Status: done

Never leaving you

Never leaving you

Never Leaving You
By, MGwrites

Water splashed Lane’s face, abruptly waking him from his daydream. Soft laughter assaulted his ears as he wiped lake water from his eyes; he smiled at the scene before him. Olivia stood about three feet from shore laughing uncontrollably. “You’re going to get wet whether you get in the water or not, so you might as well get in,” she said, fighting back a fit of giggles, her long, dark hair flowing down her back in waves.
Lane rolled his eyes and climbed in, stripping off his long black T-shirt. He caught Olivia’s eyes staring at him. Or more accurately, at his scars. He saw a flurry of emotion cross her face. First, she was startled, then curious, and then . . .? He couldn’t be sure, it had all happened within the space of about three seconds.
Feeling as though he had to break the suddenly solemn mood, he yanked her down into the water. Olivia shrieked grabbing onto his shoulder, and they both went down together, they came up sputtering and laughing.
When the evening sun finally began to set, they finally climbed out of the now silty lake water, and onto the shore. Far off in the lake, one of the six sea serpents jumped in the water, it’s glittering scales shone in the dying sun. “Which one is that?” Olivia asked, pointing at the retreating form. Lane was sitting behind her, both arms wrapped around her. “That one is either Zamander or Evason,” he said, squinting in the dim light. He pointed to his far right. “But that one is definitely Celle.” Olivia leaned into him more. “How can you tell?”
He grinned. “Celle has a big notch in her fin. None of the others do." Olivia sighed, "You’re so lucky you've lived here your entire life, Mrs. Surin only pulled me and mom out of our crappy apartment a year ago." He rested his chin against her shoulder. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome."
They both sat there, just watching the sunset. Lane loved the way they could not say a word and still not feel awkward. Olivia sat staring at the lake, her smile slowly becoming a frown. She opened as though she were about to speak, but then shut it again, looking frustrated. “What?” he asked, although he was pretty sure he knew what she was going to ask. As soon as he answered, she would probably run off in the opposite direction. He would have to tell her soon anyway. But why did she have ask now?
“It’s just . . . Just . . . What’s going on?” She finally managed. Lane tried to deflect the question. “We’re sitting at the lake watching the sun set.” “I’m serious,” she said now sounding slightly annoyed. She gently extracted herself from his arms. She turned to face him. She counted on her fingers as she spoke. “One; You disappear every month. Two, you are half dead when you come back. Three; for a few days before you disappear, you start acting weird. Snapping at people, and getting angry at the slightest little things. Not to mention this, she whispered, running her finger along a long, curved scar that ran down the length of his back. The creature that was always so close to the surface these days flooded his mind, trying to force him to do horrible things to her.
“L-liv please stop that.” he hissed through gritted teeth. Olivia removed her hand without comment. He pushed the creature to the back of his mind. She grabbed his hand, and held it between her two slightly smaller ones. 'I'm sorry for jumping on you all of the sudden but I need to know." They just stared at each other for a minute, and when she finally spoke again it was in little more than a whisper. “I’m going to find out whether you tell me or not. But I want you to.”
Though the Memories were from over eight years before, they were still fresh in Lane's mind. Her face looked so worried. And he knew she was sincere. “I’m never leaving you no matter what.” she said, staring into his eyes.
His reply was hardly more than a whisper. “Can you promise me that?” His voice was so quiet it was almost unintelligible.
“I promise.”
He held both her hands in his own, not wanting to let go of them. gentle waves lapped the lake shore. He let out a slow shuddering breath, “Olivia . . . Olivia, I’m a werewolf.”
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I love this story I entered it into a competition to go to a teen writers conference.