Status: Active

What Hurts the Most... 6 Years Later


Andrea isn’t quite the same girl she was when she was in high school.
She’s smart.
She’s rich.
She’s sophisticated.
She’s not the tomboy country girl that she once was.
Does she miss it?
She changed because society made her change.

Enter Kevin.
College drop-out.
Works as a waiter.
Went to school with Andrea.
Knew her as a tomboy and country girl.
He is shocked by the new Andrea.
And wants the old one back.

Enter Dante.
Grew up in Italy.
Moved to the United States at 15.
Family started a restaurant.
Is now one of the biggest Italian restaurant owners
Young, handsome, and totally in love with Andrea.
They are engaged.

Andrea never forgot Kevin.
Kevin remembered Andrea.
What happens when their paths cross again?
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i know, i added a prequel and then moved the prologue and you probably think i'm just going around in circles lol. well, i'm almost done with the first chapter and i'm going to TRY to finish it before tomorrow :) comment!!!!