Status: Half Progressive

Instinct Assassins


Morning had come slow, which gave Aphrodite and Acario plenty of time. Thought it was mostly undisturbed, Acario still had many things clouding his mind. One thing was his new found ability, his Instinct Bloodline abilities were showing, and it was becoming a serious effect to him.

‘Not many of us survive the first few days, but you’re from a powerful bloodline,’ his Uncle’s words were recalled in his head.

Kissing Aphrodite, he managed to slip out of bed, leaving her to sleep, while he went to find his Uncle. Opening the door, slipping into the corridor, he looked up and down it, before slinking off to his study. His steps were almost silent, except for the few creaks from the floorboards underneath his feet. Letting his hand touch the cold doorhandle, it opened slowly, allowing the warmth to brush against his face.

“You’re up early? Couldn’t sleep eh?” his Uncle said, looking up from his desk, eyes wide and clear.

“You could say that, but I doubt I can go back to sleep. So, I want to ask you something,” he said, voice heavy with sleep.

“Go ahead, I’m organising routes, and information for Lorenzo about the execution,” he said, shifting through papers.

“What are your Instincts? I haven’t seen you use your form before, and your personality changes too much.”

Miguel smiled broadly, grabbing a hand full of papers and sliding them into a draw in his desk. Shifting his chair back, he got to his feet and placed a hand on Acario’s shoulder. Laughing softly, he guided him out.

“You don’t need to know now. You might as well head out with Aphrodite to see this artist Maria Auditore used to see Leonardo da Vinci I think it was. I might as well pay for his lost commissions. Be careful alright, and make sure if anybody asks, Ezio Auditore has left the city,” he said, handing him some paperwork and a pouch.

Taking it, he stashed it away and left the room, shivering slightly as the cold air hit him. Walking down, he passed the servants, who muttered compliments and wishes for good health. He accepted everyone and walked into his room, shutting the door softly. Sighing, he noticed Aphrodite was up. She was walking around, slightly out of place. Acario walked up behind her, spooking her slightly, as she jerked with surprise.

He explained the situation, saying that they had to see someone that the Auditore were familiar with. Understanding, she followed him onto the streets. Their conversation was on the situation now, with the sudden events that will throw the city into turmoil.

“How is the Medici going to take it? I don’t think Lorenzo let this go unanswered and the Gonfaloniere will certainly be punished for this,” she said, watching the crowds, waving to the few she knew.

“Well, it doesn’t matter does it? What’s been done is done. And I hope Ezio was able to protect Claudia and his mother. She seemed so fragile when I saw her, so scared, so terrified,” he said, keeping his gaze low.

They continued along the streets, when Aphrodite got distracted by the stalls and tailors. She’d ask him to buy her some stuff, and he gave a very flustered look. She smirked and continued on, hooking her arms around his. After a few more minutes, they had arrived at the said place where Leonardo had his workshop. Walking up to the door, he knocked quickly, waiting. The door opened fast and a young artist was standing in the doorway.

“Leonardo da Vinci?” Aphrodite asked.

“Yes, may I help you two?” he said, clasping his hands together.

“My name is Aphrodite and this is my, uh, friend Acario. He is Miguel Soverell’s nephew,” she said politely.

“Ah, Miguel said you’d be around here soon. It is good timing as well, come in please and we’ll sort this stuff out,” he said, letting them both walk in.

Acario looked around, looking at the painting equipment, architecture plans and books on information Acario never thought he’d know about. Aphrodite smiled, following Leonardo, admiring the paint quality he had, asking few questions.

“Now, Acario was it? Let’s see that paperwork shall we,” he said, clearing off a few things off his desk.

Turning, Acario walked over, his steps sloppy. He handed over the paperwork and carefully placed the pouch on the desk.

“Miguel did not mention florins, nonetheless, I’m sure they will be explained in here,” he said, flipping through the pages.

“Knowing my Uncle, he would have explained something,” he muttered, unamused.

Leonardo noticed this and looked slightly concerned. He thought for a moment and just continued with his work. It was a few minutes before he finished and looked up again. He left them both behind, rustling in the back of his workshop. Aphrodite turned to Acario and he shrugged, lost at to what he was doing. Leonardo returned with a rolled up parchment, handing it Acario.

