Status: Half Progressive

Instinct Assassins


Two years had swiftly flown by in the city of Florence. The Auditore incident had been wiped but a growing concern for the Pazzi hadn’t died. There had been some disconcerting rumours about Vieri’s death at San Gimignano, which most believed it was just an accident. Though Miguel had his own suspicions, but something was looming, his own retirement was around, and finding someone to take his place was proving difficult. He was visiting Lorenzo to arrange it, but candidates were slim and short.

“I know the decision is hard, Miguel, but I’m sure it is an excellent choice when the time comes,” Lorenzo had reassured him tons of times but it wasn’t helping.

Acario had hung around the Thieves district for awhile now. One of his friends had spotted a strange animal in the city. He kept it from his Uncle, knowing him; he’d try to find it before him. Slipping in the shadows, wary of whoever saw him, he heard the shouts of merchants in the distance. Smirking, he slipped out, waiting nearby when something white flashed in his eyes. Quickly turning towards it, his eyes widened.

“Ezio?” he asked confused, walking up behind the figure.

They turned and a broad smile appeared on their face.

“Acario, long times no see my friend,” he said, voice startling him a bit.

“What are you doing in the city? Even after two years, some still haven’t forgotten your face,” he whispered lowly, looking around warily.

“I know, but I’m looking for someone,” he whispered back, “Do you know anyone called La Volpe?”

Narrowing his eyes, Acario had his attention dragged before slowly bringing it back.

“No sorry Ezio. But I have to go do something,” he apologised and darted off into backstreets.

Sprinting as fast as he could, he shifted into his form, canine features being more defined after two years, his reddened fur blazing in the high sun. Long legs kept him a gained advantage and his speed was fast. Almost a blur past most, he spotted what he was looking for. A gang for thieves were harassing a small merchant stall. And the one leading was a young female. She was barking orders, making it seem effortless. Stopping nearby, she smirked, standing there until he was noticed.

The female stopped and turned, eyes narrowed. Curling black hair rippled from underneath a hood. Across her face, a scar was visible. Looking at him, she smirked and barked something.

“Alright boys, the guards are coming! Move your fucking asses!” she cried out and the thieves scattered instantly.

Before he could react, the female thief vanished. Blinking, he looked around, startled, searching the crowds. Wincing, he quickly turned and ran into a Brute Guard, he growled, trying to grab him. Dodging his hand, he raced around him, sprinting into the streets and leaping in and out of stalls. Panting, chest heaving for breathe, he looked at the rooves, wondering when something knocked him down from behind. Swallowing, he looked up, eyes blurred. Standing before him was a canine, or it looked like one, a darker coat then his own. A wide sort of grin was on its muzzle and paws lurched forward, not even considering the damage it could have done to Acario and he staggered back, blood dripping from his head, pain making it unbearable.

Growling, he felt something push him down in dominance, as he struggled to get back up, something wiping across his wounds.

“Well, well, well, what have I got here? A little thief mutt or just a very poor pet?” the snarling voice was laced with a poison type aggression.

“Let go of me thief! I’ll have you killed for threatening such a ranked officer,” he attempted to snarl back before the pressure on his neck stopped and the enemy backed off.

Straining through the pain, his vision became clear and a young looking leopard stood in front of him, staring in awe. Perfectly dark in fur, it would be almost impossible to see at night, making this opponent deadly. Wiping at the blood, Acario tried to regain his composure.

“You are an Instinct, eh? Seems I haven’t gotten around as much to know there are more of us,” it spoke in a soft voice now, seeming enough to sound apologetic.

“Christ almighty, couldn’t you tell? Shit, you have some weapons on you, what type of attack was that?” he exhaled roughly, rubbing at his forehead.

“Thieves learn differently to you nobles, mate, don’t take us lightly.”

“I’m not a noble. Not even close. I’m nephew to Miguel Soverell, Captain of the Florentine Guard.”

