The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Six

Later that Night…

(Tom, Georg, Gustav & Bill sit on one side of the large cell, while Charlotte, Miki, Maika, & Sasha sit on the other side. Everyone is silent.)

Bill: (clears his throat) I assume…that you all are angry with me?

Maika: I think I hate you---

Sasha: We all hate you!!!!

Tom: Not everyone hates him---

Sasha: He’s not our brother…so I guess we have to right too…

Georg: I frankly don’t care…I more concerned about dying tomorrow---

Gustav: Me too…

Bill: Listen…I’m sorry---

Maika: Your apologies are useless---bring my brother back…

Bill: (drops his head)


Bill: (to Charlotte) What is your story?
Charlotte: (looks down) I think it would be better if you were with your brother---this certainly is not repairing your relationship---
Bill: I’m where I should be.
Charlotte: (mutters) So you say…
Bill: Where do you come from? Who are you?
Charlotte: I’m a mistake.

Bill: A mistake? There are no mistakes…I believe that everyone and everything has a purpose if they exist.
Charlotte: (looks at him) Well, you are the only one…I wasn’t supposed to be here…as I told you…I was made as a memory of someone…that is all. A reminder, of someone’s life, that I could never equal up to---because, I am not real. Merely a machine…with the face, of someone…that I don’t even know.

Bill: I don’t understand.

Charlotte: Aerieus…had a sister…an older sister, whom she loved very much…but…because of all the evil Aerieus fell into…Charlotte…my namesake…was driven into insanity…killed herself…because Aerieus neglected her…Aerieus…felt remorse---

Bill: Aerieus…actually felt an emotion…?

Charlotte: Is that surprising…? She is a human after all…

Bill: I guess…its just that’s not the way I remember her.

Charlotte: (sighs) She felt remorse, and missed her sister, so she made me…a copy of her…I have Charlotte’s DNA, her face, her mindset…everything Aerieus wanted---but still she threw me away---

Bill: Why?

Charlotte: Because…I had Charlotte’s emotions---

Bill: A humanoid with emotions? How can that be?

Charlotte: I do not know…but I was different…Aerieus hated emotions…because…emotions is what killed her sister whom she loved.

Bill: This would explain why Aerieus would kill people if they showed feelings…its funny…but I almost pity her…

Charlotte: Don’t…she had caused to much trouble to humanity. She had killed the innocent. That deserves no sympathy.

Bill: Yes…you are right.

Charlotte: So she got rid of me…threw me away…It hurt me so bad…I didn’t understand why she would do such a thing…I was programmed to love her…but despite the programming…(She touches her heart) Inside…I really loved her…I didn’t need a program for that…she was like…a daughter to me…(a tear slides down her face) Am I wrong…for loving someone? Should I be cold…as the humans say I should be?

Bill: (grabs her hand) No! You should not! Charlotte…you are special…an anomally. Humans aren’t always right…I mean, if I were to have met a humanoid like you years ago…some of my faith in machines would have been increased…I mean, we hated your kind…automatically as we thought you hated humanity, but to know, that there was a possibility of some humanoids, who didn’t hate…why…that could have changed this world---

Charlotte: I almost believe you sir…However, there aren’t many like me in the world…I am the only one…and I wasn’t wanted…I was thrown in a desert, forced to fend for myself, alone…scared…hurt. Then…I met my friends---(She looks over at the group of girls) Their families, had been heinously killed…they were so young…and I being older…knew that it was my responsibility to help them…and also…to get revenge against the humanoids for the pain they’ve caused them.

(Sasha looks over at Charlotte)

Charlotte: I love them…they are like my children---

Maika: (looks at Charlotte)

Gustav: (to Georg) I’m going to barf…its like some big soap opera---

(Sasha throws a pillow at Gustav.)

Sasha: Shut-up!!!

Georg: It is pretty sad though…I mean…her life…

Tom: (Sighs) I don’t know…

Miki: Charlotte did do a lot for us…raising a group little kids wasn’t easy, and she being a young teenager…I mean, she never…hurt us before…

Maika: (looks away)

Sasha: She did get us through some hard times…not to mention…taught us how to defend ourselves…and fight the humanoids---

Charlotte: (to Bill) I wish…I were a human.

