The Humanoid Diaries: The Invasion

Prophecy of Zenith: Hurricanes and Suns

<i>Can the false be real? Can the inanimate breathe life? Can the monsters be flesh? Can redemption come for the undeserving?

In my vision,

I saw the Queen again, the blasphemous one who destroyed humanity. The one who caused fear and dread.

Yes! She died! But lives again!

She fell but has now rose. Light bathes her path…Yes, I saw her once more, before the final Queen, the fiery one, who rose from the ashes…Both Queens, both evil, but one changed. I saw, the King. Flesh and steel…his heart…against flesh…self-hatred…self-glorification. They all stood in the room.

One judged, two unjudged. Only one Queen will exit the throne room.

Sacrifice is necessary for all, especially the “lost” ones.

The “lost” ones will stand in the path of Hurricanes. Destruction is destined, but the suns…their eyes will be toward the suns…and the suns will show them the way…if they follow the bright suns their paths will be lighted. If they follow the dark suns they will fall away.

Behold, I also saw her...THE the fearful city. The key to these mysteries the conclusion to every question. The final piece to this puzzle...the solution...She is a hurricane. </i>


Written in 460 BC