Status: Getting back into the swing of things. Updates will be gradual! Thanks for reading!

Silent Angel Crashes Through the Sky

Chapter 16

The sun had been down for nearly two hours now.

Where the fuck was everyone?

We were sitting in the living room, impatient. Some of us- meaning me, of course- were angry and annoyed. My leg was bouncing up and down quickly and my fists were clenched tightly. I was laying back on the couch, next to Patrick. I could see him look at me every few minutes, probably worried I was going to hurt someone.

Which I was.

"Maybe they all got held up with hunting tonight. It is a Friday. It must be pretty busy out there." I shot Joe a look, which he ignored. Patrick nodded.

"Could be. We can try again tomorrow, Clark," he said positively, putting a hand on my shoulder. I sent him the same look I'd given Joe.

"They'll be here," I nearly growled out. It was silent for a little while again. Finally there were a couple pounds at the door. I stood up first. I made my way to the door, and peered through the window. "Finally," I said loudly, relieved. I opened the door and Shadows smiled at me. He was with four other men, who were standing just behind him. I punched his chest. "Where the hell were you assholes? You were supposed to be here like two hours ago!" Shadows rubbed the spot on his chest that I hit with a laugh.

"Johnny's fault!" I heard one of the guys behind Shadows shout out.

"Was not!"

"Yes it was!" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. Come in. Sit down." They all filed in and I led them to the living room. The new group of five took in their surroundings and eyed up the four boys sitting on the couches. "Introductions. Go."

Shadows pointed out each of his friends. Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, Zacky, and himself, Matt. Pete and the boys glanced at me when Jimmy introduced himself. I didn't flinch or let any emotion show. The rest of us introduced ourselves.


Brendon leered into Pete's house from across the street. He had perched up on top of the roof of the house opposite theirs. His sensitive eyes were locked on Clark. Her face had become so rough, and still somehow... remained so fragile. Her eyes were colder than he remembered.

Jon, Clark, and Jimmy walked in front of Brendon, Spencer, and Ryan. They had all just left the movie theater and were walking down the Chicago streets to the little diner that they ate at every Saturday night. Brendon tried to keep his eyes off of the beautiful girl walking in front of him with her hand in Jimmy’s. Her long black hair shone in the street lights.

He had always tried to ignore the feelings he had for her, especially once she started to date Ryan's brother. But...

She turned around and smiled at all of them. Her eyes lit up. She looked so happy.

"Keep up guys. You drift, you die." She laughed. It was music. She swung Jimmy's hand with hers. Jimmy laughed with her.

"Oh shut it, Clark. You sound like my father," Ryan said with a smile. Jimmy laughed again. He lifted her hand and kissed it.

"No, you'd need about twenty beers in you before you sounded like our father."

"How is your dad, by the way?" she asked looking them both in the eyes. They looked at each other.

"He's alright. He hasn't had to go to the hospital in a couple weeks," Ryan said. Clark nodded sympathetically and leaned her head against Jimmy's arm, holding his hand with both of hers.

"How's your brother doing, Clark?" Brendon asked, finally chiming into the conversation. He held his voice steady. He heard her sigh softly. She took her head away from Jimmy.

"Well, I haven't heard from him in a few weeks. He hasn't written or called. My aunt and uncle are actually really worried." She looked back at them. "But, you know, I'm sure he's okay." She put on a smile, but Brendon could tell it wasn't real. She was nervous.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's fine," Brendon said. "You know Pete," he said with a laugh, trying to cheer her up. "His head is always in hundred places at once." She smiled at Brendon. Her eyes held contact with his, and he noticed a beautiful sparkle.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Bren." She put her head back on Jimmy's shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head.

Brendon looked at Ryan with an inquisitive expression. Did Ryan know what was up with Pete? Ryan shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head. Brendon frowned and nodded once slowly. Pete wouldn't have gone weeks without talking to anyone.

He hoped that Pete was okay...

Brendon snapped back to reality. He was supposed to be spying, not reminiscing.

He saw only Clark, Joe, and two of the new guys. He thought he remembered one of their names. Shadows. The man that Clark was with the other night. He frowned as he thought of the two of them getting closer. He couldn't let that happen.

They all suddenly filed out of living room and started to leave the house. They were probably going to go hunting. He was going to have to follow them. Maybe he could take out a few of them tonight, pick them off one by one and split their group up. He could start with Shadows.

He growled as he saw him put his arm around Clark. She looked up at him with a small smile. He remembered how beautiful her smile was. What he would give to see her smile at him like she used to...

They split up into groups and got into their cars. Clark, thankfully, went with her brother and the rest of their usual group. Brendon grit his teeth. He would follow the other group.

He wouldn't return to William until he got rid of Shadows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
Sorry it took so long to get back to this story!
Thank you so much for sticking with this story, guys!! Thanks for reading, and as always comments are VERY much appreciated!!!
PS, who do you want Clark to end up with in the end? If you guys don't speak up, I might just make it Brendon. Or Shadows... Maybe I'll do two endings? BUT please let me know what you want!!! Please and thank you!