Status: Getting back into the swing of things. Updates will be gradual! Thanks for reading!

Silent Angel Crashes Through the Sky

Chapter 8

We sat on the couches silently. Some were looking at the ground, some at each other, and I was looking at the wall opposite me. I didn't want to look at Pete, who was sitting about five feet away from me looking at the ground.

I finally took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Guys, I know you don't want me here as much as I don't want to be here, but we have a problem." They stared at me.

"Clark, we-" I cut Andy off.

"I was hunting a couple of days ago, just patrolling really, and I... there were representations for each clique. Five reps talking with Urie. Brendon Urie. They all shook hands and... I think they're teaming up. Gathering an army." They glanced at each other. "So, as much as I hate to admit it, we need to team up, too. We have to be ready for whenever they... you know. I have one other group of hunters in mind, but I've never met any others. And, I can't leave the state, but you guys can. You might need to expand. Broaden your resources. We're going to need all the help we can get."


I started to feel panicky so I stood up.

"That was all." I headed towards the door.

"Annie!" Suddenly, my arm was grabbed from behind me. I turned around and punched him. Pete stumbled back and held onto his cheek, holding eye contact.

"D-don't call me that."

"An... Clark. Please, don't go. Stay here. Stay with us. You don't have to be scared, just-" I grinded my teeth.

"I'm not scared anymore," I lied. "And I'm going to keep fighting you, Pete." I promised.

That is a promise.

"Because you're not my brother anymore, Pete." I swallowed back a sob as I saw a light start to fade in his strong, brown eyes. His mouth turned down into a frown, and I tried to steady my breathing. "I have to kill you because you're my enemy." His eyes became angry.

"So, you're going to kill me? When, huh? Tomorrow? Next week?" I blinked and had to look away from him. "Why not now?" Suddenly, he took my hand, shoving a stake into it. He positioned my hand at his heart, and I let my eyes grow wide. "How can you say that after all that we've been through?"

I locked my eyes with his and finally I couldn't control the tears. It started with one or two, and finally I couldn't take the sob that was choking my throat. My breathing became sporadic, and the tears came freely. I fell to the ground in a heap, letting the stake in my hand drop next to me. Pete kneeled down next to me, and I finally latched onto him. I held him in a tight hug, forgetting every bad memory I had of him. Every angry feeling I had towards him were gone. I remembered when we were kids, growing up together. Even back three years ago when he was consoling me over Jimmy's death.

I buried my face into his shoulder, soaking his sweatshirt with my tears. I ignored how cold he was. Because if I had realized that, then I would have realized how weak I was being.

I was hugging a vampire.

I was hugging my brother.


Brendon dropped the dead girl's body next to him and wiped the blood from his mouth, licking away what was left. He breathed in the night air and smiled coldly. He glanced around one last time to make sure no one had seen him and walked to the end of the ally, waiting for a couple people to pass by before he left, his hands in his pockets.

It was his night off. William gave him one night every week just for himself, which he was grateful for. He normally spent it sleeping around and then sucking one or two women dry. But, tonight, he was on a mission.

With his mouth still tasting of a tangy and bitter-sweet taste, he walked along the streets of Chicago feeling normal among the humans. Nobody knew his past or his present, and no one cared. They didn't care what his name was, or that he just killed a woman. He was just another face in the crowd. Pale and perfect.

He knew where Ryan's blood dealer was, and he knew that Ryan was going to be there tonight. It was just a matter of when. That's why Brendon had to get an early start to the night. It was only midnight, so he was sure that if he waited long enough, he might show. As long as he didn't let the blood dealer see him, of course. Because even in his plain clothes, all the vampires knew who he was. He was a Dandy. Something to be afraid of. He was a higher power. A threat. If the blood dealer saw him, he might run away. Then, any hope of catching Ryan would be shot.

So, he'd have to be careful. He finally made it to the docks and weaved his way through the wooden and metal crates slowly. He was near the middle when he finally caught a glimpse of the dealer. He was tall and lanky, sitting on the ground up against a wooden crate, his legs stretched out in front of him, his eyes closed and mouth open slightly. Brendon almost laughed when he recognized him.

Gabe was a Dandy reject. He had tried numerous times to be a Dandy, but he wasn't one of William's vampires so he couldn't get in. No one wanted him there but that didn't mean he was willing to accept that. He tried to do favors for William, and even for Brendon once or twice, to get on their good side. But, none of that meant anything to William. Because it's all in the family. He wasn't a member of the family. He didn't belong.

So, it was funny that he ended being a crooked blood dealer after all that. Not the "ha-ha" kind of funny, of course, but more of an ironic, annoying sort of funny. The kind of funny you wanted to punch in the face and bite into like a wolf into a piece of meat.

Brendon made himself comfortable and waited.

He only had to wait one hour or so before Ryan finally showed up with another vampire; another independent. Ryan rolled his eyes at Gabe, and kicked his legs. Gabe woke up suddenly, stumbling into a standing position. He took a couple deep breaths reaching out a hand to Ryan. They shook hands and Ryan took out a wad of money. Gabe accepted it and counted it. Ryan nudged his lackey towards the crates filled with blood packets, and he picked up both crates at one time, turning back around and walking out of Brendon's view. Gabe stuffed the money in his back pocket and nodded. Ryan talked for another minute or two, Gabe nodded occasionally, and finally Ryan turned and headed off in the same direction as his friend.

Brendon followed after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter was a little cheesy -_- I'm still learning.

Thank you dears for commenting! VioletTwist, rivals are insane, and TheMayMay. You're all too nice to me : )

Happy Halloween! What are you guys dressing up as? Imma be Poison Ivy ^_^ Super excited! Have fun and be safe!

See you next week!