabs Tom’s hand) You must be dying to talk to father…

(Tom glares at Bill, who glares back.)

Aerien: (leads Tom to where Bill is standing.) Now we all will listen to you two talk…

King Bill: I have nothing to say to him…!

Tom: (Sarcastic) Wow! How wonderful! My own brother…has nothing to say to me…

King Bill: (frowns) Brother? Didn’t I tell you? I don’t have a brother!

Tom: We came into this world together Bill? Or have you forgotten? You may want to act as if you don’t know, but that will always be fact!

King Bill: The only fact I know…Tom…is that, that was the past….

Tom: No…that is the present…you and me are one Bill…and you know it…we always promised each other that we would be together…nothing would break our bond…

King Bill: (Looks off)

Tom: Have you forgotten that? Or was that a lie…?

King Bill: I don’t have to answer your pathetic questions!

Tom: What happened to you? You use to have a heart. You use to care…now you’re cold…you’ve become like them---what happened to my brother…?

King Bill: (fighting back tears) Your brother is dead!

(Aeriean elbows Maika.)

Aerian: This would be a perfect soap opera! How entertaining!

Charlotte: (tears well in her eyes) This is all so very depressing…brothers shouldn’t be this way…

Gustav: They were so close once….its almost dream like to see them in this state…

(Miki and Georg look at eachother.)

Miki: So they are twins…?

Georg: Identical…different, but in a way…they were stuck together like glue…

Tom: You may have abandoned me Bill…but I’ll never abandon you… “Du bist
alles was ich bin und alles was durch meine Adern fließt…”
Bill: (eyes widen)



(Tears pour down Bill’s face. He rushes out of the room. Phoenix follows after him. Tom fights back tears.)

Aerian: What was that?

Georg: A memory.

(Tears pour down Bill’s face. He rushes out of the room. Phoenix follows after him. Tom fights back tears.)

Aerian: What was that?
Georg: A memory.


(At Invader Headquarters.)

(Humanoid Bill sits silently pondering. Aerieus looks at him.)

Humanoid Bill: You know…this all extremely confusing…here I was thinking that my purpose was to give Bill is heart back…now…its become this…?

Aerieus: I know…I know…but you must understand---

Humanoid Bill: What do we do now?

Aerieus: We must go to new Babylon...

Humanoid Bill: What will we do?

Aerieus: I have received information…on a few prisoners held in the castle…it appears that they also have the marks---and it would be wrong for us to allow them to suffer there…

Humanoid Bill: I have no marks---so what does that have to do with me…?

Aerieus: You can return the heart…we free the prisoners…and leave…

Humanoid Bill: You make it sound so simple…but it really isn’t going to be that simple I’m guessing…

Aerieus: No…it will not be…there is the chance that we will be killed.

Byron: You will be killed….there is no chance…it is a certainty…which is why I feel that is a foolish thing for you to want to carry this on out Aerieus---you have a responsibility to “The Invaders” not…this past stuff…why does it matter to you…I bet the humanoid…would prefer to live a whole lot longer---

Humanoid Bill: I would…but I am nothing…so it doesn’t matter…

Aerieus: Humanoid Bill and I were given a mission…we must complete it out of obedience to the Light, and the heart will not last much longer like this.

Byron: (sighs) You’re on a suicide mission…

Aerieus: We’ll see…so…(she grabs Humanoid Bill’s hand) We will journey there….we will take a plane, and we should be there late afternoon…

Humanoid Bill: Then it will be all over for me…

Aerieus: Don’t say that…

Humanoid Bill: I’s impossible not to…

At that same time…

(Phoenix held Bill’s hand.)

Phoenix: Why are you carrying on this way? What did he say to you?

Bill: (wipes tears from his face) He’s my brother Phoenix…

Phoenix: I know that…

Bill: No…you don’t know…you don’t understand----you’re a machine---

Phoenix: (upset) I AM NOT A MACHINE! I’m your wife…

Bill: (Looks off) Yeah…

Phoenix: Now…are you going to let the mumblings of a fool…weaken you? You are a king! And Tom…he’s nothing…trash---

Bill: (snaps) Watch what you say about him!

