Status: This is from a long time ago, so there will be like a chapter posted per day

Faded Memories


“Ruki, you must come live at the main house.”
I stare at Hatori, angry. “I don’t want to go live there, I like living with Shigure and Yuki and Kyo.”
“You are the Head of the Family now so you must.” I hate how Hatori stays so calm when he talks.
“But… Can I visit Shigure whenever I want?”
A smile lingers under Hatori’s lips. “Of course, you can visit whenever you want.”
I stare at my feet and surrender. “Fine, I’ll come live at the main house.”
I hear footsteps behind me. “What are you two talking about?”
I sigh. “Kyo, I must live in the main house.”
“I am coming with you.”
I look up at Hatori for support but he walks to the limo. “Kyo, you can’t, I want you to but you can’t.”
“Goodbye Kyo.” I walk away from him but he grabs my wrist and forces me to look at him.
“I love you,” he whispers before he kisses me.
“I love you too.” I walk away from him and get in the car. “Let’s go.”

I stare at the large room that I once feared, but now I must live in. I walk over to the small bookcase and look at all the books again. None of them hold my interest; I don’t care about any of the Sohma curses that don’t involve me or Kyo.
I clutch my stomach and feel something wash over me. I yell for Hatori seconds before I begin to vomit. Hatori picks me up and moves me to his office, but I black out when he lays me down on one of his hospital beds.
My head swirls and my mind shows me pictures from my child hood; my first step, my sister’s birth, my parent’s funeral, my siblings being beaten, my brother holding the gun to his temple, when I first met Kyo, and so on. My whole life was flashing on the back of my eyelids.
“Ruki, Ruki wake up! Don’t go to sleep! Open your eyes! Ruki,” Hatori yells but for some reason I can’t understand the words. They all become jumbled up and then they blend together. Everything confuses me so I try to sleep. Sleep will clear my head…