The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Chapter Seven- Return Home

On a small plane…

(Humanoid Bill stares out of a window. Aerieus sits next to him. She stares intently at him.)

Aerieus: What are you thinking about?

Humanoid Bill: (sighs) I’m thinking…what it is like…to exist.

Aerieus: You are existing…you are alive right now.

Humanoid Bill: No…I am not…(He holds out his hands) Look at me…on the outside…I look just like your kind…real…but on the inside…I’m metal…and I’m leeching off the life source of a human….is that really existing?

Aerieus: I don’t know…

Humanoid Bill: How fascinating…the Aerieus…doesn’t know something…
(He looks away.)

Aerieus: I don’t know what you want me to say to you Bill.

Humanoid Bill: I want you to say to me…that this is all a dream…and that you are not going to die today…

(He looks at her with tears forming in his eyes)

Humanoid Bill: I want you to tell me that…

(Aerieus looks away saddened.)

Aerieus: I can’t promise you that…

Humanoid Bill: I feel like I’ve been cheated! Cheated of a real life…I should be human! Why am I not human?
Aerieus: Its my fault…

Humanoid Bill: No…this isn’t your fault…its mine...I was a stupid idea in your head, that came to life…I should have stayed in your head…instead of being here…

Pilot: We will be landing in New Babylon in 15 minutes…

(Humanoid Bill goes pale.)

Aerieus: You were not a stupid idea----Bill…you matter so much to me…so much…and away from New Babylon…I regret nothing...I do not regret you…I love you and always will…I was an evil person then…I was sick, and confused. I was alone…and I thought that you and Phoenix would be my cure. I see now…that Phoenix was a mistake…but not you Bill…you were not a mistake…I was wrong for only thinking about myself…and my power…to not consider what ramifications my actions would have on you…and now…I see your pain…and now that I’ve accepted emotions…I feel it also…(She grabs his hand) I have done this twice----

Humanoid Bill: “Done this twice”? What does that mean?

Aerieus: (lets go of his hand) It just came back to me…I’ve hurt the person I loved most…again…

(She sinks into her seat and begins to weep.)

(Humanoid Bill looks at her confused.)

Aerieus: My life is a cycle…first…I done this to my sister---and she killed herself---she didn’t care about how I would feel---she just killed herself---she hurt me…I had hurt her---

Humanoid Bill: Sister?

Aerieus: (staring into space) I thought…I could bring her back…my genius could resurrect her----bring her back…at least some part of her…so I made “her”…

Humanoid Bill: (grabs Aerieus) What are you babbling about?

Aerieus: You aren’t the only one Bill that I’ve doomed to a false life…Phoenix…wasn’t the only one…there was yet another----

Humanoid Bill: Another what?

Aerieus: Another humanoid…I made her before you and Phoenix…her name was Charlotte…made after my blood sister…who committed suicide… but mistreated this humanoid…because she had feelings…I threw her away…

Humanoid Bill: Where is she?

Aerieus: Destroyed… (She looks away) I didn’t want her around---but now…you are like her…and I want you around…how ironic…don’t you think?

Humanoid Bill: (Let’s go her) Your life…is so complicated…

(Aerieus chuckles)

Aerieus: It is…

Humanoid Bill: What was this…other humanoid like…?

Aerieus: Charlotte? (Sigh) In hindsight, I can say…that she was perfect. I never told her that. She was beautiful…beyond beautiful…she was so like my sister. Graceful. Her voice…sounded like the most beautiful composed music. She had tender emotions…her ability to love…was a curse I gave her. I made her love me---as Charlotte did…to destroy her. I was sick…I wanted revenge at Charlotte for making me feel…making me break my own rules.

Humanoid Bill: She sounds…nice…

Aerieus: You would have loved her…I know it…I just know it.

Humanoid Bill: I’m humanoid---I can’t feel love. I can only pretend.

Aerieus: I don’t believe that. You could love if you tried.

Humanoid Bill: Yeah…


(Bill, Tom, Georg & Gustav along with the group of girls, were marched by humanoid Guards outside of the castle. Outside were cheering crowds of humanoids. Aerian sits on the throne. Phoenix stands beside him. She stares at Bill with a fearful expression on her face. Tears pour down her cheek.)

Aerian: Everyone…we are gathered today…on behalf of my most beloved mother…for the conviction and the execution of the said group before us.

Bill: (Looks at Phoenix pleadingly)

(She looks away)

Aerian: These people are guilty of heinous crimes against New Babylon…and are guilty. (He stands) My grandmother Aerieus…had created a perfect government. She single-handedly controlled this world. Her innovations and genius contributed to the creation of a strong humanoid society. New Babylon was supreme, however, sadly, do to unfortunate events things changed and so this perfect system broke down…but I am here to assure you…that I am going to reinstate that program. Humans are not the majority…but I promise you…that under my leadership…they will be the minority---as humanoids—we have the responsibility to assure our existence in this world…

(The crowd cheers)

Aerian: Though I am half of them…which I hate…I am not like them…these filth…are menaces…and are proof of the warnings that Aerieus had against them…they don’t understand our ways, they don’t respect us…so they must be controlled…they must be made an example of…so…we will give them an example…and these humans, which stand before me now today…will be a sign to the world…of what is to come…I am king…

Bill: You are my son…how could you say such things?

Aerian: You are not my father…you are merely a donor---a mistake….my real father…if he were to have arrived in time would have made me…not you…you are a substitute…and unwanted substitute!

Bill: There is not other father…I am your father. Phoenix---

Phoenix: I have nothing to say Bill…you chose your brother over me…and so…you must die.

