Those Who Fall

Keith Street Blues

When we got to her house it was bigger than I had imagined. I imagined a tiny shack like the one the witch had in the book, Hansel and Gretel, but it wasn't made out of candy. This house had 2 floors, 2 full bathrooms and 3 bedrooms. I chose the room on the second floor. Her house was on a Keith street and everyone on the street had a perfect house and a perfect lawn just like my aunt. I am sure they all had people doing all the cleaning in their houses too. My first impression of Los Angeles and it was scolding hot. When I got into her house I could breath again. I was hoping that the heat was only temporary and that it cooled down at night but her house was air-conditioned so I didn't really mind.
"I set it up so that you came on a Wednesday You have school tomorrow and the next day, but then you have the weekend." Her excitement was enough to power her body and mine. I wasn't as enthusiastic as she wanted me to be so I said,

"thank you" and "where's my room?"

"there is one on this floor and one upstairs, you pick."

I headed up the stairs and went into the room with an open door and the curtains drawn. I wheeled in my suitcases and laid them down beside the bed. I sat on it and didn't move. It felt spongy and comfortable as if Spongebob had a a new job as my bed. I laid on it ready to take a nap when I saw the gaping hole my door made. It was my room now, why should just anyone be allowed in it. I got up to shut the door then walked back to my spongebed and slowly fell asleep listening to my breathing. Trying to fall asleep was hard at first because there on my bed it seemed like everything I had been shoving away from my memory came crashing back into my brain. Anger, sadness, and anxiety filled my mind. All of these things having to do with Vic and Matt. I wished I could fly, just so I could visit Matt, wherever he was whether it was dead in a cemetery or hanging onto his last minutes in a hospital.

It felt like I had been asleep for an hour when I heard a soft knock and someone slowly open my door. I couldn't see anyone's face all I saw was darkness. I fled from my bed and shoved the door shut. I pressed against the door with the only strength in my body. I was almost sure I had seen Vic's eyes peering through the door.

"ouch! What is- Jane. What's going on?"

"I'm sorry." I didn't explain the fact that I was a paranoid freak. "my room is like my sanctum."

"oh." I still hadn't opened the door. "next time I will wait for you to open the door. Are you hungry?" her voice got higher. I just wanted her to go away.

"no, not really. Thanks."

I tried falling back asleep but it wasn't the same.
What was I going to do with the rest of my life, hide in my room paranoid of who might walk in? I walked out of my room and back downstairs to find my aunt. She was sitting at the table with a glass in her hand but nothing in it.