Flinching back, the Instinct glared at him, before bolting away, disappearing into the crowd. Blinking, he suddenly realised how deep the wound was and shifted into his regular form, seeing the scar was in the same place where Veiri had hit him two years before. Groaning, he quickly made it out of the district, keeping out of the people’s ways, ducking into side streets and alley ways, occasionally coming into the broad cobbled pathways. Managing a few whispers, he walked into the Palazzo’s garden, hoping to escape any familiar faces when he heard the rough cough a servant.

Turning slowly, he seemed to shrink as his caretaker stood forward, a narrowed glare in her eyes. Brushing his hand away from the wound, she only noticed that it wasn’t made by a saw, but claws. Scowling, she led him inside, taking him to the bathroom, cleaning up the wound.

“Don’t explain it to me. I’m sure you have a good reason for this Acario. There is no need for you to pick fights with a pack of wild dogs,” she teased, feeling his embarrassment flow.

“It wasn’t a pack of dogs. It was a leopard, an Instinct,” he murmured weakly.

“What’s this about an Instinct Assassin?” Miguel walked in from behind them both, looking like he’d finally figured out something that had bothering him.

Explaining, he tried to give out few details about his encounter with Ezio as possible, only to hear about who Miguel had chosen to take his place as the Captain Guard.

“Lorenzo will announce it tomorrow at the Mass. Though, it seems a strange place to do it, but many people will be there. That and we must attend, so refrain from getting yourself into more trouble, and will you now?”

Nodding, he left the room, heading straight to his own, seeing it was still a mess as he had left it. Kicking around clothes, he made his way to his bed, only to lie down, feeling horrible. Whoever that Instinct was, they seemed to be rouge, and his Uncle didn’t know anything about any other Instincts in the city. Then there were those thieves from before, and that female one, who looked like she had authority. Nothing made any sense to him anymore. Yawning, he turned over, drifting off to sleep.

Rising early for Mass, Acario hadn’t been prepared for the day. Not only was the thieves encounter bugging him, but rumours were that the Pazzi were planning something, making him edgy. Despite all this, he still kept his promise to his Uncle, not to get into trouble. His Uncle was near Lorenzo, obviously speaking about something. Staying near the back, he watched them go in, following after them until he decided to stay outside, something catching his eyes in the crowd.

Staying back, wary of what he had spotted, a familiar face rose from the crowd. Francesco de` Pazzi, was moving into the church, almost unnoticed. Squinting, Acario decided to keep his distance, remembering the few rules Assassins shared with Instincts. He didn’t look a threat, so he stayed back, unaware of what he’d planned. Distracted by that, he didn’t sense the young female beside him, watching ahead.

“Such a crowd draws eh?” she giggled, noticing Acario jerk to face her.

“You! You’re that thief from yesterday!” he hissed softly, not wanting to draw attention.

“Good boy, you are a fast learner, though, not when it comes to fighting. Nope, you’ll have to work on those types of skills,” she smirked.

Blinking, he seemed dumbfounded by how he was being beaten by a thief in wits. They were usually mellow and weak, but here he was, mouthed off against one, and a female at that. He memorized her look, basic clothing of a thief, but hiding it very well, not really giving off that essence. Her hair was tied back, despite its curl. He wondered why she was here, and why she had approached him of all people.

It wasn’t long before he could hear clapping from inside the church, making him wonder. Who’d been chosen as the Captain? Were they well known to get that much of a deserving clap? Keeping his attention forward, the young thief glanced at him, curious as to what he was thinking about.

“You wanna know some piece of information? I heard the Pazzi were attempting an assassination today against the Medici. I wonder when that is going to happen,” she spoke with a slight aggravated tone and Acario finally understood why Francesco was here.

“Oh no,” he swallowed, bolting into the church, screams echoing in the halls.
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Argh damn. Last chapter I have done until I get off my rear end to do the 13th. Oh well. Enjoy it while its up~