Status: Half Progressive

Instinct Assassins


The dark backstreets hid Acario well, he’d become a shadow in the early hours of dawn, and made sure he avoided main streets, in case he would randomly meet with his Uncle. Cutting quickly across a main street, he came to his love’s house, knocking on the door with care. It opened to reveal her father, a sleepy look on his face. Trying to see who it was, he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

“For God’s sake Acario, you have any idea what hour it is?” he grumbled, seeing clearly.

“I’m sorry, Messer, but I was hoping to know if Aphrodite is around?” he asked, bowing respectfully.

“She’s upstairs, awake by now. Why can’t you be like a normal gentlemen and come later in the morning?” he said, escorting him in.

“Well, as you can see,” pointing to his bandaged head, “I have this and Uncle would eat me, chew me up and spit me back out.”

“I see, well, don’t cause any more trouble for yourself, it’s a bit of advice Acario.”

Acknowledging it, he walked up the stairs, reaching the top faster then he hoped. Walking down the corridor, the walls were lined with landscapes, both beautiful and destructive. He came across her room and lightly knocked on the door to see it slightly open. Aphrodite was sitting on the bed, a brush in her hands as she stroked it down her golden locks. She looked up and smiled, as he walked over and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Sitting beside her, she saw the damage around his head and shook her head.

“Who did this to you? Mi Amore, please don’t tell me it was Veiri again,” she asked, her eyes searching his own, which seemed tired and soulless.

Aphrodite knew about Veiri hating Acario for stealing her heart. Since day when they both met, Veiri had wanted her love back, but she preferred more for Acario. He was everything Veiri wasn’t. But, now she hated him more than ever, he had hurt her Acario, and she was meant to have the temper of a death adder. Veiri had really made her mad, but Acario stroked her arm, calming her. She growled softly but he shushed her in a hushed tone.

“Don’t worry, Ezio and I sent him packing, he’ll think twice when bother me again,” he said, bringing his head closer to hers, resting on it.

Letting him rest, she dropped the brush and stroked his head, singing softly. He stayed for a while, their conversations long and thoughtful, until the sun now had risen to beckon an early and long day. Acario, kissed her embracing, his lips wet but warm, touching hers. As he walked out of her room, her father opened it and smiled softly.

“Acario, mind doing me a small errand, it’s in the opposite direction of your Uncle, who just passed by a moment ago,” he said, handing him a letter.

“But of course, Messer. Where do I need to go?” he asked, hoping it wasn’t to the Pazzi Palazzo.

“Palazzo Auditore, it seems something has come up, and I need a little help from Giovanni. Don’t delay, Acario, I’d expect to see your Uncle back around here soon,” he informed, winking.

A sly smiled appeared on his face and he waved to Aphrodite, who was dressing in front of him. Side-stepping down the flight of stairs, he darted out the door and made his way to the Duomo, or the Dome. Slowing down, once reaching a certain side street, he sniffed the air and snarled. Vieri’s men were nearby, he could tell by the stench. They were on the west side, blocking his way. Cursing softly, he didn’t have time to go around them. Looking to the rooftops, he slid over to a ladder, scrambling up it and quickly moving faster. The tiles were wet with dew, making his feet almost slid off, but he held on.

He saw the Palazzo Auditore in view and he watched carefully and climbed down the wall. Gripping it with his hands, he made sure no-one saw his actions. Landing on the ground, his feet surged with a sense of paralysation. Shaking it off, he dashed over to the palazzo and saw his intended receiver, Giovanni Auditore. He was standing in the back of the palazzo, a very serious gaze held out on the crowd. Something told him that Ezio hadn’t returned home after the fight. Knowing only that Giovanni would reprimand him like his Uncle, he walked forward, showing himself.

“Ah Acario, I didn’t expect you to beat Ezio here,” he said, a very dominating and fatherly tone in his voice, which made Acario slightly recoil, “What brings you here? And I’m sure I don’t want to know where that wound came from.”

Hesitating, Acario retrieved the letter and handed it to him, his breath catching up to him finally.

“It’s from Aphrodite’s father,” he said until he heard snickers from behind.

Federico was behind them, smiling broadly. Glaring at him, Acario resisted snarling in front of Giovanni. Reading the letter, his face seemed to make a slight darker tone but Acario wasn’t sure if it was for a truly bad reason. Sighing, he looked up to Acario and guided him inside his office and gestured him to sit down.

“Now, Acario, I’m taking a guess in saying Miguel doesn’t know anything about this,” he asked, gesturing to his head and then turned his attention to shifting through a few papers on his desk.

“No he doesn’t. I escaped his presence all morning, which was either a really good idea, or a bad one. But I haven’t seen Ezio, is he alright?” he warily asked, not knowing whether it was a good idea to ask.

