Those Who Fall

Jane and Matthew Sittin' In A Tree

My name is Jane, and to avoid any confusions my parents were human...for the most part. My mom decided to send me to a school east of Nowhere. Even though my dad is out of the picture my mom tries to make ends meet, paying my school tuition. You would think a supernatural high school would have a memorable name. I think it's named after some random president like Buchanon, McKinley... Garfield. I came to school here knowing the only other normal human being enrolled. We clung to each other immediately. Some people would find it hard to tell a story like this. It's really easy, actually. It started sophomore year.

"My name is Jane."

"I'm Matt."

I offered my hand and he grabbed it, brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

"You have great manners."

"My television tought me well," he said with a smile.

"Not your mom?" I tilted my head to the side, super curious.

"Uh..." In that moment I completely regretted saying what I did. who was I to talk about parents? My father isn't around anymore. He left me and my mom when I was two years old. He'd gotten lazy with the payments to my mom also. We're used to it though. I don't remember much from when I was two but I do remember my dad taking me out for ice cream almost every weekend. He gave me this journal before he left. It's a basic composition notebook. I'd never written in it before but it's covered in Disney princess stickers and Barbie doll stickers. My father sucks. My mom always engrained that into my mind. After he left she would always tell me her theory on why he left and how big of an asshole he was.

"I'm sorry...The housemaster told me that we should have all the same classes," I recovered.

"That's great." I tried reading his face but I had only known him for all of three minutes. I wished I was one of those students that could read peoples minds.

Our next class was english. I put my history notebook in my backpack and grabbed my Math textbook and my History textbook. I struggled to open the door and walked out with Matt trailing behind me.

"We have Math next. Do you want to put your textbook in your locker?"

"Um. I would, but my locker is on the first floor and Math is on the fourth."

"You can put them to my locker. It's on this floor. Let me carry those for you."

He took my textbooks as I adjusted my backpack. We went to his locker and put my history textbook there. We knew Math wouldn't be too hard since Math is the same no matter who you are or where you're from. At least we hoped so. We weren't dreading the walk to class...Though I got freaked out a couple of times when some mummies and zombies walked past.

We sat next to each other in Math and I couldn't focus. I just wanted to talk to him. But I kept my mouth shut. I kept thinking about what I should've said to him next. He would never have feelings for someone like me...but he kissed my hand. Who does that?

"Hey, can I borrow a pencil?"

"Sure," I went into my bag and pulled out a mechanical pencil. He started using it and writing down the gibberish on the board. I couldn't stop staring at him. Every time I looked at him I was praying that he wouldn't look over at me. I was also hoping that no one else was looking at me. Didn't want anyone thinking I was a sketch.

When we got up to leave he handed me my pencil and I thanked him. He responded,

"So what was with you staring at me all of class?" My face got incredibly warm and I zipped my bag quickly. I hugged my books tighter into my chest and start nibbling on the cover of my textbook.

"Oh, uh-you-what're you talking about?"

"Yea, I saw you." He gave me a subtle smile with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry." I gave a quick frown and sped away to homeroom.

The people in my homeroom were very interesting. I noticed two human like creatures as we looked around. One of them turned out to be a werewolf. He was very ugly might I add. The beautiful girl ended up being a mermaid. A very narcissistic one, but based on the eight total mermaids in our grade they're all self centered. But they are all very beautiful.

When Matt walked into my homeroom I lifted my textbook and encaged myself in a mini desk fort. I shrunk my head as close to my desk as possible while still peering over my textbook. I heard his voice tell the teacher he was sorry for being late. He said he'd gotten lost in the halls because he'd lost his walking buddy. The teacher reassured that the school would get easier to understand. I shrunk farther down as he turned to walk and sit down. I saw the textbook slowly moving away from my head so I threw my hands up over my head. Trying to cover every embarrassing part of me that I could.

"Don't hide from me, Jane."

"Don't talk to me."


"I'm embarrassing."

"That's ok." I looked up at him and he had an even bigger grin on his face. It made me want to smile but I fought it. I probably looked like a doofus because he started laughing at me. Which made my smile break through. I was less focused on not being a dork and more focused on being myself. He seemed to like me. That was a first.

After school my bus was running late so I decided to take Matt's bus so I wouldn't be waiting alone. We sat together in the first seat on the bus.

"Would you ever consider going on a date with me?" he asked me.

"It depends on where we'd go."

"To my house to study?"

"Then yes." he smiled at me and I smiled back. I couldn't believe someone liked me- I was 15 and had never done anything other than hug a guy. It seems normal to a grown up but people my age think I'm a prude. Drinking and smoking is the norm for humans my age. Everything was moving faster than I was used too and I wasn’t sure if I liked it.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" I was happy with how forward he was being. Because of my age I always thought I was behind everyone else. Like I was the lame girl no one liked, of course it was different because he was the only other human and he had been "different" from the beginning but I still felt honored to even be asked.

"Yes," I responded. I thought he was going to kiss my mouth but like a gentleman he kissed my cheek. I blushed and smiled really wide. Sunlight obstructed my vision as I pulled out my phone to call my mom. She was perfectly fine with me not being home. I could be out with a pedophile and she wouldn't care unless I forgot to call.