Bill: The irony in that Charlotte…is that…you are human…more human than any human in here…(He looks at her deeply in the eye) We are the machines…we are geared to hate…but you…were made to love…


(Phoenix sits alone in her bedroom. Ziana comes in.)

Ziana: Your majesty…? You wanted me?

Phoenix: Prehaps I have made a mistake.

Ziana: (sits besides her)

Phoenix: I…I love Bill…I think…or at least I’m supposed to…I mean…my system tells me that I’m supposed to…but…for a moment…I felt such hatred for him…such disgust for him…I mean, its like…I remembered that he was human…and it sickened me.

Ziana: (Nods her head)

Phoenix: I could smell his humanity…I could see the emotions in his eyes…tears…He’s never shed tears for me…but…for his brother? Then…I realized that…he could never love me…have real emotions for me…because he’s human…If I died…he wouldn’t cry…because I wasn’t real to begin with…

Ziana: You must not upset yourself…

Phoenix: No…Ziana…I have too…and then, when I asked Aerian to kill him…I felt wonderful about it…to see the fear in Bill’s face was fulfilling, but when I thought about what I had asked later…I felt regret…my system…the data in my mind that tells me to love him…came back…why is that Ziana? Why did that happen?

Ziana: You know why Phoenix…you know…that…he wasn’t the person that you were meant to love…that Aerieus made for you….he looks like what he should be…but in nature he isn’t…he is human…and you have made a grand mistake by keeping him for as long as you have…forcing it to work. Aerian…is a mistake…the great sin Aerieus feared would happen…

Phoenix: (snapped) My son is not a sin…

Ziana: (looks away sadly) He is…and you know this…and you know…that he is going to cause great damage to this world…

Phoenix: (stands up) I will stand by my son…he is all that I have…he loves me…he is the only one that truly does----

Ziana: You are so thirsty for someone to love you---perhaps that was the biggest flaw Aerieus gave you…

Phoenix: Maybe it is…

Maika: You gave that evil son of yours permission to kill my brother---You are such a hypocrite! You wouldn’t kill your own brother…but you’d kill someone elses…?

Bill: Listen---

Maika: Shut-up! You know what? If I could…I’d wipe you out right now!!!!

Charlotte: Come on…Maika…please…calm down!

Maika: Calm down! CALM DOWN!? Are you kidding me!? How can I calm down when he killed my brother!?

Charlotte: He didn’t kill him…Aerian did…he was merely a puppet…he had no power…
You know this…

Maika: (glares angrily at Bill) I’ll get you…I promise…

Bill: (shudders)

Miki: What are we going to do guys? We’ve got to get out of here…

Gustav: That’s easier said than done…

Sasha: Ziana? Maybe she’d help us---

Georg: Isn’t she humanoid? I’d never trust their kind---

Sasha: She’s different…

Maika: Georg has a point---at this point…humanoids are the enemy.

(Charlotte looks away)

Tom: (looks at Bill) I’m glad that you’re back…even if we do die…at least we’ll be together…

Bill: (looks at him with tear-filled eyes) Yeah…you’re right…

Tom: Dying doesn’t seem so bad now….

(Everyone goes silent.)

Charlotte: (whispers) Death?

Miki: What Charlotte…?

Charlotte: I’ve died before…

Maika: What is she going on about?

Charlotte: Before you die…its best that you confess right? Confess your mistakes in life, and try to get it right with the people around you…?

Sasha: I suppose so…

Charlotte: Yes, I think this time, I’d like to confess…and tell you all the truth about myself…I mean, I have too…because the truth will come out eventually…

Sasha: Confess what?

Charlotte: (stands to her feet) I am not what I appear to be…I am not…like you all…strange.

Maika: (looks at her) So? You’ve always been rather strange…what’s so special about that?

Charlotte: I am what you all hate…

Sasha: We could never hate you Charlotte…

Charlotte: I am…in essence the enemy…

Miki: Enemy?

Charlotte: I am…humanoid.

(Everyone gasps, and jumps to their feet.)

Tom: She’s humanoid?

Gustav: A spy? I bet Aerian used her to spy on us!