“Ezio has not returned since last night, disappointingly, but I will see to it he will get a similar punishment to you,” he said, looking up from the papers, a very fatherly and amusing smile on his face.

Acario groaned on the inside. When his Uncle, Miguel, had suggested to Giovanni Auditore that he guide him when he wasn’t around, it also meant he could issue punishment and rewards. Last time, it was a punishment of doing several chores with Ezio, which ended up with Acario nearly tearing Ezio in half. He usually worked well with him, but Acario wasn’t the most desirable person at times, usually when he was getting used to special events in his life. Looking tired, he laid back in the chair, trying not to look too bored.

Giovanni got to his feet and walked over to Acario and placed a hand on his shoulder. A surge of fear shot through his body and he lowered his head, defeat filling him.

“Because of your injury and its cruelty, I’ll let you off easy, but this doesn’t mean that you’ll get out of it later, I’ll let Miguel know of this brief punishment.”

“Thank you Messer Auditore, but what does this punishment require me to do?” he asked, knowing it wasn’t going to be harsh until he saw his Uncle.

Giovanni smiled pleasantly, leaning over to his ear and whispering softly. If Acario had ears like a dog, they’d be laid back in fear.

Returning back onto the streets, Acario knew that his Uncle had beaten him to see Giovanni. His head throbbed in pain, which finally reached his conscience. Letting his head hang back, the cool breeze licked his face, cooling his once over heated body temperature. Weaving his way through the crowd, dodging couriers, making sure if he did bump one, he’d catch the load instantly. His feet weren’t sore but sleep tired, which made him sway in step. He approached the Palazzo Medici, which Acario was told to go. Looking up at its walls, he was amazed that even though it looked quite intimidating, he felt a sense of security and friendship. Moving towards the courtyard, he heard Lorenzo’s voice, telling somebody or someone about leaving to somewhere. Quickly turning in, Lorenzo spied him and greeted him warmly.

“Acario, welcome friend. What may I do for you?” he asked, before turning back to the servants.

“Uncle Miguel sent me to assist in your leaving. If there is anything I have to do,” he said, spying the heavy loads and narrowing his eyes. Oh all things he had to see first.

Lorenzo looked at him and turned back, walking over to a small crate. Beckoning him forward, Acario forced his legs to move. Looking at it, he thought it would be a light load, he was wrong.

“I need you to take this with the servants to the caravan. Be extremely careful Acario, what’s in there is valuable,” he warned, allowing him to leave once he had finished.

Bowing, he walked over to it and slowly picked it up, only to find himself being weighed down by it. Groaning slightly, he lifted it up, hearing his back strain. Hearing the servants giggle, he snorted and walked on, following the few servants ahead of him. Listening carefully to the streets, he noticed the few pacing steps of guards, who seemed a little preoccupied with something. Passing it off, he managed to get to the caravan and place his small but heavy load onto it. Stretching his back, he heard the familiar cracking sound of his back muscles and shook himself slightly, loosening his muscles. Turning back, he noticed something was wrong. Listening carefully to the sounds in the street, he noticed an excited chatter about an execution in a few days time. Huffing slightly, Acario wandered back to his palazzo.

Dragging his feet, eyes barely adapting to the light of the full morning, he heard the familiar bustling merchants and buyers. Travellers wandered around, admiring the sights. Rounding towards the route to home, he saw Ezio ahead. He hurried his pace and knocked him down playfully. Watching Ezio flounder, he looked up and smirked. Reaching out his hand, he pulled Ezio to his feet.

“You got busted huh? Man, I’m wondering if I got let off easily,” he said, letting go of Acario’s hand.

Shrugging, Acario sighed and rubbed his head.

“Well, thanks to Veiri, I get off but once this thing leaves my head, I’m doomed,” he laughed, turning towards the route home, “What do you have to do?”

“Courier assignments,” he said blankly.

“Well, good luck with that,” he smiled, starting to leave, “Say hi to you sorella for me.”

Hearing Ezio mouth off in the distance, Acario chuckled and continued to walk, feeling slightly revived. Reaching his palazzo, he stuck to the back garden, the flowers scent stuffing up his nose. Sneezing, he bit his tongue and cursed loudly. Looking up, he saw his Uncle in the doorway, glaring at him. Walking up to him, he hid his eyes, trying not to intercept them.

“Morning Uncle, have a nice night?”

Miguel glared at Acario, letting him sneak pass almost silently.

“Inside, NOW!” he roared, making Acario dart in and quickly hide.
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Let's meet Acario's love, isn't she just random? Still taking suggestions to his new name. All comments are welomed.