Status: Getting back into the swing of things. Updates will be gradual! Thanks for reading!

Silent Angel Crashes Through the Sky

Chapter 14

We all piled into the living room silently. We sat down and didn't say anything. Not for a while.

I couldn't get William's eyes out of my head. Deep red and cold. The way they looked straight through me gave me chills. They seemed so unlike any other vampire's eyes that I had come across. And, they made me think about how different Pete was. His golden eyes. Bright and warm. Like Ryan.... Like Jimmy.

"Well. What are we going to do?" Andy asked finally. Everyone looked at each other.

"What did William want?" Patrick asked me slowly. I blushed and looked away from him.

"Nothing," I mumbled. I heard Pete sigh.

"We'll worry about that later," he said.

"No, I think we should worry about it now. What did he say, Clark?" Joe asked a little forcefully. I crossed my arms.

"None of your damn business. Anyway, we've got more important things to worry about. Pete, Andy, tell me you got volunteers." They looked at me gravelly.

"We got two hunters." I sighed, frustrated.

"Two?" No one said anything. "Okay. Five of us. Two. And possibly another five." I nodded slowly, but let my shoulders slump. "Against a whole army of the undead."

"So, what are we going to do," Andy asked again. Pete stood up.

"We're going to go to sleep. The sun is going to come up in less than an hour. We can't do anything now. When we wake up, we'll meet with whatever help we were able to recruit. Then, we'll go from there." It was silent for a second until Patrick stood up as well.

"Pete's right. There's nothing we can do right now. The only thing we can do is get some sleep so we're ready for tonight." Joe and Andy stood up too, but I stayed sitting.

"There has to be something we can do. We can't just say 'oh well' and sleep it off." I tried to stare Pete down, but he gave me the same hard look.

"What do you think we should do, Clark?" I stood, walking to him.

"Well, obviously you have to go to sleep. You're completely useless for the next thirteen hours." I snarled. He scoffed.

"Shut up."

"You idiots, why are you fighting each other?" Patrick asked loudly. I crossed my arms and so did Pete.

"She started it." Patrick rolled his eyes.

"I'm just saying," I started quickly. "That since we are able, the four of us should work through the day. Get as much done as possible. Talk to more hunters in different parts of Illinois. We can't just sit here on our asses." The guys looked a little apprehensive.

"She's right," Andy finally said softly. "We should keep searching."

"Great. Have fun." Pete glared at everyone and stormed off. The guys sighed, but I merely sniffed disdainfully and headed towards the door.

"We'll split up again. Work quickly. We'll meet back at four, get some sleep, and at seven we'll have our meeting."

"Clark," Patrick scolded. I stopped. "You can't keep doing that to him." I shrugged, pursing my lips. "You stay here." I scoffed.

"I don't-"

"You stay here. You said so yourself that you didn't know other hunters. You stay here and sleep. And, if you can't sleep then go talk to your brother. I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Patrick glowered at me and I glowered right back. "Stay here. Besides, whatever William wanted, whether you tell us or not, can't possibly be good. You're better off here. Understand?" I huffed, knowing he was right deep down, though not wanting to admit it out loud. I turned on my heel and stomped up the stairs.

"You suck, Patrick!" I called as I made my way upstairs.

"You're welcome!" he yelled back.


So I didn't listen to him.

There had been a fleeting thought in my mind to run away forever. Take my stuff out of my room and run away and never come back. But, it was merely fleeting and the idea didn't sit for very long.

How would I ever get out of Illinois?

A little while after they left, the sun started to come up. I knew Pete wouldn't be able to do anything about it, so I just gathered my hunting gear and left.

One of them had taken my car, which made me angry, but I wasn't deterred and decided to walk. It was beautiful out. Being out in the sun makes you feel human again. It was a wonderful, amazing feeling that I haven't really felt in a very long time. My skin was a ghostly pale white. My hair was dull and dark. I felt like a vampire. How horrible.

I walked and walked. It was aimless and without much purpose, but it made me feel so much better.

I was in the middle of the town when I saw a huge crowd of people gathered together. There were a couple of cop cars and an ambulance parked to the side; yellow caution tape blocked off a portion of the street where it opened into an alley way. I fought my way through the crowd to get to the front. It was a crime scene.

A white sheet was placed over a body in the middle of the alley. Cops were scattered around dusting for prints, taking pictures, or thinking real hard. I felt someone's eyes on me. I glanced to my right and locked eyes with the man staring at me. I glared.

"You know it's rude to stare." He frowned.

"Do you have a sister?" I scoffed.

"Excuse me?"

"You're the spitting image of the girl under that cloth." My glare turned into a look of confusion.

"I do not have a sister." The man nodded and I returned my stare to the white sheet.

"Thank goodness. That would have been horrible." I didn't say anything for a moment.

"Do they know her name?" I asked, looking back at the man. He shook his head.

"They think she was mugged. Raped, too. Blood completely drained." My heart ached. "You should be careful." I shot him a confused look. "That's the fourth girl to turn up like this in the last four days." I shrugged.

"I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, but there's a pattern. All the girls look exactly like you." My blood ran cold. "You should be careful, Miss. You don't want to be the next." I swallowed.

This was not okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woof. Hey guys!
First off thank you SOOOO much to Metaphorical Symbol and MusicMadness for commenting. Your comments gave me the motivation to for this story again.
The bad news is that I probably won't be back for a little while. I'm on break right now, but Friday marks the day when life starts to get a little hectic again until maybe spring break. I'm sorry to leave you with this.
But, I hope you liked the chapter. Thanks to all of my subscribers for sticking with me! Please comment! Thank you!!