"Keep your hands off my girl!" "But, I don't like girls!"

Chapter Seven

Billie's P.O.V
In the living room with Charlee, watching TV. I keep thinking about Gerard. Had I done the right thing? I DID love Charlee, but I loved him too. And now that I thought about it, I'd much rather be watching TV with him. Although we probably wouldn't be watching TV if he was over... No! No, Billie! You're with Charlee! You made your choice. Even though it was the wrong one.... An almighty crash from outside interrupted my thoughts. Charlee jumped slightly.
"What the fuck?" We both stood up. I turned to her.
"You stay here, I'm gonna find out what the hell's going on." I left her in the living room, a puzzled expression on her face and opened the door. Gerard was leaning against the upturned wheelie bin, a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. An empty bottle.
"Drink?" He said, smiling up at me and offering me the bottle. I shook my head, sighing.
"My god, Gerard." I helped him to his feet. He pretty much collapsed onto me.
"Oh my god!" My head turned sharply inside. Charlee was standing at the door, looking very concerned. "Is he ok?" She asked anxiously, walking up to us. Gerard gave her a look of, it has to be said, pure venom.
"Fuck off. Get away from MY Billie." He slurred. Charlee backed away, looking hurt and confused. I sighed.
"I'll take him home, ok?" She nodded.
"This isn't like him Billie." She said, sighing, "I don't know what's made him drink this much." I shrugged, even though I knew fine well why he was in this state. And that made me feel even worse. Charlee went back inside and closed the door. I walked back to Gerard's house, with him clinging to me like a limpet. Once we turned the corner to his street, he stopped and smiled at me.
"Allone at lasht." He kissed me on the lips. I pushed him off me gently. "I love you." He said weakly, stroking my hair. "And I know you love me." I sighed. It was true. I did. I was so angry with myself for breaking up with him, but what else could I do? So I said nothing and walked him to his house. I knocked on the door. A woman answered, a woman that had to be his mother. I let go of Gerard. Holding him up was a pretty clear sign that he was wasted. But this was a big mistake. He fell forward slowly and I had to catch him. His mother sighed angrily.
"Gerard Arthur Way, what kind of trouble have you been in this time?" Mikey laughed from inside.
"It's pretty obvious, mom. He's drunk." She turned inside and pointed at him.
"You, shush. Keep that sharp little tongue of yours to yourself, Michael. It's not like you're a saint." She turned to me. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Gerard's grip tightened on me.
"He's my boyf..."
"I'm Billie Joe." I interruped quickly. "I'm one of Gerard's... friends." Mikey whooped with laughter.
"Oh yeah! One of his FRIENDS, right Billie?" He gave me an extremely over-the-top wink, which I'm sure he thought was increadibly subtle. Gerard flipped him the finger.
"Shuddup, Mikey!" He spat drunkenly at his kid brother. Mikey laughed and raised his hands in surrender. Gerard's mom sighed and put a hand to her forehead.
"Well, thanks for bringing him home." Mikey scoffed.
"Yeah, thanks a million for bringing this drunkerd to our doorstep!"
"Michael!" She crossed the room and slapped him smartly on the nose. Gerard wrapped his arms around me. I sighed.
"Come on Gerard." I tried to prize him off me, but he just coiled his arms around me tighter.
"No." He mumbled. "Wanna shtay with you." I eventually got him off me, with his moms help. She mouthed a final, "Thanks" to me and closed the door. I walked back to my house. I had made the wrong choice. I loved him more than I loved Charlee. I sighed, fed up and depressed. I was stuck with her now, with the knowledge that I could have been with someone I really loved. As I walked back, I came to the conclusion that I had to tell her. She had to know. It was time to come clean with her. God, she was gonna be so crushed. I opened the door to our house. God, our house. We lived together. Oh, fuckity fuck! I heard her laughing on the phone. I listened to her laugh, her beautiful, loud laugh that I always made fun of for one last time. I was about to walk in, then I heard her speaking on the phone. "I can't wait to be with you. I'll just tell Billie I'm out shopping or something..." I frowned. Who was she going to see? And why couldn't I know about it? I listened carefully and heard her laugh again. "You are sooo bad." There was a pause as she sighed dreamily. "What are you wearing, right now?" Then there was another pause and she started to giggle uncontrollably. I scoffed in sheer disbelief. I had loved her, cared for her, written songs about her, fucked up things with the guy I loved for her and this was how she repaid me? I had held back being who I wanted to be because I was scared of hurting her. And all the while she couldn't give a shit about me. I heard her say "Bye baby." And shutting off her phone. And I ran. I ran through the open door. I ran to my car. I started up the engine and drove. Where, I didn't know. And I didn't care. Everything I owned was in that house. My clothes, my books, my cds. But I could buy new clothes. I could buy new Cds. Fuck the books, I never read anyway. I felt angry tears running down my face. I wasn't angry that she was cheating on me, even though that was pretty upseting, I was angry mostly with myself. For being so naive