When we got to his house I took off my shoes and put my backpack down. I looked around at his one floor house. He had a couch that looked pretty run-down and a book shelf with only ten books. But the bookshelf was otherwise overcrowded with beer bottles, some half empty. He guided me to the kitchen which wasn't anywhere close to clean but it was the only table, I guessed, in his house clean enough to do work on. I didn't mind though. My house probably would have been just as messy if I didn't live there.

"Do you really want to do our homework while you're here?" he asked me.

"Kind of?" he grabbed my bag and brought it to his small circular kitchen table. We got to work when he asked if I wanted a snack. We both got up and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out some cheese and crackers.

"I love cheese!" I threw my head back in happiness, pretending to bask in sunlight. The only thing close to sunlight was his grin and I was always basking in it when we were together. He came over and grabbed my hip and planted a kiss on my nose when my head came back down. I couldn't help but stare into both of his eyes. Switching from his right eye to his left eye. He watched me do this and he didn't stop smiling until I broke away from his grasp and walked back to the table.

After seven months of being in a relationship I’d learned that his mother died when he was born, that he’s abstinent, and every time I went over his house his dad was almost never there. I also learned that I love having a boyfriend.

It was another day without Matt. I was assuming that a couple people missed work at his uncle's job again, but I didn't really mind anymore. He had told me the combination to his locker so that wasn't a problem anymore. But knowing this school, that day would be more unusual than the last (a rat crawled over my food at lunch and then into some monster's sleeve. It was gross.)

"Hey beautiful..." Victor Frankenstein III interrupted my thought. When he had been introduced to our homeroom the other day almost everyone in the class had laughed and Matt and I still didn’t know why.

"Hi..." There was silence so I decided to fill it with, "how do you like the school?" I hadn't completely thought through a real question to ask but I did think about how hard it would be to mess up an answer to it.

"It's okay...with all these freaks walking around. We're the only normal ones." I thought it was bizarre how he was calling everyone else a freak even though multiple people laughed when he was introduced to the class a couple days ago. And I wanted to make sure that he knew I had a boyfriend.

"You probably shouldn't call them freaks, and-" He put his finger against my lips and I felt really weird and uncomfortable. I wasn't sure if I should push him away from me.

"I've got my hold on them, don't worry about me...Do you have a date for the dance next week?"

I had meant to ask Matt about that but it had slipped my mind...Dammit, I didn't know what to do so I stayed silent. His hand had left my mouth a couple minutes ago so I was free to speak but I chose not to. This moment would come to define every part of my life thereafter.

"I guess you're going with me then." He grabbed my phone from off of my desk and added his phone number, it looked like. "See you next week." He winked at me and I looked at my notebook extremely confused. I wondered if Matt would be upset. Maybe show me that badass, jealous side of him that he told me he'd hid away a couple of years back. He did show it to me, the next day when I was attacked by the new kid’s tongue. That next day, started well until Victor decided to try and play house. A really R rated kind of house.

"Hey, come over here." Victor pushed me into the boys bathroom and knocked me against the sink.
"Let's get this off..." I was wearing a camisole under my button up shirt. The buttons fell to the ground, each and every one of them.

"Stop, What! What are you doing?" I tried moving away but the only place to go was on top of the sink.

"Here's how this is going to work...You're going to do everything I matter how crazy it is to you." He tried taking off the shirt I was wearing when I mustered all the energy I could and pushed him away but then he pushed me against the tiled wall."My great grandfather was a pussy. He was incredibly stupid too but I will be able to do something he never could..."

"How is he your great grandfather?..." I tried to sound like I actually knew who his father was. Other than popular culture I was completely clueless but I acted intrigued. I just wanted to get out of there I hated being in the bathroom with him, it smelled gross and he was gross.

"Victor Frankenstein was my father's grandfather...not mine..." He forced his face to me and I tried my hardest to keep my mouth closed when I came up with a brilliant idea.

"Wait...not here...I'll call you, but someone might walk in..."

"No...come on," he tried my shirt again but i wouldn't budge. I slid away from him and asked him to stay in the bathroom. I'm surprised he listened to me.
I ran out of the bathroom and saw Matt halfway to the small corner of the hall I was fixated on hiding in. I grabbed his arm and brought him with me quickly, he almost tripped down the stairs.

"Hey...What's wrong? Where Are We Going?" He kept saying this until we got there.

When we got to the spot I was thinking of the whole way there I backed into a corner ad pulled Matt towards me. My head was the same level as his heart. I felt the warmth from his body as I hugged him. Closer and tighter. He didn't really say anything until my embrace weakened. I felt safe but also terrified because I had no idea what Matt was thinking or what he was going to do. I just wanted to go back to his house and forget anything had ever happened in the Boys' Bathroom.

"What's going on?" He finally asked again. I felt my sleepy eyes wanting to close. I didn't know how I was going to deal with Victor... "What happened to your shirt? I'm no fashion expert but your shirt is see-through. (It wasn't see through till dumbass ripped apart the shirt on top of it.) "What happened to the buttons?"