“This is, uh, for you Acario. Your Uncle had, asked me to give it to you,” he said, a wary smile on his face.

“Thanks Messer Leonardo. We should be leaving now, it was a pleasure meeting you,” Aphrodite said, curtseying politely.

Acario muttered something, dreary still as Aphrodite cast a poisonous glance in his direction, making him says it more clearly. He smiled and led them out of the workshop. As they stepped out onto the street, Acario looked up, looking around cautiously. Finishing up the greetings, Aphrodite walked ahead. She turned around when she noticed Acario wasn’t following. He looked quite withdrawn, something disturbing his thoughts. As he moved to walk forward, he heard guards, shouting and swearing, at a bunch of thieves, who raced past him, heading for Aphrodite.

She screamed trying to move out of the way, as one thief knocked her down. She fell, clutching her arm, as the guards tried to move around her. They didn’t bother stopping, until Acario rammed into an Agile, who was about to crash into her. They tumbled until Acario was thrown off; skidding across the street, blood slowly dripping from the side of his mouth. Staggering to his feet, the Agile scowled at Acario, dagger poised.

“Watch it commoner! Otherwise you’re next!”

“Bring it slowpoke! I’m not scared of the likes of you! Bet you can’t catch me, like you can’t catch those thieves!” Acario retorted, getting up slowly, not breaking eye contact with the Agile, as he sat up, wiping the blood from his mouth.

“You disrespectful little whelp! I’ll have you know that agile guards are the fastest in the city, I’ll catch you no matter,” the guard said, glowering, before sprinting up to him.

Smirking, he moved out of the way slightly, before the guard turned and tried to lunge at him. That is, until Acario didn’t look the same, he had been human one moment, and a grey-browned wolf the next. He sat there, eyes glowing brightly and his lips curled into a slight smile. Aphrodite cursed angrily, knowing he shouldn’t have done this, and hoped Miguel didn’t hear about this. Staggering briefly, the guard wasn’t thrown off, as he brought the dagger down. No citizens were around to see this; they had cleared when they saw the thieves.

Acario leapt onto his feet, tail in line with his back, hackles raised and fur bristled. The guard still tried to lunge at him, before he hit on mark, swiping across Acario’s flank. Blood spurted out, hitting the guard in the face, but didn’t stop him from retaliating fast. Acario, had turned, sending a strong back kick into the guard’s stomach, sending him staggering back before Acario, lurched for his throat.
Muzzle opened, ready to latch onto flesh, until Aphrodite swatted him away, sending him recoiling back. He lowered his stance, whining softly, finally licking the blood off his flank, before growling lowly.

“Leave now before I tell him what you’ve done!” she hissed, turning to the guard, “I’m sorry about this,” she said, throwing something silver at the guard, watching him drop.

Acario raced down the alleyways, paws meeting with the cold ground, staying within the shadows, Aphrodite finding her own way to meet up with him. He sat in the darkness, eyes glowing softly until he spied Aphrodite, walking up to him, looking down at him angrily. He cowered, ears flattened back. He knew what he did was stupid, really stupid. She squatted in front of him, glaring. He whined an apology but her dark eyes said otherwise.

“What was that about?” she asked sternly.

“You were going to get hurt amore mio, I wasn’t going to let that happen,” he said, a mournful tone in his canine changed voice.

“I didn’t give you a right to change like that. If anyone found out Instinct Assassins were in the city, you’d end up like the Auditore Acario. You don’t want that to happen!” she said, clenching her fists, ready to punch him, but she instead lunged at him and hugged him tightly.

He looked with surprise and sorrow, knowing this, but denying it was wrong. He wished he was more subtle with his anger, but what was luckier, was the fact the streets were cleared before he transformed, which was possibly the safest thing. He wasn’t sure if it was a slow transformation, but it was enough to allow Acario to make that guard disoriented enough. His browned fur, which was now crusted with blood, had considerably changed colour from the grey it was before.

“Growing into my fur eh?” he laughed softly, still half smiling.

“Don’t get cocky, you’ll will be in trouble,” she warned, cuffing him across the head.
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-sigh- Lazy update..... Very Lazy... Two more chapters till I update like every... three months?