Status: New chapters coming every day :)

These are my letters to you..

Dear Heart-Fixer

Dear Heart-Fixer,

I really do love you!

Okay well this is defiantly harder than I thought it would be, even harder than writing my bestfriends. I cannot believe how much you mean to me in just a short amount of time, without realizing it you have made everything wrong in my life vanish. You have made me the happiest I have ever been, and you did it in just a couple of weeks. You will never know just how much you mean to me and I don’t think you ever will.

I remember the first day I started talking to you only 2/3 months ago... we chatted about random crap and I couldn’t help but smile at the stuff you were saying. We carried on talking, days became weeks and before I knew it everything that had happened to me in the past was finally beginning to disappear from my mind and I could be happy for now.

I told myself that I wasn’t falling for you that it was just because we had been talking so much that I was feeling this way. Then you told me you liked me, and that you knew what I was going through after ‘Him..’ so you shouldn’t have said it. But you did. Then my secret Wifeey told me I should get with you, ‘You’d be really cute together, and I know he wouldn’t hurt you’ and I would just reply with ‘I don’t feel that way about him though’ and for a while I wanted to believe it. I wasn’t ready to go get my heart broken again. I wasn’t ready to be with someone when I personally didn’t know if I could handle it. I didn’t want to be torn up again; I had just spent half the year trying to hold myself together...

Every time we spoke I thought about it, each time pushing the feelings that were trying to surface back down again. I couldn’t be put through it all again... And then something happened. I met you before going to my Bestfriends gig and you hugged me... just a hug but to me it was the key. A key that unlocked all the feelings I have been trying to hide, and it let them surface and for once I didn’t try to hide them again. The night went on and after spending more time with you the stronger I felt towards you. That night when we walked back to mine I just wanted to kiss you... but I didn’t want to ruin what we had built so I didn’t. However I did let you know how I felt. And because of that is why we are together today.

I’m so lucky to have you baby, you mean the world and still more... so much I cannot explain. Thank you for coming into my life when you did and thank you for saving me from my past 

I Love You So Much
Gemma <3
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For you see, each day I love you more.
Today more than yesterday but less than i will tomorrow.