Status: working :) looking for maybe a co-writer! comment if your intrested!

Growing Pains

Day 5

“So tell me about your problems,” The man with the glasses said sitting across from me with his legs crossed. He looked down at his paper before saying “Jennifer.”

“It’s Jenny.” I muttered to myself.

“What was that?” The man asked scribbling something down on the paper.

“Um,” I stuttered as I sat there silently with my hands folded neatly in my lap.

The man cleared his throat before speaking again. “Why aren’t you talking?”

“Why not.” I said staring blankly at him.

“That is not the answer I am looking for.” He said resting his black pen with a chewed cap down.

“Why do you chew the top of our pen?” I asked him. “Don’t you get like ink poison in you?”

The man let out a laugh that was more like a deep chuckle that sounded like he wanted to sneeze. Almost like a possessed Santa.

“Are you gonna answer me?” I asked getting annoyed.

“I don’t know why I chew my pen cap.” He laughed.

I growled before getting up toward the door. “This is stupid!” and then I stormed out slamming the door behind me.

* * *

“How’d it go?” Aunt Pattie asked as I jumped into the car.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” I growled before she pulled away and we were on our way home.

“Did he give you candy?” Justin asked looking out his window.

“NO! he was some grumpy munchkin who ate pens.” I said.

“He ate pens?”

“Yup, and he sounded like an evil Santa.”

“Oh my gash.”

“I know right.”

“What is with you two?” Aunt Pattie asked from the front seat.

“Nothing.” we both muttered before laughing at each other.

“Guess what’s on tonight?” Justin asked turning in his seat to face me.

“I don’t know.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“How can you not know! ITS AMERICAN IDOL!” Justin screamed. “One day, I’m going to win that show.” He said.

“Sure you are.”

“You two, are not seeing a lot of that show, you have school in the morning.”

“But mom!” Justin whined and I joined in.

“But Auntieeeee”

“That’s enough you two! Knock it off.” She yelled.

She never really got mad but I guess she did this time, all I know is that I am never and I mean never going back to see Mr. Evil Santa Pen Chewer again.

And that’s final.
♠ ♠ ♠
writers block.
updates might be slow.....
sorry for the wait and crappy ness