Status: Half Progressive

Instinct Assassins


Three more years later, Rodriguez had grown into a young teenage kid. His attitude had changed but something was wrong with him. Those dreams had revealed some important information, but he was wary, even though the scientists and one he personally knew now as Warren Vidic, had seemingly been impressed with his results in the past few days. But, Rodriguez was impressed by how strong he had become and how used to the sedatives. Waiting for another test, he had fallen asleep, his pillow being wet from his hair.
His dream form was no longer human like the first few times. His body had transformed into that of a canine, a particularly large size and colour. Waiting patiently, he soon saw the shapes he wanted to see. Appearing out of the mist in his mind, Miguel and Melena appeared. Suva was no longer in his memory, but Rodriguez knew not to ask. He was greeted with a playful cuff and nuzzling. He proudly stood before his ancestors, to hear their words.
“Alright Rod, we’re going to see how well you’ve adapted to your new form. Attack me head on!” Miguel barked, standing proudly and ready.
Melena sighed with utter disappointment and shook her body with pleasure. Rodriguez, lowered his body and placed a paw forward, only to allow him to slam into Miguel’s shocked body. Rebounding, Rodriguez bounced back and planted his feet down and panted slightly. Miguel strained to his paws and smiled, trying to ignore his injury. Melena huffed and dashed at Rodriguez, who didn’t see her coming. Sending a shock wave through his body, Rodriguez stood his ground against the impact. Letting her neck come on range, he opened his jaws and clamped down, throwing her away with ease. She skidded on her paws, breathing heavily but not willing to give up too easily.
“Nice moves, but our little descendant has much to learn,” she said, slyly moving forward.
“Bring it on,” Rodriguez barked happily, only to be surprised by something.
The last thing he saw was his ancestors shocked faces and Rodriguez awoke to the testing room. Panting, he sat himself, only to see Vidic passing him briefly, a huge smile on his face. He approached him and tried to place a hand on his shoulder. Rodriguez jerked back and growled. Slightly stunned, Vidic tried to get someone to help him with Rodriguez but, they weren’t prepared for what was about to happen. As someone tried to grab him, he ducked and delivered a swift blow to the side of their jaw, the cracking sound echoing in the room. Getting off the table, He was surrounded but happily smiled at Vidic. Turning back to the guards and scientists, he beckoned them with his hands. Two rushed him and he sidestepped them and kicked their legs from under them. More guards ran at him, but his swift and agile structure helped him move and take them out. The scientists backed down, seeing the guards around the young teenager.
“Well done, I’m impressed Rodriguez!” Vidic said, with the smile still on his face.
Being wary, Rodriguez edged away from him, not taking any chances and scanning to see if he had any sort of weapon. His breathing slowed to its normal pace and he watched carefully. Curling his lips in a snarl, he proved he wasn’t going down easy.
“Bring as many guards as you like, Vidic, I’ll take them out easily like the first batch,” he said, taunting him, aware of the other scientists.
“Well, confidence is one of your strong characteristics, but, I wonder if something more drastic will sway it,” he said, revealing a gun from his coat.
A tremor surged through Rodriguez’s system. He staggered backwards, only to regain his posture and stand against Vidic. Vidic’s face hadn’t changed but his smile slowly faded and he put the gun away, looking to the scientists he nodded. They moved in but Rodriguez growled lowly and moaned in pain, whether to attack, or give in. Closing his eyes, he zoned into their footsteps, and he thought carefully. As soon as they were close enough, his eyes flashed open, their blue rims blazing brightly. He swung his arm around and took out one scientist and held on in his arms, bringing it back.
His hands were around its neck, and it was struggling to get free from his grip. The others retreated back and Vidic grew angry, bringing the gun into view again. Not flinching this time, he tightened his grip and the scientist whined in pain.
“Shot me Vidic and you’ll lose one of your own!” he barked, his hair falling over his face.
“Well, I can lose one of them, but you, I’m afraid that might make things worse for us,” he said, his voice becoming more threatening.
Standing his ground, Rodriguez didn’t sway his mind. Thinking back this his mind dream, remembered what Suva had said to him before she disappeared. She told him to never sway in decisions if they put your life in danger. If it’s split second, demand the outcome. If you can think about it, wait for your enemy. But Rodriguez demanded the situation but he had time to wait for his enemy. But, he made the mistake that put his life in more danger then he started out. Letting go of the hostage, he charged Vidic, his body filling with a powerful adrenaline.
Vidic held the gun to him and fired, a bullet passed into his leg, making his feet collapses under him. But, it didn’t stop him and he staggered to his feet again, still trying to charge. Vidic readied to fire again when a scientist spoke up, her voice loud.
“Vidic, Don’t shoot him!” she yelled, her voice thundering in Rodriguez’s ears.
“Miss Arrows, restrain yourself,” Vidic growled, clicking the gun.
“You shoot him, and you’ll lose your only Instinct test subject,” he retorted, stepping forward.
Lowering the gun, Vidic sighed and ordered that Rodriguez be contained. Two guards came behind him and grabbed his arms. Trying to loosen their grip, the sudden realization of the bullet in his leg had hit him. Screaming in agony and falling down, Rodriguez tried to clutch his leg. Miss Arrows rushed to him, trying to bandage his leg. She sent a glare in Vidic’s direction but he walked away, not receiving it. She saw the damage he’d done and muttered softly to herself and barked to the guards to take him into solitary and she’d try and operate on him.
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Yeah, its basically high time we get through the major events. Oh, and so we know, Desmond hasn't been taken into Abestergo yet. Just to clear it up.