Maika: (eyes widen)

Miki: This can’t be….you seem so…

Charlotte: Human…? I know…

Maika: (trembles in anger) All this time…you pretended…you were them…you were humanoid…

Charlotte: I had too…I just…wanted to belong…

Maika: You’re a **** humanoid! You could never be human! Filth…

Charlotte: (eyes wells with tears)

Maika: Your kind slaughtered my entire family…killed my brother…and you stood there, pretending to be one of us?

Charlotte: I’m sorry---

Sasha: (shakes her head) That was why you knew so much….and explains why you act so weird---

Tom: This is drama…

Billl: (Looks at Charlotte)

Charlotte: I am humanoid…but in so many ways I am not…Aerieus made me---

Bill: Aerieus? Where you created before Phoenix or after…?

Charlotte: Before….I was made as a memory.

Maika: Who cares why you were made!? You are a liar!

Charlotte: Maika…I know…that you are upset…and I know all of you are confused, but believe me, I never did this to hurt you. I fought alongside you, for humanity. I believed in humanity so much. I was never like the other humanoids…who killed. I’ve never killed a human….Never would I.

Sasha: (sadly) Charlotte…how can we believe you, if you have lied for this long?

Charlotte: You are right….but I was hoping…that…our friendship…would cause forgiveness…

Maika: We are not your friends…we will never…be friends to a humanoid.

Georg: Humanoids have caused too much trouble for us.

Gustav: (Nods his head in agreement.)

Tom: Humanoids have caused so much pain…they even almost cost me my brother.

Charlotte: (weeps) I am sorry for what I am---

Maika: Don’t apologize----just get far away from us as you can…

(With that Charlotte sulks away to the opposite side of the cell.)

(Bill looks at her sympathetically.)

Miki: I can’t believe that she’s….

Maika: Now we know…so its best we stay away from her…she’ll turn on us soon…

Sasha: I’m not sure about that Maika…Charlotte seemed to be really sad about the whole thing…and she did help us a lot…we would have died many times if it weren’t for her---

Maika: Sasha, I’m sorry if I don’t share your optimism in the good of others---but she said it herself…she lied…she was pretending to play a part…trying to be human…she fooled us…

Sasha: If she had bad intentions…she wouldn’t have confessed…why would she have confessed that she was human, if she were up to no good…

Maika: I don’t know Sasha! But that doesn’t matter…she’s humanoid…and we swore, to destroy them all…

Bill: (looks at Maika) You have a serious attitude problem…and you call me a hypocrite? You are the biggest one…!

Maika: What are you talking about?

Bill: I am married to a humanoid…and my son…is part humanoid. I have spent a long time with them, and have learned their mannerisms…and I must say, that…never have I seen such emotion…and such honesty out of a humanoid then when I look at Charlotte…

(Charlotte looks up.)

Bill: She seems so human…that its ridiculous, more than any humanoid I’ve seen, and it seemed that she believed so much…in your friendship…that she thought that you would accept her. She trusted in humanity, and human loyalty…and you proved to be a liar!

Maika: WHAT!?

Bill: Your brother may be dead. But you just murdered…humanoid trust in humanity. To me, that is the greatest mistake!

Maika: That statement is the most ridiculous statement I’ve ever heard! How is humanoid thinking important than a loss of a brother?

Bill: It’s important because…you just killed your sister.

(Maika goes silent.)

Bill: I don’t think I want to be over here anymore. I’ll sit with the outcast.

(He goes where Charlotte is. They both sit in silence.)

Tom: What is going on here?

Georg: Your brother is also showing his loyalty…to the humanoids…

Gustav: (mutters) “Once you go humanoid…you never go back.”

Miki: He’s crazy!

Tom: Why are you over there Bill?

Bill: This is the right side to be on…not because she’s humanoid, but because she is good. I want to hear her out. If she did turn'll be all of your faults...because you are showing humanity's true colors...our bad characteristics of betrayal, rejection and prejudice!

Gustav: Prejudice! Ha! Humanoids showed ultimate prejudice with humanity. Ripping our organs out of humans for those machines. Blowing people's brains out for showing emotions...a human thing!

Tom: (shakes his head) There is no getting through to you Bill.