"Keep your hands off my girl!" "But, I don't like girls!"

Chapter Five

Charlee's P.O.V
I heard the door open and Billie's leather jacket crinkle as he took it off. I heaved myself off the sofa and walked through to the hallway.
"Hey hun." He looked at me and sighed.
"So. So! How'd it go with Gerard?" His eyes widened to twice their size. They're lovely and big as it is, so it was pretty scary.
"What?" Billie said, sounding as scared as he looked.
"With Gerard, did you talk to him?" He looked normal again.
"Oh. Yeah, we talked."
"And." He smiled.
"Well, he's not interested in you." I nodded.
"You see? You were worried for nothing! Did he tell you he's....?"
"Gay? Yeah." I nodded.
"So enough with the jealousy, ok babe? We're just friends." He nodded. I wrapped my arms around him. "You're awful quiet!" He shrugged and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm just tired."
"Ok then, if that's all it is." I walked through to the kitchen and rooted through to cupboard.
"Shit! We're out of chocolate!" He laughed.
"What a catastrophe!"
"It is, no joke!" He laughed again. I grinned and came back though.
"You got any money, babe? I'll go to the store." He nodded and pulled two five dollar bills out of his pocket.
"Will you get some fags while you're out too? It's been.... kind of intense today." I nodded.
"Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I found out..." He looked very scared for a mommet.
"Found out what?"
"That Gee Gee's gay." He sighed.
"Oh." I took the money off him and headed for the door.
"I won't be long."
"Charlee?" I turned around.
"What?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I... love you." He said, with a voice that was almost strained. I smiled.
"I know." And I left to get what we needed.

Billie's P.O.V
I typed in Gerard's number on our phone. I waited as the dial tone sounded a couple of times. Then I heard his brother's voice.
"Hello?" I slammed the reciever down. I waited a good ten minutes before ringing back. Luckily, Gerard answered this time.
"Hi Gerard, it's Billie." He sighed.
"Hello." He said, all blissed out. I bit my lip.
"I uh, I rang earlier, but your brother answered." He snorted.
"Oh, HIM. Yeah, he's been making my life hell since he.... caught us." He laughed. "It was worth it though." He was not going to make this easy for me.
"So I, uh, I've thought about.... "it" and... I'm gonna stay. With Charlee." There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah, I'm, I'm here... um..." I could here him sniffing, "But I thought... I thought what we had was special...."
"It was. It is! I just.... can't leave her, she loves me so much..."
"But you don't love her!"
"I do! I do, its.... complicated." I knew it sounded corny, but it was! Gerard scoffed.
"What's complicated? If you don't love someone, you don't stay with them!"
"Look, we live together! We have a future together! We have a past together! What do we have Gerard? Pure feelings aren't enough." I sighed. "This makes the most sense." There was silence. Then he spoke.
"You don't have to do what makes the most sense..." I sighed.
"Look, I get it. You're freaked out. But if you could get past that, think how amazing this could be..."
"I've made my decision, Gerard." I said. He sighed mournfully on the other end of the phone.
"But... I love you!" He whimpered. I nodded.
"I love you too." I paused. "And that scares the living shit outta me..."