Phoenix: Oh I see…he got to you didn’t he---well guess what Bill…that’s your old life…Aerian and I are your new life…

Bill: I’m a human…I’ve tried my best…to pretend…to be humanoid for you and Aeriean…I’ve tried to forget my past…but I struggle…it keeps coming back to me? Why does it keep coming back to me Phoenix?

(She grabs his face)

Phoenix: Sometimes…the past must be destroyed…

Bill: What do you mean?

Phoenix: Sometimes…you have to…get rid of it…kill it.

Bill: Are you saying…that I must kill Tom…?

Phoenix: Destroy him and every remnant of it…after all, who is more important now? Aerian and I who love you? Or Tom…?

Bill: (looks at her)

Phoenix: If you don’t do anything…if you don’t get rid of him…you hate me and your son…and you are an enemy.

Bill: But if I do…I kill my brother?

Phoenix: You’ll get over it…I promise.

(Bill looks off.)

Bill: I love you and Aerian…

(Phoenix smiles)

Bill: You two are all that matters…

(Phoenix smiles bigger.)

Phoenix: Good choice---

Bill: But---I cannot kill my brother, that’s asking too much of me…

Phoenix: (mouth drops) So you are defying my wish…?

Bill: I’m king…I can…

Phoenix: (angrily) I see how this is…fine…live with your decision…but I feel that you will suffer very soon for it…I thought that you were strong Bill…I thought that you could adapt to our life…I thought you loved Aerian and I…but I see…that you are just a piece of human filth like the rest of them! What did my mother see in you? She should have torn you apart!!!!!

(With that she storms back into the ballroom.)

Phoenix: Aerian…!!!!!

(Aerian turns to face her.)

Phoenix: My beloved son…you love your mother don’t you…?

Aerian: More than life…

Phoenix: And you would gladly grant my wish…

Aerian: Anything in the world mother…

Phoenix: You wouldn’t deny me anything?

Aerian: Never!

Phoenix: Then grant this wish of mine…

Aerian: Ma’am…?

Phoenix: Kill your father….kill these humans, and take New Babylon’s throne…

(Aerian smirks.)

Charlotte: (Looks frightened at Gustav)

Gustav: What is this---?

Aerian: This is an unexpected turn of events…but mother your wish is my command…

(He beckons to the guards.)

Aerian: Gather them all, including my father…throw them in cells, their executions will take place tomorrow.

(The guards gather all of the girls, Tom, Georg, & Gustav. King Bill is dragged in.)

Aerian: I will be the new king…as it should have been…

Phoenix: (chuckles)

King Bill: Phoenix! What is the meaning of this…?

Phoenix: You are a traitor…so you will die a traitors death with the rest of them…you wouldn’t kill your brother…so dying with him will suffice!

Tom: (looks at Bill) Kill me?

Bill: (looks at him) I couldn’t do it----

Tom: (smiles slightly)

Gustav: (sighs)

Aerian: How fortunate…My grandmother Aerieus’s birthday is tomorrow…and to commemorate…there will be beheadings!!! (Claps) How exciting!!!!

Miki: How morbid? Great…we’re dead.

(The guards drag the group out.)

(Aerian laughs)

Aerian: This is all so very exciting! Mother, thank you! Thank you for this…

Phoenix: (looks at him) You know that I don’t really intend for your father to be killed---

Aerian: (looks at her in disbelief) What was all that for?

Phoenix: I thought that it might scare him---

Aerian: Well, I certainly will not go back on my word, he must die now…as you wished…

Phoenix: But I didn’t mean it…

Aerian: Sorry mother, you know how I feel about words…when you say them, you must mean them…there will be no retraction in this kingdom…besides---who needs him, I’ll find you a new husband…someone more fitting…

Phoenix: (looks down at her feet)

Aerian : I will be king…as it should be.

Phoenix: (sadly) Yes, my son….

Aerian: Now, we make plans for tomorrow…

Phoenix: Yes…we will…