Status: Half Progressive

Instinct Assassins


The lights in the small village flickered in the darkness. People walked under the moonless night, unaware of danger drawing ever so close. In one of the houses, a family attended to its young children, crying and moaning. One of them, a small boy with brown hair, played with little wooden figures. But, something disturbed them; gunfire blasted the night’s silence and people screamed in fear. The family, grabbing all their children, fled the house, only to be cornered by the intruders. The young boy clung to his father’s leg, scared and terrified. One of the intruders pointed to him and the other charged the family. Being pulled from his father, the young boy kicked and bit his captors, with no success.

Trying to struggle free, the young boy was being taken, despite his family’s protests when he saw the most horrific thing. His mother fell to the ground in tears as his father laid there, blood trickling from a wound to the head. His brothers and sister were on the ground, scared and crying when more gunshots sounded. Feeling his heart drop, the young boy was still, unable to look away when something hit him hard on the head. His sight faded and blackness took over his mind.
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Only the prologue, but trust me, this is the longest running story I have done in ages.