Status: Initiated Phase 2

Shopping Clothes

The Sea Side Section:

I had just ended up on the sea side section for beach wear. Something told me it should be worth my time now. It never quite cough my fancy earlier, maybe I just needed to grow up to enjoy it.

You can wear a good looking bikini off of the beach, even if you're no good at swimming. Unlike what I had imagined earlier, I guess. Though you still will enjoy them more, if you have the right curves. I feel I have just enough of these, to enjoy the garments.

There is a red bikini I'm interested in, it's shiny, in a special hue. Is there a bathing suit in the same metallic bloody red? At first, it looks as if it had been covered in, or been made out of plastic. Maybe because it's so shiny? Looking closer, that proves not to be the case.

As I find the both of them in just my size, I pick them up. I had to try them on, and have them. Just hope I could afford them too. Feels as if it'd be an affront, if I couldn't. Right now, I feel I should be insulted, if that was the case. I just had not checked either the prise, or how much I have in my pocket.

Bent on buying them, I simply steam ahead, into the little room, to try the both of them on. Once in there, I make haste, stripping, making a pile on the floor of what I had worn. To my surprise, the suit is really tight, as if it was hugging me. In a girlish way, I can't help myself, loving it. I had slipped into the suit from the top, the only way in. A bathing suit should be tight, and only accessible from the neck, just like this.

Since the suit does fit me, I slip out of it, placing it on the seat, before I pick up the bikini. Starting with the bottom, the panties. As I had slipped into them, I notice they cover my hips exactly, no more, and no less. Just like I had wanted it all along. If only I had known it earlier, so I could have worn them before.

Now I had not done either. I'd make due with slipping into the top, feeling it hugging my jigglies tightly. This top ends just an inch under my jigglies. The minimal slaves only make a point of being there, but no more. The same goes for the neck. Feels almost as if it had been a too small.

Only the colour and fabric tells me otherwise. Telling tales of my beauty, how comfortable it is. The top, just like the bottom, leaves just the space for what they are to contain. Nothing more, and nothing less, leaving a feeling of comfort. The inside is slippery, sleek, and smooth. Giving me a sense of hygiene.

I feel clean and desirable, wearing the top, as well as the suit. With that, I'm dome here. First now I check the prise, comparing it with what I had with me. Seems as if I could keep shopping a little while longer. I will still have plenty to spare, after paying for these two sweeties.