Bill: I thought you loved me----

Phoenix: (angry) I AM HUMANOID!!! My allegiance isn’t with a human---it could never be…my allegiance is to New Babylon…and Aerian.

(The crowd cheers)

Maika: (yelling) You should be the one dying Aerian…you are scum!!!! You KILLED MY BROTHER!!!!

Miki: (Pointing) You destroyed all of our lives…humanoids!!!

Georg: (sighs)

Gustav: We don’t deserve this!

Sasha: (looks at Charlotte) What do we do?

Charlotte: (loud voice) I am humanoid.

Aerian: (smirks) So you admit it…well…I was wondering when you would say it…and since you are…you shouldn’t die…I will just assume that you were brainwashed by these simpletons---(He motions to some guards) Untie her…

(The guards come to Charlotte)

Maika: Traitor! Look she’s going with them!

Kirsty: Charlotte----

(Charlotte looks at them regrettably)

(They release her, and Charlotte looks at the humans.)

Bill: Charlotte? I don’t understand….

Maika: She’s just like them---I told you----

Charlotte: (walks before Aerian) I am humanoid…but I do not want to be…

(Aerian looks at her confused.)

Charlotte: Your grandmother…made me…to be…her sister…reborn…she made me…exactly like a human…in ever aspect of my assembling. I feel…I talk…I act…like a human…but at the end of the day…I am not human…no matter how hard we try to forge an existence as humanoids…we will fail…because…humans are flawed innately…and we were fashioned as them…so we are even more flawed. IF their society, crumbled down to us…our society is bound to crumble…

(She looks at the crowd.)

Charlotte: As I’ve lived with these humans…I’ve learned…that they are complex. Aerieus, was who I recognized as my creator, but she wasn’t a perfect creator…she was human, flawed…evil…I thought in the beginning that she was perfect…but she was not…where did she come from? Who made her? Who made these humans…? And whoever did…must have been far more intelligent, far more complex than they are…
Far more powerful than Aerieus….

Aerian: Blasphemy! Aerieus was powerful…she was a goddess…

Charlotte: She was weak…hiding behind a powerful front----I was her sister…I know who she is…she was a child---forced to grow up fast---not unlike you---and she got destroyed for it…and you will endure the same…

Aerian: Seize her!!!!!!!

(The guards grabs Charlotte but the sound of a plane could be heard.)

Phoenix: Airplanes? There is a no fly zone in New Babylon…

Aerian: Only humans fly….(he looks at the group) Find the source…we will add them also to the bloodbath…

(Everyone looks at each other.)

(The group of humanoids quickly scatter away, looking for the plane)

Aerian: Enjoy the few minutes of life you have left… (He looks at Phoenix) Come mother, I am hungry all of a sudden…

(He and Phoenix exit.)

(Charlotte is still being held by two humanoids)

Maika: Why did you do that Charlotte?

Charlotte: You are my friends…I cannot let you die---if you die---I must die---you were my reason for living.

Maika: (looks down) I’m…so---

Charlotte: Don’t apologize…you’ve done nothing wrong---

Maika: No…I’m sorry…I’m sorry for what I said…I was wrong Charlotte…I was just angry---

Sasha: We all are…

Gustav: Your apologies won’t keep us from dying---so everyone please shut-up!

Sasha: You really have a stinky attitude Gustav.

Gustav: What do you want from me? What? Me to smile and do a little dance of happiness, because I’m going to get my head cut off---
Tom: Shut-up Gustav!

Gustav: We are going to get our heads cut off…that’s truth---

Georg: You don’t have to keep saying it.

Bill: This is my fault---

Miki: Your son is evil---not you---

Bill: I’m responsible…

Kirsty: (sighs) I wonder what the plane was?


(The small plane lands in a field about a mile and half out of New Babylon. Aerieus and Humanoid Bill exit it.)

Aerieus: (to pilot) Give us an hour…and then come back…
Pilot: Yes ma’am…

Aerieus: After the hour has passed and if there isn’t any sing of us, you may leave---and tell the Invaders to carry on in the path of the light without me.
Pilot: (nods)

(The plane takes off.)

Humanoid Bill: I won’t be coming back---

Aerieus: (looks at him) Don’t lose courage Bill! I promise that I will fix this--- if I am able to get to my lab…
Humanoid Bill: You honestly think that you can fix this? And how do you expect to get into your lab? Earth to Aerieus, this isn’t your city anymore--

Aerieus: This will always be my city---there are things about this city that I know…mysteries that everyone else has yet to uncover…Besides, I can help you better here…

Humanoid Bill: I hope that you are right---

(A sound of sirencs can be heard.)

(Aerieus looks at Bill alarmed.)

Aerieus: Humanoids!!! Come!!!
(She and Humanoid Bill run quickly into the City.)

At that sametime…

(Aerian and Phoenix eat.)

Aerian: That Charlotte---she is a strange Humanoid don’t you think?

Phoenix: Yes…she is my son…
Aerian: I keep thinking…that there is more to here…more than what she is letting on…her emotions are fascinating…How is it possible for her to express human emotions genuinely…and we cannot? Aerieus had a reason for this…I’m sure…
Phoenix: (sighs) Charlotte is an accident son…Aerieus didn’t want her…

Aerian: Aerieus…I would have been honored to have met her…and absorb her knowledge…she was great! All she created---groundbreaking…(smirks) I reviewed her records and watched videos over her rule…she ruled with a iron fist! No human would dare to uprise against her…and the humanoids…and she was a human herself…but even in her humanity she was the perfect example of what we humanoids should be…we should strive to be the example that she has set Mother! And I will make that happen.
We own this world! And humans are our slaves…we own all logic…they own nothing!