The One Who Sings

Chapter uno

"Mom! Dad! Anna! I'm home!" I screamed into my lovely home.
But seriously the place looked like a freggin mansion! It had 9 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms. In the back yard we have a large swimming pool and a garden filled with lucious flowers. As I walked into our kitchen I cenced another presence in the house. As I steped foot into the kitchen I saw another man who seemed to be in his late 20's but what shocked me wad the fact that he had the same eyes as my friend Danny.
My father spoke first "Nice of you to join us Abbie. We would like to intruduce you to Dr. Carlisle Cullen."
"Nice to meet you Dr.Cullen." I smiled to him and shook his hand. I knew the moment I touched his ice cold hands that he was a vampire. I secretly checked into my families mind to see if the knew. Nope, no one knew. Why does my family have to be so clueless? Wait I could answer that myself. It's because their MY family. Sigh.
"Nice to meet you too Abbie and please call me Carlisle." he said with a smile. I need some information to see if I could trust this blond. But the only reason why I'm asking questions is so he won't be suspicious if I ask how is his family.
"So Carlisle, if I may ask, do you have a family? Like a wife and kids?" I asked trying to look innocent minded. But I knew he had one cause I smelled about 8 other people off of him.
"Abbie! It's rude to ask guests such questions. I'm sure Dr. Cullen would wish to speak of other things." my mother told me. But do I ever listen? Ummm. . . Nope not really.
"Haha it's fine Millie. And yes Abbie I do have a family." he smiled. I think I'll just psych him out.
"Let me guess you have one wife and 6 kids and one granddaughter." I smiled wickedly at his shocked expression.
"Yes. How exactly did you know that?" Carlisle asked curiously.
"I know exactly what you are Mr. Cullen and I suggest you state your purpose in coming here, now!" I exclaimed already getting frustrated. I decided at that moment to got to the fridge and get an apple. My parents and little sister looked severely confused.
"Only if you tell me how exactly you know what I am and about my family." he said as he keeled his calm exposure.
"it's quite a simple answer really," I took a bite out of my apple,"it's called magic" I smirked as I chewed, if that's possible I probably looked like a fool.
"As far as magic goes I guess I can say that I believe it. I should of said this before you let me into the house." My family were finally on guard. I tell you only my family.
"I am a Vampire." said Carlisle. My parents got their wands out while my sister was looking for hers. The day she might actually need it is the day she loses it. What kind of Witch is she!
Carlisle continued his explanation "I only came here by order of the Voltarie to see what other types of creatures is in this world. You have proven out theory that there are other things in this world that we just can't explain."
"I see. Now you know that me and my family is magic," I steped toasted him so that the only thing that was separating us is about 2 feet, "I would like to ask you a question."
"Go ahead."
"What do you eat because your eyes are not red" I smirked and waited for his reply
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I am sooooo sorry that I have neglected Mibba!!!
I have no excuse but laziness :( but please review