"I was in the bathroom...I have a date to the dance and it isn't you-Don't be mad. He me to do happened so fast, he wouldn't let me talk...Then he tried to have sex with me just's so confusing. He was talking about something his grandfath-great grandfather couldn't do...I don't know what his deal is...I...he kissed was gross...." I went into hysterics, thinking of what could have been if I hadn’t spoken up. Matt rubbed his thumb across my mouth then spoke to me calmly. His thumb lingered over my lips like he was erasing the pain with his finger. My lips were overly warm and when he pulled his thumb away I noticed I had a little cut on my lip from my lips being stretched to far. I wanted to cover my mouth in Chapstick.

"Stop, stop. Calm down..." He took his hands off the wall and grabbed my face gently and our lips touched. Kind of like...kissing a cloud for me...But when I looked up at him his eyes looked different. There was a weird ferocity sprawled across his face.

He moved his hands back to the wall and looked around. I wasn't accustomed to him looking the way he did. Just because I couldn't read his mind didn't mean I couldn't read his face. It had fury written all over. The morning bell hadn't rung yet, but the slower monsters needed their time to go to their lockers and get to class so to occupy my mind I watched some of them toddle to class. We stood there for a couple more minutes as I caught my breath when Victor, right on cue, walked down the stairs. My heart sped up again. My eyes darted from Matt, to Victor, to anything else I could find in that hallway. I didn't want him to see me, especially with another, much cuter, guy pressed up against me. I pulled Matt towards me as I whimpered. I didn't know what whimpering would do, but it felt good. It also fueled the flame already burning inside of Matt.

"That's him?" he whispered. I nodded slowly. He tried turning around but I didn't want him to.

"No!" I whispered loudly. Victor turned around but Matt's fist was already halfway to his face.

"Stay away from her, or you'll get another one of those from both fists." He came back, grabbed my hand and we walked up the stairs. I couldn't help but look back at him leaning over with his right hand resting on his knee.

During homeroom the next morning I greeted Matt in homeroom...I had forgotten about Victor but I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Shiiiiiiit. I walked up to the cyclops at the head of the room...he may have not been a cyclops but he only had one eye and a huge head.

"Can I go to my locker, I forgot some "girl stuff" if you know what I mean," I winked at him. Guy teachers couldn't say no to the "girl stuff" excuse. I walked out of the classroom quickly. I could feel my dress swaying in the back. I saw two people at the end of the hall. The vampire walked passed first, looking at me longer than usual...I heard him scream behind me with a thud to the ground. I looked behind me and saw Victor trailing behind. I quickened my pace. I passed my locker and he was still behind me, I also saw Matt far behind. I swerved into the girls' bathroom. I opened the stalls making sure no one was there and struggled to hide in one. I started to lock the stall when Victor barged in. He pulled me out of the stall and rammed me against the sink for the second time. It sent a shock through my body. How someone so small could have so much strength and passion towards one thing was beyond me. It made me angry that I couldn't stick up for myself.

"You had a boyfriend this whole time?"


"Nevermind that. Even if I had known, I wouldn't have cared. We belong together. He doesn't have the balls to come into the girls' room. But I do..." He moved his head into my neck and I just wanted to knee him in the groin....So I did...Bad idea. He slapped me across the face. That slap sent shivers through me. It sounded like the slap was vibrating off the linoleum floor.

"Ow!" I said louder than I had planned.

"Shut up...I love you." Then it pinged in my brain. This kid is CRAZY. Straight up insane...but what was he planning on doing? His voice was still in my head 'I'll be able to do something he never could.' Meanwhile Victor was still sucking my neck like a leech…A creepy and gross leech.

I sat on the sink and kept trying to pry him off of me when Matt finally came in the bathroom and attacked Vic. Vic was under Matt and his fists were taking turns aggressively meeting up with his face, just like he had promised. It was scary seeing the veins in his arm bulge out.

I looked in the mirror and there was a gross purplish red thing on my neck. It was small but rich in color. I turned to look down at Matt. He was still punching Vic. I tried to grab one of his arms before he could punch him again but he was too strong, he almost brought be down with his fist.

"Matt, that's enough. I'm okay...That's enough!" I tried pulling him off but he was enveloped in beating up Victor. When I mustered enough strength to separate them his knuckles had blood on them. I brought him to the sink. Vic laid on the floor groaning. I couldn't look at his face but Matt and I left the bathroom quickly and joined the flood of people in the hall. I wasn't sure if I was turned on or scared for my life. I didn't know exactly what being turned on was because Matt was my first boyfriend but I knew I never wanted him to leave my side even when I was at home. I didn't want him to leave me even if we were the last two people on Earth and Victor had been dead forever, or never even existed. I wanted Matt near me every hour of the day.

"Can I have your sweatshirt?..." There were blood droplets on it, but I didn't care. I was pretty sure my dress had caused that vampire his undead life. And I wanted to give Matt some peace of mind...even though there was no reason why my dress caused all that madness.